NAV Navbar


The essensys Operate API enables easy integration with other systems to enhance existing capabilities or build custom applications. You can use the dark panel on the right hand side to view example JSON requests and responses.

We have created example starter projects for IOS Swift 3, Android (Java), Android (Kotlin) and PHP.

Example Android Studio 2 (Java) project:

Example Android Studio 3 (Kotlin) project:

Example iOS (Swift 3) project:

Example PHP code:

Records, Queries, Filters

The essensys Operate API can return individual records by appending the id to the endpoint, or can be queried for multiple records conforming to some criteria. The fields returned can be reduced to a defined subset.


Each endpoint can typically access individual records using an id.

For example


You can query the API by providing an expression after the endpoint:

For example: return all the Calendars where the resourceid is 2726[resource]=%272726%27

Note: %27 is the URL encoding for ‘


The response from the API can be reduced to a defined subset of fields by appending a list of fields at the end of the query:


For example

Return contactname, duration, startdate and enddate for calendar with resource id of 2726.[resource]=%272726%27AND[startdate]%3E=%272016-09-01%27AND[enddate]%3C=%272016-09-30%27&fields=[contactname,duration,startdate,enddate]

Where a GET request returns an Array of one or more items. Included with the fields will be

Field Type Description
row_num int incremented integer for the JSON response starting at 1

HTTP Methods


curl \
 -H 'Authorization: Bearer gAA...X-w'

Need header: - “Authorization: Bearer nnnnn…” where nnnnn… is access token.


curl  -X PUT \
 -H 'Authorization: Bearer gAAAAI...q3w' \
 -d data='{"accounts": [{"clientname": "The Client Name","clienttype": "2","enddate": "22/10/2013","startdate": "22/10/2013"}]}' \

Need header: - “Authorization: Bearer gAAAAI…q3w” where gAAAAI…q3w is access token.

Need to pass data=‘{…}’ where {…} is the JSON object


curl -X DELETE \
 -H "Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8" \
 -H "Authorization: Bearer xxxxx" \
 -d "itemid=1" \

Need headers: - “Authorization: Bearer nnnnn…” where nnnnn… is access token. - “Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8”

Need to pass data “itemid=NNNN” where NNNN is the identifier



All datatypes are wrapped in strings in the JSON response / JSON body, for example from Account “billday”: “3”

The following types are defined in addition to string to help describe the contents of those strings:

Type Description
boolean true or false
int Integer can be positive or negative whole number.
currency value including the currency symbol e.g. £33.50
date date and time ISO 8601 see Dates below for more information
decimal a value with decimal places.
object contains a JSON object with its fields and datatypes.
percent number followed by %
time hh:mm


ISO 8601 combined date and time with UTC offset.

Queries can use certain abbreviations of full date and time strings.

For example:




Access and Refresh Tokens:

curl -H 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8' \
     -X POST \
     -d 'grant_type=password&client_id=trustedclient&client_secret=8bf2d32e-dddd-yyyy-xxxx-38c2fc413858&scope=hubapi&' \ 

Access and Refresh Token extracted from JSON response (note tokens trunked below)


essensys Operate uses the OAuth 2.0 protocol for authentication and authorization. To start making calls to the API you can follow the steps below:

Please contact to arrange this.

This is done by passing the client_secret from the App registration to:

Note: Add header for the content type for the call:

'Content Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8'

'Authorization: Bearer gAA...X-w'



Accounts represent business entities. There are three types of Account records: Prospect, Customer or Broker.

Account is the key endpoint for creating, modifying and deleting a Prospect, Customer or Broker.

An Account has an Account Type default value for Account Type is -1 Customer.

Group Account is used to organize Accounts that belong to the same customer, who use different locations.

Account Code, Account Fixed Exchange Rate, Activity History, Batch Charge Sheet, Booking Charge, Booking Conflict, Calendar, Current Charge, Draft Invoice, Email Group, Group Account, Invoice Line, Journals, Licence, Metered Batch Charge Sheet, Note, Open Task, Opportunity, Payment, Standard Discount, Task, Tour, Transaction and Volume Discount can reference accountid


curl \
 -H 'Authorization: Bearer gAA...X-w'
    "response": {
        "id": "b60ba154-4269-4292-bbbb-ad75f21974da",
        "status": "OK",
        "providername": "Operate API",
        "datetimeutc": "06/07/2017 16:02:02",
        "accounts": [
                "row_num": "1",
                "clientname": "Test2",
                "outputvalue_clientname": "Test2",
                "accounttype_id": "-1",
                "outputvalue_accounttype_id": "Customer",
                "accountid": "572467",
                "outputvalue_accountid": "572467",
                "balance": "0.0000",
                "outputvalue_balance": "0.0000",
                "broker": "0",
                "agentcontact": "0",
                "brokerfirstname": null,
                "outputvalue_brokerfirstname": null,
                "brokerlastname": null,
                "outputvalue_brokerlastname": null,
                "campaign_id": "0",
                "chargevat": "true",
                "outputvalue_chargevat": "true",
                "clienttype": "1",
                "outputvalue_clienttype": "Residential",
                "companylogourl": "/SPACECONTROL/v2/Controls/img/no_image.jpg",
                "output_companylogourl": "/SPACECONTROL/v2/Controls/img/no_image.jpg",
                "createdby": "Paul Smith",
                "outputvalue_createdby": "Paul Smith",
                "creationdate": "2017-07-06T14:20:03+00:00",
                "outputvalue_creationdate": "2017-07-06T14:20:03+00:00",
                "earliesttransactiondateallowed": "1899-12-31T00:00:00+00:00",
                "outputvalue_earliesttransactiondateallowed": "1899-12-31T00:00:00+00:00",
                "emailinvoice": "true",
                "outputvalue_emailinvoice": "true",
                "enddate": "2017-06-22T00:00:00+00:00",
                "outputvalue_enddate": "2017-06-22T00:00:00+00:00",
                "fulladdress": null,
                "outputvalue_fulladdress": null,
                "hasactivelicence": "0",
                "outputvalue_hasactivelicence": "0",
                "includebfwd": "false",
                "outputvalue_includebfwd": "false",
                "showcalldetails": "false",
                "outputvalue_showcalldetails": "false",
                "includeitemisedbill": "true",
                "outputvalue_includeitemisedbill": "true",
                "includestatement": "false",
                "outputvalue_includestatement": "false",
                "isexternal": "false",
                "outputvalue_isexternal": "false",
                "isresidential": "true",
                "outputvalue_isresidential": "true",
                "isvirtual": "false",
                "outputvalue_isvirtual": "false",
                "leaddadiagent": "false",
                "outputvalue_leaddadiagent": "false",
                "leaddadiid": "595fb39d-8478-42cb-89e8-a926178df779",
                "outputvalue_leaddadiid": "595fb39d-8478-42cb-89e8-a926178df779",
                "location": "0",
                "meetingpackageid": "0",
                "onaccount": "false",
                "outputvalue_onaccount": "false",
                "onlinebill": "0",
                "outputvalue_onlinebill": "0",
                "organization": "1",
                "outputvalue_organization": "essensys Ltd",
                "overridediscount": "0",
                "outputvalue_overridediscount": "0%",
                "user_id": "0",
                "printinvoice": "false",
                "outputvalue_printinvoice": "false",
                "recordtype": "1",
                "outputvalue_recordtype": "Account",
                "registeredaddresssingleline": null,
                "outputvalue_registeredaddresssingleline": null,
                "registeredfulladdress": null,
                "outputvalue_registeredfulladdress": null,
                "singlelineaddress": null,
                "outputvalue_singlelineaddress": null,
                "startdate": "2017-10-22T00:00:00+00:00",
                "outputvalue_startdate": "2017-10-22T00:00:00+00:00",
                "updatedate": "2017-07-06T14:25:44+00:00",
                "outputvalue_updatedate": "2017-07-06T14:25:44+00:00",
                "updatedby": "Paul Smith",
                "outputvalue_updatedby": "Paul Smith"
        "totalCount": "1"

PUT (Minimum) JSON Body

    "accounts": [
            "clientname": "",
            "accounttype_id": "Item from list",
            "clienttype": "Item from list",
            "enddate": "22/10/2013",
            "startdate": "22/10/2013"

PUT (Full) JSON Body

    "accounts": [
            "accountalias": "Darren",
            "clientname": "Darren",
            "accounttype_id": "Item from list",
            "accountsid": "",
            "addressline1": "",
            "addressline2": "",
            "addressline3": "",
            "agenttype": "Item from list",
            "bankaccountname": "",
            "accno": "",
            "bankcode": "",
            "billday": "Selected item",
            "broker": "Item from list",
            "agentcontact": "Item from list",
            "agentemail": "",
            "agentreference": "",
            "campaign_id": "Item from list",
            "chargevat": "True",
            "clienttype": "Item from list",
            "companylogo": "",
            "companyno": "",
            "contact": "",
            "country": "",
            "county": "",
            "creditlimit": "£0.00",
            "ddreference": "Darren ",
            "ddi": "",
            "departmentnumber": "",
            "emailaddress": "",
            "emailinvoice": "True",
            "enddate": "22/10/2013",
            "faxno": "+44 845 303 1000",
            "firstname": "Darren",
            "forwardaddresscountry": "",
            "forwardaddresscounty": "",
            "forwardaddressfax": "",
            "forwardaddressfirstname": "",
            "forwardaddresslastname": "",
            "forwardaddressline1": "",
            "forwardaddressline2": "",
            "forwardaddressline3": "",
            "forwardaddresspostcode": "",
            "forwardaddresstelephone": "+44 845 303 1000",
            "forwardaddresstown": "Town",
            "freetext": "",
            "groupaccount": "Item from list",
            "includebfwd": "True",
            "showcalldetails": "True",
            "includeitemisedbill": "True",
            "includestatement": "True",
            "industry": "Item from list",
            "invoicebccaddress": "",
            "invoiceccaddress": "",
            "invoiceemailaddress": "",
            "lastname": "Smith",
            "leadsource": "Item from list",
            "leaddadiagent": "True",
            "location": "Item from list",
            "meetingpackageid": "Item from list",
            "mobileno": "07111 211211",
            "bankname": "Bank PLC",
            "onaccount": "True",
            "onlinebill": "True",
            "shopperreference": "",
            "overridediscount": "100%",
            "user_id": "Item from list",
            "paymenttoken": "",
            "postcode": "",
            "printinvoice": "True",
            "registeredaddresscountry": "",
            "registeredaddresscounty": "",
            "registeredaddressline1": "",
            "registeredaddressline2": "",
            "registeredaddressline3": "",
            "registeredaddresspostcode": "",
            "registeredtelephone": "+44 845 303 1000",
            "registeredaddresstown": "",
            "regisiteredfax": "",
            "rentalpaymentterm": "Item from list",
            "rentalpaymenttype": "Item from list",
            "siccode": "",
            "standardpaymentterm": "Item from list",
            "paymenttype": "Item from list",
            "startdate": "22/10/2013",
            "phoneno": "+44 845 303 1000",
            "town": "Town",
            "vatno": "",
            "website": ""
curl  -X PUT \
 -H 'Authorization: Bearer gAA...X-w' \
 -d data='{"accounts": [{"clientname": "The Client Name","clienttype": "2","enddate": "22/10/2013","startdate": "22/10/2013"}]}' \


curl -X DELETE \
 -H "Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8" \
 -H "Authorization: Bearer xxxxx" \
 -d "itemid=572467" \
Field Type Size Description
accountalias string 255
accountid int Reference to the Account
accounttype_id int accounttypeid from Account Type
addressline1 string 255
addressline2 string 255
addressline3 string 255
agentcontact int contactid from Contact the broker who brought the client.
agentemail string 255
agentreference string 255
agenttype int agenttypeid from Agent Type
balance decimal 18
bankaccountname string 255
bankcode string 255
bankname string
billday int Day of the month 1-31
broker int accountid from Account. The broker through which the account has been acquired.
brokerfirstname string 255
brokerlastname string 255
campaign_id int campaignid from Email Campaign
chargevat boolean
clientname string
clientType int from Client Type
companylogourl string
companyno string 255
contact string 255
country string 255
county string 255
createdby string fullname from User
creationdate date
creditlimit currency The maximum amount of credit extended to a client.
ddi string 20 Direct Debit Instructions
ddreference string 255
departmentnumber string 255 The Department within your Organization that manages the Account.
deposit currency
earliesttransactiondateallowed date When the first transaction can be recorded.
emailaddress string
emailinvoice boolean Account opts to receive invoices via email.
enddate date End date of the business relationship.
faxno string
firstname string 255
forwardaddresscountry string 255
forwardaddresscounty string 255
forwardaddressfax string 255
forwardaddressfirstname string 255
forwardaddresslastname string 255
forwardaddressline1 string 255
forwardaddressline2 string 255
forwardaddressline3 string 255
forwardaddresspostcode string 20
forwardaddresstelephone string 255
forwardaddresstown string 255
freetext string 255
fulladdress string
groupaccount int groupaccountid from Group Account
hasactivelicence boolean
includebfwd boolean
includeitemisedbill boolean Select if the client requires a detailed bill, per item
includestatement boolean
industry int industryid from Industry
invoicebccaddress string
invoiceccaddress string
invoiceemailaddress string
isexternal boolean Account not renting longterm.
isresidential boolean Account occupies an office longterm.
isvirtual boolean Account only uses virtual services.
lastinvoicedate date
leaddadiagent boolean
leaddadiid string
leadsource int leadsourceid from Lead Source
location int locationid from Location. The building where Account is registered.
meetingpackageid int meetingpackageid from Meeting Package
onaccount boolean Portal purchases not invoiced immediately, but added to account.
onlinebill boolean Account views invoices on Portal.
organization int organizationid from Organization
overridediscount percent
phoneno string
postcode string 20
printinvoice boolean
recordtype int recordtypeid from Record Type
registeredaddresscountry string 255
registeredaddresscounty string 255
registeredaddressline1 string 255
registeredaddressline2 string 255
registeredaddressline3 string 255
registeredaddresssingleline string
registeredaddresstown string
regisiteredfax string 20
registeredfulladdress string
registeredtelephone string 20
rentalpaymentterm string 255 paymenttermname from Payment Term Represents how much time an Account has between their billing date and Invoice due date for rental related invoices.
rentalpaymenttype string 255 paymenttermname from Payment Type Represents the payment method used for rental services.
shopperreference string 255
showcalldetails boolean
siccode string 255
singlelineaddress string 4000
standardpaymentterm int paymenttermid from Payment Term How much time an Account has between their billing date and Invoice due date for all invoices except rental related.
startdate date Date when business relationship starts.
town string 50
unitnumbers string
updatedate date
updatedby string 255 fullname from User
user_id int userid from User
vatno string 255
website string 255

Account Code

Account Codes are used to identify the account to charge for Device Imports.


curl \
 -H 'Authorization: Bearer gAA...X-w'
    "response": {
        "id": "94d2a785-5152-4f83-aaef-fc8866eef5e8",
        "status": "OK",
        "providername": "Operate API",
        "datetimeutc": "08/08/2017 13:20:16",
        "accountcodes": [
                "row_num": "1",
                "account": "12",
                "outputvalue_account": "UK Marketing Team",
                "accountcode": "1",
                "outputvalue_accountcode": "1",
                "accountcodeid": "2",
                "outputvalue_accountcodeid": "2",
                "createdby": "Paul Smith",
                "outputvalue_createdby": "Paul Smith",
                "creationdate": "2017-08-08T13:17:00+00:00",
                "outputvalue_creationdate": "2017-08-08T13:17:00+00:00",
                "deviceimport": "1",
                "outputvalue_deviceimport": "Elephant Call Logger",
                "updatedate": "2017-08-08T13:17:00+00:00",
                "outputvalue_updatedate": "2017-08-08T13:17:00+00:00",
                "updatedby": "Paul Smith",
                "outputvalue_updatedby": "Paul Smith"
        "totalCount": "1"

PUT (Minimum and Full) JSON Body

    "accountcodes": [
            "account": "12",
            "accountcode": "1",
            "deviceimport": "1"
Field Type Size Description
account int accountid from Account
accountcode string 255
createdby string 255 fullname from User
creationdate date
deviceimport int deviceimportid from Device Import
recordtype int recordtypeid from Record Type
updatedate date
updatedby string 255 fullname from User

Account Fixed Exchange Rate

Sets a fixed exchange rate for an Account.


curl \
 -H 'Authorization: Bearer gAA...X-w'
    "response": {
        "id": "7284e8f4-25e6-4b81-9e7a-63815516588a",
        "status": "OK",
        "providername": "Operate API",
        "datetimeutc": "08/08/2017 12:46:25",
        "accountfixedexchangerates": [
                "row_num": "1",
                "account": "12",
                "outputvalue_account": "UK Marketing Team",
                "accountfixedexchangerateid": "1",
                "outputvalue_accountfixedexchangerateid": "1",
                "createdby": "Paul Smith",
                "outputvalue_createdby": "Paul Smith",
                "creationdate": "2017-08-08T12:45:55+00:00",
                "outputvalue_creationdate": "2017-08-08T12:45:55+00:00",
                "currencycode": "1",
                "outputvalue_currencycode": "1",
                "enddate": "2013-10-22T00:00:00+00:00",
                "outputvalue_enddate": "2013-10-22T00:00:00+00:00",
                "exchangerate": "1.1",
                "outputvalue_exchangerate": "1.1",
                "sitecurrency": "GBP",
                "outputvalue_sitecurrency": "GBP",
                "startdate": "2013-10-22T00:00:00+00:00",
                "outputvalue_startdate": "2013-10-22T00:00:00+00:00",
                "updatedate": "2017-08-08T12:45:55+00:00",
                "outputvalue_updatedate": "2017-08-08T12:45:55+00:00",
                "updatedby": "Paul Smith",
                "outputvalue_updatedby": "Paul Smith"
        "totalCount": "1"

PUT (Minimum and Full) JSON Body

    "accountfixedexchangerates": [
            "account": "12",
            "currencycode": "1",
            "enddate": "22/10/2013",
            "exchangerate": "1.1",
            "startdate": "22/10/2013"
Field Type Size Description
account int accountid from Account
accountfixedexchangerateid int Reference to the Account Fixed Exchange Rate
createdby string 255 fullname from User
creationdate date
currencycode int currencyid from Currency
enddate date
exchangerate decimal The exchange rate applied to an account.
sitecurrency string
startdate date
updatedate date
updatedby string 255 fullname from User

Account Type

Default Account Types are: Prospect, Customer and Broker. Custom types can be created using a new Record Type.

An Account requires a reference to an accounttypeid.


curl \
 -H 'Authorization: Bearer gAA...X-w'
    "response": {
        "id": "4780cb1a-a67e-4f84-9329-375e940691b3",
        "status": "OK",
        "providername": "Operate API",
        "datetimeutc": "12/07/2017 10:20:01",
        "accounttypes": [
                "row_num": "1",
                "accounttypename": "Converted Lead",
                "outputvalue_accounttypename": "Converted Lead",
                "accounttypeid": "-6",
                "outputvalue_accounttypeid": "-6",
                "createdby": "admin",
                "outputvalue_createdby": "admin",
                "creationdate": "2015-08-06T06:26:11+00:00",
                "outputvalue_creationdate": "2015-08-06T06:26:11+00:00",
                "updatedate": "2015-08-06T06:26:11+00:00",
                "outputvalue_updatedate": "2015-08-06T06:26:11+00:00",
                "updatedby": "admin",
                "outputvalue_updatedby": "admin"
        "totalCount": "1"
Field Type Size Description
accounttypename string
accounttypeid int reference to the Account Type
createdby string 255 fullname from User
creationdate date
updatedate date
updatedby string 255 fullname from User

Group Account

Group Accounts are used to organize Accounts that belong to one customer, who may exist across multiple locations.


curl \
 -H 'Authorization: Bearer gAA...X-w'
    "response": {
        "id": "8decafa8-c898-45ae-8021-4118b4095b93",
        "status": "OK",
        "providername": "Operate API",
        "datetimeutc": "14/08/2017 13:18:15",
        "groupaccounts": [
                "row_num": "1",
                "createdby": "Paul Smith",
                "outputvalue_createdby": "Paul Smith",
                "creationdate": "2017-08-14T13:18:11+00:00",
                "outputvalue_creationdate": "2017-08-14T13:18:11+00:00",
                "groupaccountid": "1",
                "outputvalue_groupaccountid": "1",
                "groupaccountname": "Test Group Account",
                "outputvalue_groupaccountname": "Test Group Account",
                "updatedate": "2017-08-14T13:18:11+00:00",
                "outputvalue_updatedate": "2017-08-14T13:18:11+00:00",
                "updatedby": "Paul Smith",
                "outputvalue_updatedby": "Paul Smith"
        "totalCount": "1"

PUT (minimum and full) JSON Body

    "groupaccounts": [
            "groupaccountid": "",
            "groupaccountname": "Darren"
Field Type Size Description
createdby string 255 fullname from User
creationdate date
groupaccountid int Reference to the Group Account
groupaccountname string 255
updatedate date
updatedby string 255 fullname from User

Meeting Credit

Gives clients free hours against meeting rooms/services for a set amount of time.


    "response": {
        "id": "95a61f22-2341-4b02-bba4-bf852db960cf",
        "status": "OK",
        "providername": "Operate API",
        "datetimeutc": "13/07/2017 13:52:53",
        "reservationdiscounts": [
                "createdby": "Paul Smith",
                "outputvalue_createdby": "Paul Smith",
                "creationdate": "2017-07-13T13:52:53",
                "outputvalue_creationdate": "2017-07-13T13:52:53",
                "discount": "12345",
                "outputvalue_discount": "12345",
                "validfrom": "2013-10-22T00:00:00",
                "outputvalue_validfrom": "2013-10-22T00:00:00",
                "volume": "12345",
                "outputvalue_volume": "12345",
                "reservationdiscountid": "1",
                "outputvalue_reservationdiscountid": "1",
                "validto": "2013-10-22T00:00:00",
                "outputvalue_validto": "2013-10-22T00:00:00",
                "updatedate": "2017-07-13T13:52:53",
                "outputvalue_updatedate": "2017-07-13T13:52:53",
                "updatedby": "Paul Smith",
                "outputvalue_updatedby": "Paul Smith"

PUT (minimum) JSON Body

    "reservationdiscounts": [
            "productgroup_id": "Item from list"

PUT (full) JSON Body

    "reservationdiscounts": [
            "accountname": "Item from list",
            "discount": "1,2345",
            "discount_type": "Selected item",
            "validfrom": "22/10/2013",
            "volume": "1,2345",
            "productgroup_id": "Item from list",
            "validto": "22/10/2013"
Field Type Size Description
createdby string 255 fullname from User
creationdate date
discount Percent discounted from unit price.
validfrom date
volume int
reservationdiscountid int Reference to the reservation discount
validto date
updatedate date
updatedby string 255 fullname from User

Accounts Receivable

Accounts Receivable

Provides a snapshot of the financial situation of your customers’ Accounts (e.g. balance, credit limit).

GET Only


curl \
     -H 'Authorization: Bearer gAAAAIsQFg_Nkh....fevnYzautrfLDg'
    "response": {
        "id": "cda93a50-e18f-47fb-b7e3-5dd2abfcf160",
        "status": "OK",
        "providername": "Operate API",
        "datetimeutc": "06/07/2017 13:40:00",
        "accountsreceivables": [
                "row_num": "1",
                "accountsreceivableid": "7",
                "outputvalue_accountsreceivableid": "7",
                "accountsreceivablename": "UK Sales Team",
                "outputvalue_accountsreceivablename": "UK Sales Team",
                "accountsid": "2",
                "outputvalue_accountsid": "2",
                "amountpaid": "0",
                "outputvalue_amountpaid": "0",
                "balance": "0.0000",
                "outputvalue_balance": "0.0000",
                "createdby": "RJMETIS\\smith",
                "outputvalue_createdby": "RJMETIS\\smith",
                "creationdate": "2016-07-01T09:53:53+00:00",
                "outputvalue_creationdate": "2016-07-01T09:53:53+00:00",
                "earliesttransactiondateallowed": "1899-12-31T00:00:00+00:00",
                "outputvalue_earliesttransactiondateallowed": "1899-12-31T00:00:00+00:00",
                "location": "1",
                "outputvalue_location": "Aldgate Tower",
                "organization": "1",
                "outputvalue_organization": "essensys Ltd",
                "telephone": "07764 447 414",
                "outputvalue_telephone": "07764 447 414",
                "updatedate": "2016-07-12T15:54:06+00:00",
                "outputvalue_updatedate": "2016-07-12T15:54:06+00:00",
                "updatedby": "Administrator",
                "outputvalue_updatedby": "Administrator"
        "totalCount": "1"
Field Type Size Description
accountsid int accountsid from Account
accountsreceivableid int reference to the Accounts Receivable item.
accountsreceivablename string
amountpaid currency The amount that the client has paid out of the outstanding balance.
balance decimal
createdby string 255 fullname from User
creationdate date
earliesttransactiondateallowed date
location int locationid from Location
organization int organizationid from Organization
telephone string
updatedate date
updatedby string 255 fullname from User

Accounts Receivable Payment Type

Stores information on the type of payment made: e.g.: via credit card, direct debit, cash, etc.


curl \
     -H 'Authorization: Bearer gAAAAIsQFg_Nkh....fevnYzautrfLDg'
    "response": {
        "id": "e8678f89-5129-4a2c-b458-8c69c58b302a",
        "status": "OK",
        "providername": "Operate API",
        "datetimeutc": "13/07/2017 16:44:54",
        "accountsreceivablepaymenttypes": [
                "row_num": "1",
                "createdby": "admin",
                "outputvalue_createdby": "admin",
                "creationdate": "2016-01-23T16:55:38+00:00",
                "outputvalue_creationdate": "2016-01-23T16:55:38+00:00",
                "paymenttype": "Direct Debit",
                "outputvalue_paymenttype": "Direct Debit",
                "paymenttypeid": "5",
                "outputvalue_paymenttypeid": "5",
                "updatedate": "2016-01-23T16:55:38+00:00",
                "outputvalue_updatedate": "2016-01-23T16:55:38+00:00",
                "updatedby": "admin",
                "outputvalue_updatedby": "admin"
        "totalCount": "1"
Field Type Size Description
createdby string 255 fullname from User
creationdate date
paymenttype string 255
paymenttypeid int Reference to the Payment Type.
updatedate date
updatedby string 255 fullname from User


A financial record representing a payment made by or to you.


    "response": {
        "id": "433786a8-595a-41e6-a42b-f4b852d79c42",
        "status": "OK",
        "providername": "Operate API",
        "datetimeutc": "08/08/2017 13:32:02",
        "transactions": [
                "row_num": "1",
                "accountname": null,
                "outputvalue_accountname": null,
                "account": "2",
                "accountno": null,
                "outputvalue_accountno": null,
                "amount": "0.0000",
                "outputvalue_amount": "0.0000",
                "bankcode": null,
                "outputvalue_bankcode": null,
                "createdby": "Paul Smith",
                "outputvalue_createdby": "Paul Smith",
                "creationdate": "2017-08-03T09:49:46+00:00",
                "outputvalue_creationdate": "2017-08-03T09:49:46+00:00",
                "credit": "0.0000",
                "outputvalue_credit": "0.0000",
                "date": "2013-10-22T00:00:00+00:00",
                "outputvalue_date": "2013-10-22T00:00:00+00:00",
                "ddagreed": "0",
                "outputvalue_ddagreed": "0",
                "ddreference": null,
                "outputvalue_ddreference": null,
                "debit": "0.0000",
                "outputvalue_debit": "0.0000",
                "bacsexported": "0",
                "outputvalue_bacsexported": "0",
                "finalddamount": "0.0000",
                "outputvalue_finalddamount": "0.0000",
                "gross": "0",
                "outputvalue_gross": "0",
                "includeinbacsexport": "false",
                "outputvalue_includeinbacsexport": "false",
                "net": "0",
                "outputvalue_net": "0",
                "outstanding": "0.0000",
                "outputvalue_outstanding": "0.0000",
                "paymenttype": "1",
                "outputvalue_paymenttype": "Cheque",
                "paymenttypename": "Cheque",
                "outputvalue_paymenttypename": "Cheque",
                "invoicenumber": "Test",
                "outputvalue_invoicenumber": "Test",
                "reference": "Test",
                "outputvalue_reference": "Test",
                "status": "4",
                "outputvalue_status": "4",
                "tax": "0",
                "outputvalue_tax": "0",
                "transactionname": "Payment Received",
                "outputvalue_transactionname": "Payment Received",
                "transactionid": "1100",
                "outputvalue_transactionid": "1100",
                "updatedate": "2017-08-03T09:49:46+00:00",
                "outputvalue_updatedate": "2017-08-03T09:49:46+00:00",
                "updatedby": "Paul Smith",
                "outputvalue_updatedby": "Paul Smith"
        "totalCount": "1"
Field Type Size Description
account int accountid from Account
accountname string 255
accountno string 255
amount decimal
bacsexported boolean
bankcode string 255
createdby string 255 fullname from User
creationdate date
credit decimal
date date
ddagreed boolean
ddreference string 255
debit decimal
finalddamount decimal
includeinbacsexport boolean
invoicenumber string 255
outstanding decimal
paymenttype int paymenttypeid from Payment Type
reference string 255
status int 4 = Unbooked, 5 = Booked
tax int taxid from Tax
transactionid int Reference to the Transaction
transactionname string 255
updatedate date
updatedby string 255 fullname from User


Meeting room bookings are found using the Calendar endpoint.

Calendar belongs to a resource Product, which in turn belongs to a Location.

Each booking needs to be associated with an Account.

Bookings can be confirmed or provisional and they can be updated, cancelled or deleted. Each booking can be accompanied by a Booking Form and/or an Invoice. If an Invoice is not generated, bookings will produce Charge Sheet.


Key endpoint for creating, modifying and deleting bookings.

Booking Charge and Booking Conflict can reference a bookingid.


curl \
 -H 'Authorization: Bearer gAA...X-w'
    "response": {
        "id": "411cb25f-7556-472f-b88b-fafb57eb887b",
        "status": "OK",
        "providername": "Operate API",
        "datetimeutc": "13/07/2017 11:18:22",
        "calendars": [
                "row_num": "1",
                "account": "62",
                "outputvalue_account": "essensys",
                "accountname": "essensys",
                "outputvalue_accountname": "essensys",
                "bookedby": "Ben Smith",
                "outputvalue_bookedby": "Ben Smith",
                "bookingtitle": "Ben Smith ",
                "outputvalue_bookingtitle": "Ben Smith ",
                "bookingid": "629",
                "outputvalue_bookingid": "629",
                "cateringfacilities": null,
                "outputvalue_cateringfacilities": null,
                "clearancetime": "0",
                "outputvalue_clearancetime": "0",
                "contact": "79",
                "outputvalue_contact": "Ben Smith",
                "contactemail": "",
                "outputvalue_contactemail": "",
                "contactname": "Ben Smith",
                "outputvalue_contactname": "Ben Smith",
                "createdby": "Darren Smith",
                "outputvalue_createdby": "Darren Smith",
                "creationdate": "2016-10-19T14:08:36+00:00",
                "outputvalue_creationdate": "2016-10-19T14:08:36+00:00",
                "datebooked": "2016-10-19T14:08:36+00:00",
                "outputvalue_datebooked": "2016-10-19T14:08:36+00:00",
                "discountpercent": "0",
                "outputvalue_discountpercent": "0",
                "discounthours": null,
                "outputvalue_discounthours": null,
                "duration": "0.5 Hrs",
                "outputvalue_duration": "0.5 Hrs",
                "durationhours": "0.5",
                "outputvalue_durationhours": "0.5",
                "enddate": "2016-10-21T11:30:00+00:00",
                "outputvalue_enddate": "2016-10-21T11:30:00+00:00",
                "end_date": "2016-10-21T11:30:00+00:00",
                "outputvalue_end_date": "2016-10-21T11:30:00+00:00",
                "id": "629",
                "outputvalue_id": "629",
                "invoiced": "false",
                "outputvalue_invoiced": "false",
                "unit_id": "150",
                "outputvalue_unit_id": "150",
                "location": "1",
                "outputvalue_location": "Aldgate Tower",
                "locationname": "Aldgate Tower",
                "outputvalue_locationname": "Aldgate Tower",
                "multiplebooking": "false",
                "outputvalue_multiplebooking": "false",
                "notes": null,
                "outputvalue_notes": null,
                "organization": "1",
                "outputvalue_organization": "essensys Ltd",
                "outlookappointmentid": "AQMkADRlYzcyNmRmLTM3MjQtNGU4Mi05MDY0LTFhM2E2MjkyZGYxZgBGAAAD7FSYOKOH-U6JNUXQuRqn0AcAXIYGgYzJq0eXtP86IL0yUQAAAgENAAAAXIYGgYzJq0eXtP86IL0yUQABgsjlGgAAAA==",
                "outputvalue_outlookappointmentid": "AQMkADRlYzcyNmRmLTM3MjQtNGU4Mi05MDY0LTFhM2E2MjkyZGYxZgBGAAAD7FSYOKOH-U6JNUXQuRqn0AcAXIYGgYzJq0eXtP86IL0yUQAAAgENAAAAXIYGgYzJq0eXtP86IL0yUQABgsjlGgAAAA==",
                "priceoverridden": "false",
                "outputvalue_priceoverridden": "false",
                "productgroup": "27",
                "outputvalue_productgroup": "Meeting Rooms",
                "recurringbooking": "false",
                "outputvalue_recurringbooking": "false",
                "relatedspaceproducts": null,
                "outputvalue_relatedspaceproducts": null,
                "resource": "150",
                "outputvalue_resource": "Round Table Room",
                "resourcename": "Round Table Room",
                "outputvalue_resourcename": "Round Table Room",
                "startdate": "2016-10-21T11:00:00+00:00",
                "outputvalue_startdate": "2016-10-21T11:00:00+00:00",
                "start_date": "2016-10-21T11:00:00+00:00",
                "outputvalue_start_date": "2016-10-21T11:00:00+00:00",
                "statusname": "1",
                "outputvalue_statusname": "1",
                "text": "Ben Smith ",
                "outputvalue_text": "Ben Smith ",
                "updatedate": "2016-10-19T14:08:36+00:00",
                "outputvalue_updatedate": "2016-10-19T14:08:36+00:00",
                "updatedby": "Darren Smith",
                "outputvalue_updatedby": "Darren Smith",
                "webbooking": "false",
                "outputvalue_webbooking": "false"
        "totalCount": "1"

PUT (Minimum) JSON Body

    "calendars": [
            "bookingtitle": "",
            "webbooking": "True"

PUT (Full) JSON Body

    "calendars": [
            "account": "Item from list",
            "bookedby": "Darren Smith",
            "bookingcolor": "1,2345",
            "bookingtitle": "Darren Smith",
            "cateringresource": "Item from list",
            "contact": "Item from list",
            "datebooked": "22/10/2013 12:23",
            "delegaterate": "Item from list",
            "discountpercentapplied": "1,2345",
            "enddate": "22/10/2013 12:23",
            "invoiced": "True",
            "leadsource": "Darren Smith",
            "location": "Item from list",
            "multiplebooking": "True",
            "discounthoursapplied": "1,2345",
            "notes": "This is very long text which can go over multiple lines",
            "originalbookingid": "1,2345",
            "outlookappointmentid": "Darren Smith",
            "priceoverridden": "True",
            "recurringbooking": "True",
            "reservationdiscount": "1,2345",
            "resource": "Item from list",
            "startdate": "22/10/2013 12:23",
            "statusname": "Selected item",
            "webbooking": "True"
Field Type Size Description
account int accountid from Account
accountname string
bookedby string
bookingtitle string
bookingid int Reference to the Calendar.
cateringfacilities string 32767
clearancetime int
contact int contactid from Contact
contactemail string
contactname string fullname from Contact
createdby string 255 fullname from User
creationdate date
datebooked date
discountpercent percent
discounthours Amount of hours with a discounted price.
duration string
enddate date
end_date date
id int Reference to the Calendar. (same as bookingid)
invoiced boolean
location int locationid from Locaton
locationname string
multiplebooking boolean
notes string 4000
organization int organizationid from Organization
outlookappointmentid string
priceoverridden boolean
productgroup int productgroupid from Product Group
recurringbooking boolean
relatedspaceproducts string 4000
resource int productid from Product
resourcename string 255
startdate date
start_date date
statusname int 1 = Confirmed, 2 = Provisional, 3 = Unassigned, 4 = Cancelled
text string 255
updatedate date
updatedby string 255 fullname from User
webbooking boolean

Booking Charge

A Booking Charge is added via a Charge Sheet. When invoiced, the Charge Sheet will be added as an Invoice Line.

Note: the identifier is the chargesheetid


curl \
     -H 'Authorization: Bearer gAAAAIsQFg_Nkh....fevnYzautrfLDg'
    "response": {
        "id": "548dc240-7c42-4f1e-a821-fd93cb32775a",
        "status": "OK",
        "providername": "Operate API",
        "datetimeutc": "12/07/2017 16:01:20",
        "bookingcharges": [
                "row_num": "1",
                "accountname": "62",
                "outputvalue_accountname": "essensys",
                "booking": "1275",
                "outputvalue_booking": "Sam Carter ",
                "chargesheetid": "1274",
                "outputvalue_chargesheetid": "1274",
                "clienttype": "1",
                "outputvalue_clienttype": "Residential",
                "createdby": "Darren Smith",
                "outputvalue_createdby": "Darren Smith",
                "creationdate": "2016-10-20T16:58:44+00:00",
                "outputvalue_creationdate": "2016-10-20T16:58:44+00:00",
                "delegatecharge": "false",
                "outputvalue_delegatecharge": "false",
                "datefrom": "2016-10-20T18:00:00+00:00",
                "outputvalue_datefrom": "2016-10-20T18:00:00+00:00",
                "locationname": "1",
                "outputvalue_locationname": "Aldgate Tower",
                "location": "1",
                "outputvalue_location": "Aldgate Tower",
                "markup": "0",
                "outputvalue_markup": "0",
                "markuptype": "0",
                "outputvalue_markuptype": "0",
                "product": "145",
                "outputvalue_product": "Boardroom",
                "productgroup": "27",
                "outputvalue_productgroup": "Meeting Rooms",
                "quantity": "1",
                "outputvalue_quantity": "1",
                "referencetext": null,
                "outputvalue_referencetext": null,
                "tax": "2",
                "outputvalue_tax": "0.175",
                "dateto": "2016-10-20T19:00:00+00:00",
                "outputvalue_dateto": "2016-10-20T19:00:00+00:00",
                "totalprice": "0",
                "outputvalue_totalprice": "0",
                "unitprice": "0.0000",
                "outputvalue_unitprice": "0.0000",
                "updatedate": "2016-10-20T16:58:44+00:00",
                "outputvalue_updatedate": "2016-10-20T16:58:44+00:00",
                "updatedby": "Darren Smith",
                "outputvalue_updatedby": "Darren Smith"
        "totalCount": "1"

PUT (Minimum) JSON Body

    "bookingcharges": [
            "accountname": "",
            "booking": "",
            "datefrom": "22/10/2013 12:23",
            "product": "",
            "quantity": "1,2345",
            "tax": "",
            "dateto": "22/10/2013 12:23",
            "unitprice": "£0.00"

PUT (Full) JSON Body

    "bookingcharges": [
            "accountname": "",
            "booking": "",
            "bundledproduct": "",
            "delegatecharge": "True",
            "datefrom": "22/10/2013 12:23",
            "product": "",
            "quantity": "1,2345",
            "referencetext": "Darren Smith",
            "tax": "",
            "dateto": "22/10/2013 12:23",
            "unitprice": "£0.00"

The following are returned on a GET request. (Note excluding _outputvalue pairs).

Field Type Size Description
accountname int accountid from Account
booking int bookingid from Calendar
chargesheetid int reference for the booking charge
clienttype int clienttypeid from Client Type
createdby string 255 fullname from User
creationdate date
delegatecharge boolean
datefrom date
locationname int locationid from Location
location int locationid from Location
markup string
markuptype int 1 = % , 2 = Currency Amount
product int productid from Product
productgroup int productgroupid from Product Group
referencetext string 255 Displayed on the Booking Charge itself and on the Invoice. Can be null.
tax int taxid from Tax
dateto date
totalprice currency
unitprice currency
updatedate date
updatedby string 255 fullname from User

Booking Conflict

GET first 10 records, listed by oldest first.

GET first 10 records since a specified date, listed by oldest first.[startdate]>='2017-01-01'


    "response": {
        "id": "40be0290-5bf7-4ba7-9db1-b0f6431252b2",
        "status": "OK",
        "providername": "Operate API",
        "datetimeutc": "12/07/2017 08:27:33",
        "bookingconflicts": [
                "row_num": "1",
                "account": "62",
                "outputvalue_account": "essensys",
                "accountname": "essensys",
                "outputvalue_accountname": "essensys",
                "bookingtitle": "Ben Smith",
                "outputvalue_bookingtitle": "Ben Smith",
                "bookingid": "629",
                "outputvalue_bookingid": "629",
                "clearancetime": "0",
                "outputvalue_clearancetime": "0",
                "createdby": "Darren Smith",
                "outputvalue_createdby": "Darren Smith",
                "creationdate": "2016-10-19T14:08:36+00:00",
                "outputvalue_creationdate": "2016-10-19T14:08:36+00:00",
                "enddate": "2016-10-21T11:30:00+00:00",
                "outputvalue_enddate": "2016-10-21T11:30:00+00:00",
                "end_date": "2016-10-21T11:30:00+00:00",
                "outputvalue_end_date": "2016-10-21T11:30:00+00:00",
                "id": "629",
                "outputvalue_id": "629",
                "unit_id": "150",
                "outputvalue_unit_id": "150",
                "lead": "62",
                "outputvalue_lead": "essensys",
                "location": "1",
                "outputvalue_location": "Aldgate Tower",
                "locationname": "Aldgate Tower",
                "outputvalue_locationname": "Aldgate Tower",
                "productgroup": "27",
                "outputvalue_productgroup": "Meeting Rooms",
                "resource": "150",
                "outputvalue_resource": "Round Table Room",
                "resourcename": "Round Table Room",
                "outputvalue_resourcename": "Round Table Room",
                "startdate": "2016-10-21T11:00:00+00:00",
                "outputvalue_startdate": "2016-10-21T11:00:00+00:00",
                "start_date": "2016-10-21T11:00:00+00:00",
                "outputvalue_start_date": "2016-10-21T11:00:00+00:00",
                "statusname": "1",
                "outputvalue_statusname": "1",
                "text": "Ben Smith ",
                "outputvalue_text": "Ben Smith ",
                "updatedate": "2016-10-19T14:08:36+00:00",
                "outputvalue_updatedate": "2016-10-19T14:08:36+00:00",
                "updatedby": "Darren Smith",
                "outputvalue_updatedby": "Darren Smith"
        "totalCount": "1"

The following are returned on a GET request. (Note excluding _outputvalue pairs).

Field Type Size Description
account int accountid from Account
accountname string clientname from Account
bookingtitle string bookingtitle from Calendar
bookingid int bookingid from Calendar
clearancetime Time needed to clear the room and prepare for the next booking.
createdby string 255 createdby from Calendar
creationdate date creationdate from Calendar
enddate date enddate from Calendar
end_date date end_date from Calendar
id int id from Calendar
unit_id int unit_id from Calendar
lead int lead from Calendar
location int locationid from Location
locationname string locationname from Location
productgroup int productgroupid from Product Group
resource int resource from Calendar
resourcename string resourcename from Calendar (Typically this is the meeting room name)
startdate date startdate from Calendar
start_date date start_date from Calendar
statusname int 1 = Confirmed, 2 = Provisional, 3 = Unassigned 4 = Cancelled
text string text from Calendar
updatedate date updatedate from Calendar
updatedby string 255 updatedby from Calendar

Cancellation Policy

Allows you to choose whether to charge an Account when a Booking is cancelled within a certain timeframe before the actual booking date.


curl \
 -H 'Authorization: Bearer gAA...X-w'
    "response": {
        "id": "250c63ff-bd88-48b2-90e7-3cc53c6bbcc6",
        "status": "OK",
        "providername": "Operate API",
        "datetimeutc": "12/08/2017 16:06:17",
        "cancellationpolicys": [
                "row_num": "1",
                "cancellationpolicyid": "3",
                "outputvalue_cancellationpolicyid": "3",
                "clienttype": "1",
                "outputvalue_clienttype": "Residential",
                "createdby": "Paul Smith",
                "outputvalue_createdby": "Paul Smith",
                "creationdate": "2017-08-12T16:06:10+00:00",
                "outputvalue_creationdate": "2017-08-12T16:06:10+00:00",
                "noofdays": "10",
                "outputvalue_noofdays": "10",
                "productgroup": "24",
                "outputvalue_productgroup": "Office Rent",
                "updatedate": "2017-08-12T16:06:10+00:00",
                "outputvalue_updatedate": "2017-08-12T16:06:10+00:00",
                "updatedby": "Paul Smith",
                "outputvalue_updatedby": "Paul Smith"
        "totalCount": "1"

PUT (Minimum and Full) JSON Body

    "cancellationpolicys": [
            "clienttype": "1",
            "noofdays": "10",
            "percentagecharge": "10%",
            "percentcharge": "10%",
            "productgroup": "24"


curl -X DELETE \
 -H "Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8" \
 -H "Authorization: Bearer gAAAABw..." \
 -d "itemid=3" \
Field Type Size Description
cancellationpolicyid int Reference to the Cancellation Policy
clienttype int clienttypeid from Client Type
createdby string 255 fullname from User
noofdays int
percentagecharge percent
productgroup int productgroupid from Product Group
updatedate date
updatedby string 255 fullname from User

Day Delegate Rate

Day Delegate Rates apply meeting room booking and service charges per person per day.


curl \
 -H 'Authorization: Bearer gAA...X-w'
    "response": {
        "id": "25d5c0ac-9b63-4aac-a227-7eca3ddbf6a1",
        "status": "OK",
        "providername": "Operate API",
        "datetimeutc": "24/07/2017 16:08:24",
        "daydelegaterates": [
                "row_num": "1",
                "cateringupto": "0.0000",
                "outputvalue_cateringupto": "0.0000",
                "createdby": "Paul Smith",
                "outputvalue_createdby": "Paul Smith",
                "creationdate": "2017-07-24T16:08:18+00:00",
                "outputvalue_creationdate": "2017-07-24T16:08:18+00:00",
                "daydelegateratename": "Day Rate 20",
                "outputvalue_daydelegateratename": "Day Rate 20",
                "daydelegaterateid": "2",
                "outputvalue_daydelegaterateid": "2",
                "facilitiesupto": "0.0000",
                "outputvalue_facilitiesupto": "0.0000",
                "location": "1",
                "outputvalue_location": "Aldgate Tower",
                "minimumdelegates": "12345",
                "outputvalue_minimumdelegates": "12345",
                "updatedate": "2017-07-24T16:08:18+00:00",
                "outputvalue_updatedate": "2017-07-24T16:08:18+00:00",
                "updatedby": "Paul Smith",
                "outputvalue_updatedby": "Paul Smith"
        "totalCount": "1"

PUT (Minimum and Full) JSON Body

    "daydelegaterates": [
            "cateringupto": "£0.00",
            "daydelegateratename": "Day Rate 20",
            "facilitiesupto": "£0.00",
            "location": "1",
            "minimumdelegates": "12",
            "unitprice": "£20.00"
Field Type Size Description
cateringupto decimal
createdby string 255 fullname from User
creationdate date
daydelegateratename string
daydelegaterateid int Reference to the Day Delegate Rate
facilitiesupto decimal
location int locationid from Location
minimumdelegates int
unitprice currency
updatedate date
updatedby string 255 fullname from User


Adds charges for ad-hoc product or service purchases, generating Batch Sheets, Charge Sheets or Metered Batch Sheets.

Batch Sheets charge multiple customers for products/services within the same Product Group.

Charge Sheets add one charge, per customer, per product/service. When invoiced, the Charge Sheet will be added as an Invoice Line.

Metered Batch Sheets allow readings to be added, to charge for metered services such as electricity.

Batch Sheet

Batch Sheets charge multiple customers for products/services within the same Product Group.

Metered Batch Sheet can reference a batchsheetid.


curl \
     -H 'Authorization: Bearer gAAAAIsQFg_Nkh....fevnYzautrfLDg'
    "response": {
        "id": "14305c38-402d-4290-a78a-656cd4f6fd6d",
        "status": "OK",
        "providername": "Operate API",
        "datetimeutc": "12/07/2017 10:06:46",
        "batchsheets": [
                "row_num": "1",
                "actualtotal": "0",
                "outputvalue_actualtotal": "0",
                "approved": "false",
                "outputvalue_approved": "false",
                "batchdate": "2016-10-28T17:08:00+00:00",
                "outputvalue_batchdate": "2016-10-28T17:08:00+00:00",
                "batchsheetid": "6815",
                "outputvalue_batchsheetid": "6815",
                "completed": "false",
                "outputvalue_completed": "false",
                "createdby": "Lisa Martin",
                "outputvalue_createdby": "Lisa Martin",
                "creationdate": "2016-10-28T17:08:21+00:00",
                "outputvalue_creationdate": "2016-10-28T17:08:21+00:00",
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                "outputvalue_estimatedtotal": "0.0000",
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                "outputvalue_grandtotal": "0",
                "location": "0",
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                "taxtotal": "0",
                "outputvalue_taxtotal": "0",
                "updatedate": "2016-10-28T17:08:21+00:00",
                "outputvalue_updatedate": "2016-10-28T17:08:21+00:00",
                "updatedby": "Lisa Martin",
                "outputvalue_updatedby": "Lisa Martin",
                "variance": "0",
                "outputvalue_variance": "0"
        "totalCount": "1"

PUT (Minimum) JSON Body

    "batchsheets": [
            "approved": "True",
            "batchdate": "22/10/2013",
            "completed": "True",
            "batchsheetname": "Darren Smith",
            "location": "Item from list",
            "productgroup": "Item from list"

PUT (Full) JSON Body

    "batchsheets": [
            "approved": "True",
            "batchdate": "22/10/2013",
            "completed": "True",
            "batchsheetname": "Darren Smith",
            "estimatedtotal": "£0.00",
            "location": "Item from list",
            "productgroup": "Item from list"
Field Type Size Description
approved boolean
batchdate date
batchsheetid int Reference to the Batch Sheet
completed boolean
createdby string 255 fullname from User
creationdate date
batchsheetname string
estimatedtotal decimal
updatedate date
updatedby string 255 fullname from User

Batch Charge Sheet

Batch Sheets are a quick way to add ad-hoc product or service charges


curl \
     -H 'Authorization: Bearer gAAAAIsQFg_Nkh....fevnYzautrfLDg'
    "response": {
        "id": "70c78ce7-c85b-4e12-8135-1ab1f120f876",
        "status": "OK",
        "providername": "Operate API",
        "datetimeutc": "12/07/2017 10:13:00",
        "batchchargesheets": [
                "row_num": "4",
                "accountname": "62",
                "outputvalue_accountname": "essensys",
                "batchsheet": "1275",
                "outputvalue_batchsheet": "New Batch",
                "chargesheetid": "1274",
                "outputvalue_chargesheetid": "1274",
                "clienttype": "1",
                "outputvalue_clienttype": "Residential",
                "createdby": "Darren Smith",
                "outputvalue_createdby": "Darren Smith",
                "creationdate": "2016-10-20T16:58:44+00:00",
                "outputvalue_creationdate": "2016-10-20T16:58:44+00:00",
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                "outputvalue_datefrom": "2016-10-20T18:00:00+00:00",
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                "outputvalue_locationname": "Aldgate Tower",
                "location": "1",
                "outputvalue_location": "Aldgate Tower",
                "markup": "0",
                "outputvalue_markup": "0",
                "markuptype": "0",
                "outputvalue_markuptype": "0",
                "product": "145",
                "outputvalue_product": "Boardroom",
                "productgroup": "27",
                "outputvalue_productgroup": "Meeting Rooms",
                "quantity": "2",
                "outputvalue_quantity": "1",
                "referencetext": null,
                "outputvalue_referencetext": null,
                "tax": "2",
                "outputvalue_tax": "0.175",
                "dateto": "2016-10-20T19:00:00+00:00",
                "outputvalue_dateto": "2016-10-20T19:00:00+00:00",
                "totalprice": "10.0",
                "outputvalue_totalprice": "0",
                "unitprice": "5.0000",
                "outputvalue_unitprice": "0.0000",
                "updatedate": "2016-10-20T16:58:44+00:00",
                "outputvalue_updatedate": "2016-10-20T16:58:44+00:00",
                "updatedby": "Darren Smith",
                "outputvalue_updatedby": "Darren Smith"
        "totalCount": "1"

PUT (Minimum) JSON Body

    "batchchargesheets": [
            "accountname": "12",
            "batchsheet": "Item from list",
            "datefrom": "22/10/2013 12:23",
            "product": "73",
            "quantity": "1",
            "tax": "5",
            "dateto": "22/10/2013 12:23",
            "unitprice": "5.00"

PUT (Full) JSON Body

    "batchchargesheets": [
            "accountname": "Item from list",
            "batchsheet": "Item from list",
            "datefrom": "22/10/2013 12:23",
            "product": "73",
            "quantity": "1.5",
            "referencetext": "",
            "tax": "5",
            "dateto": "22/10/2013 12:23",
            "unitprice": "5.00"
Field Type Size Description
accountname int accountid from Account
batchsheet int
chargesheetid int
clienttype int clienttypeid from Client Type
createdby string 255 fullname from User
creationdate date
datefrom date
locationname int locationid from Location
location int locationid from Location
markup string % or currency value
markuptype int 1 = % , 2 = Currency Amount
product int productid from Product
productgroup int productgroupid from Product Group
quantity decimal
referencetext string 255
tax int taxid from Tax
dateto date
totalprice decimal
unitprice decimal
updatedate date
updatedby string 255 fullname from User

Charge Sheet

Charge Sheets add one charge, per customer, per product/service. When invoiced, the Charge Sheet will be added as an Invoice Line.


curl \
 -H 'Authorization: Bearer gAA...X-w'
    "response": {
        "id": "acd36e9f-8d07-4a77-9d7f-9a046b45ad0a",
        "status": "OK",
        "providername": "Operate API",
        "datetimeutc": "13/07/2017 11:21:51",
        "chargesheets": [
                "row_num": "1",
                "accountfullname": "Test",
                "outputvalue_accountfullname": "Test",
                "accountname": "277754",
                "outputvalue_accountname": "Test",
                "chargesheetid": "452326",
                "outputvalue_chargesheetid": "452326",
                "clienttype": "1",
                "outputvalue_clienttype": "Residential",
                "createdby": "Josephine Smith",
                "outputvalue_createdby": "Josephine Smith",
                "creationdate": "2017-07-07T10:00:55+00:00",
                "outputvalue_creationdate": "2017-07-07T10:00:55+00:00",
                "datefrom": "2017-07-07T11:00:00+00:00",
                "outputvalue_datefrom": "2017-07-07T11:00:00+00:00",
                "location": "1",
                "outputvalue_location": "Aldgate Tower",
                "product": "145",
                "outputvalue_product": "Boardroom",
                "productgroup": "27",
                "outputvalue_productgroup": "Meeting Rooms",
                "quantity": "1",
                "outputvalue_quantity": "1",
                "tax": "5",
                "outputvalue_tax": "20% Tax rate",
                "dateto": "2017-07-07T11:00:49+00:00",
                "outputvalue_dateto": "2017-07-07T11:00:49+00:00",
                "totalprice": "0",
                "outputvalue_totalprice": "0",
                "unitprice": "0.0000",
                "outputvalue_unitprice": "0.0000",
                "updatedate": "2017-07-07T10:00:55+00:00",
                "outputvalue_updatedate": "2017-07-07T10:00:55+00:00",
                "updatedby": "Josephine Smith",
                "outputvalue_updatedby": "Josephine Smith"
        "totalCount": "1"

PUT (Minimum) JSON Body

    "chargesheets": [
            "accountname": "2",
            "datefrom": "22/7/2017 12:23",
            "product": "73",
            "quantity": "1",
            "tax": "1",
            "dateto": "22/7/2017 12:30",
            "unitprice": "£1.00"

PUT (Full) JSON Body

    "chargesheets": [
            "accountname": "2",
            "datefrom": "22/7/2017 12:20",
            "product": "73",
            "quantity": "1",
            "referencetext": "",
            "tax": "1",
            "dateto": "22/7/2017 12:30",
            "unitprice": "£1.00"


curl -X DELETE \
 -H "Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8" \
 -H "Authorization: Bearer gAAAABw..." \
 -d "itemid=452326" \
Field Type Size Description
accountfullname string
accountname int
chargesheetid int Reference to the Charge Sheet
clienttype int clienttypeid from Client Type
createdby string 255 fullname from User
creationdate date
datefrom date
location int locationid from Location
product int productid from Product
productgroup int productgroupid from Product Group
quantity decimal
tax int taxid from Tax
dateto date
totalprice currency
unitprice currency
updatedby string 255 fullname from User
updatedate date

Current Charge

A list of any charges which will be in the next bill run and is read only.


curl \
 -H 'Authorization: Bearer gAA...X-w'
    "response": {
        "id": "4d469fb8-f130-42f8-b879-8bccd38abeb5",
        "status": "OK",
        "providername": "Operate API",
        "datetimeutc": "24/07/2017 15:42:21",
        "currentcharges": [
                "row_num": "1",
                "account": "62",
                "outputvalue_account": "essensys",
                "createdby": "Darren Smith",
                "outputvalue_createdby": "Darren Smith",
                "creationdate": "2016-10-20T05:27:06+00:00",
                "outputvalue_creationdate": "2016-10-20T05:27:06+00:00",
                "currentchargeid": "1019",
                "outputvalue_currentchargeid": "1019",
                "loggedby": {
                    "@xml:space": "preserve",
                    "#significant-whitespace": " "
                "outputvalue_loggedby": {
                    "@xml:space": "preserve",
                    "#significant-whitespace": " "
                "net": "0",
                "outputvalue_net": "0",
                "product": "Boardroom",
                "outputvalue_product": "Boardroom",
                "productgroup": "Meeting Rooms",
                "outputvalue_productgroup": "Meeting Rooms",
                "quantity": "1",
                "outputvalue_quantity": "1",
                "referencetext": null,
                "outputvalue_referencetext": null,
                "startdate": "2016-10-21T09:00:00+00:00",
                "outputvalue_startdate": "2016-10-21T09:00:00+00:00",
                "taxrate": "0.2",
                "outputvalue_taxrate": "0.2%",
                "unitprice": "0.0000",
                "outputvalue_unitprice": "0.0000",
                "updatedate": "2016-10-20T05:27:06+00:00",
                "outputvalue_updatedate": "2016-10-20T05:27:06+00:00",
                "updatedby": "Darren Smith",
                "outputvalue_updatedby": "Darren Smith"
        "totalCount": "1"
Field Type Size Description
account int accountid from Account
createdby string 255 fullname from User
creationdate date
currentchargeid int Reference to the Current Charge
loggedby object
net currency
product string 255
productgroup string 255
quantity int
referencetext string 255
startdate date
taxrate decimal
unitprice decimal
updatedby string 255 fullname from User
updatedate date

Device Import

Import Charges via .csv files from third party applications or devices.


curl \
 -H 'Authorization: Bearer gAA...X-w'
    "response": {
        "id": "1181056f-dfa1-4bca-8eb1-5d2e2d883b09",
        "status": "OK",
        "providername": "Operate API",
        "datetimeutc": "15/08/2017 09:51:30",
        "deviceimports": [
                "batchno": "12345",
                "outputvalue_batchno": "12345",
                "createdby": "Paul Smith",
                "outputvalue_createdby": "Paul Smith",
                "creationdate": "2017-08-15T09:51:29",
                "outputvalue_creationdate": "2017-08-15T09:51:29",
                "importdate": "2017-01-01T00:00:00",
                "outputvalue_importdate": "2017-01-01T00:00:00",
                "deviceimportname": "123",
                "outputvalue_deviceimportname": "",
                "deviceimportid": "5",
                "outputvalue_deviceimportid": "5",
                "updatedate": "2017-08-15T09:51:29",
                "outputvalue_updatedate": "2017-08-15T09:51:29",
                "updatedby": "Paul Smith",
                "outputvalue_updatedby": "Paul Smith"

PUT (Minimum) JSON Body

    "deviceimports": [
            "batchno": "12345",
            "importdate": "01/01/2017",
            "deviceimportname": "123",

PUT (Full) JSON Body

    "deviceimports": [
            "batchno": "1,2345",
            "importdate": "22/10/2013",
            "deviceimportname": "Item from list",
            "deviceimportid": "Darren",
            "importdata": "Darren",
            "location": "Item from list",
            "importstatus": "Selected item",
            "user": "Item from list"

PUT Response

    "response": {
        "id": "aa8a6b9c-67d2-4679-a855-d5c49a185d61",
        "status": "OK",
        "providername": "Operate API",
        "datetimeutc": "25/07/2017 07:54:52",
        "deviceimports": [
                "batchno": "123",
                "outputvalue_batchno": "123",
                "createdby": "Paul Smith",
                "outputvalue_createdby": "Paul Smith",
                "creationdate": "2017-07-25T07:54:52",
                "outputvalue_creationdate": "2017-07-25T07:54:52",
                "importdate": "2017-07-24T00:00:00",
                "outputvalue_importdate": "2017-07-24T00:00:00",
                "deviceimportid": "2",
                "outputvalue_deviceimportid": "2",
                "updatedate": "2017-07-25T07:54:52",
                "outputvalue_updatedate": "2017-07-25T07:54:52",
                "updatedby": "Paul Smith",
                "outputvalue_updatedby": "Paul Smith"
Field Type Size Description
batchno int
createdby string 255 fullname from User
creationdate date
deviceimportname int
deviceimportid int Reference to the Device Import
importdata string 400000
importdate date
location int locationid from Location
importstatus int 0 = Processing, 1 = Nothing Imported, 2=Imported with Errors, 3 = Imported Successfully
updatedate date
updatedby string 255 fullname from User

Device Import Map

A custom map of fields to import from third party applications when using Device Import to add charges to Accounts.


curl \
 -H 'Authorization: Bearer gAA...X-w'
    "response": {
        "id": "c8902925-d05d-422f-a656-ec298bdd5a4a",
        "status": "OK",
        "providername": "Operate API",
        "datetimeutc": "20/07/2017 14:41:14",
        "deviceimportmaps": [
                "row_num": "1",
                "createdby": "admin",
                "outputvalue_createdby": "admin",
                "creationdate": "2009-05-29T09:34:04+00:00",
                "outputvalue_creationdate": "2009-05-29T09:34:04+00:00",
                "deviceimportmapid": "8",
                "outputvalue_deviceimportmapid": "8",
                "devicename": "Teamphone",
                "outputvalue_devicename": "Teamphone",
                "fileext": "CSV",
                "outputvalue_fileext": "CSV",
                "filetype": "0",
                "outputvalue_filetype": "0",
                "ignorezerovalues": "true",
                "outputvalue_ignorezerovalues": "true",
                "clearlastrows": "0",
                "outputvalue_clearlastrows": "0",
                "firstrowfields": "0",
                "outputvalue_firstrowfields": "0",
                "updatedate": "2009-05-29T09:34:04+00:00",
                "outputvalue_updatedate": "2009-05-29T09:34:04+00:00",
                "updatedby": "admin",
                "outputvalue_updatedby": "admin",
                "useitemcolumn": "true",
                "outputvalue_useitemcolumn": "true"
        "totalCount": "1"

PUT (Minimum & Full) JSON Body

    "deviceimportmaps": [
            "deviceimportmapid": "",
            "devicename": "",
            "fileext": "Selected item",
            "filetype": "Selected item",
            "ignorezerovalues": "True",
            "clearlastrows": "123",
            "firstrowfields": "123",
            "useitemcolumn": "True"
Field Type Size Description
createdby string 255 fullname from User
creationdate date
deviceimportmapid int Reference to the Device Import Map
devicename string
fileext string
updatedby string fullname from User
updatedate date
useitemcolumn boolean

Metered Batch Sheet

Charge clients for metered services. You can add readings every month and bill each Account for the amount they use.

Batch Sheet is also referenced by batchsheetid.


    "response": {
        "id": "e2109795-370f-41d1-a370-05df2f2e1448",
        "status": "OK",
        "providername": "Operate API",
        "datetimeutc": "15/08/2017 09:28:37",
        "meteredbatchsheets": [
                "row_num": "1",
                "actualtotal": "0",
                "outputvalue_actualtotal": "0",
                "approved": "true",
                "outputvalue_approved": "true",
                "batchdate": "2017-10-22T00:00:00+00:00",
                "outputvalue_batchdate": "2017-10-22T00:00:00+00:00",
                "batchsheetid": "11803",
                "outputvalue_batchsheetid": "11803",
                "completed": "true",
                "outputvalue_completed": "true",
                "createdby": "Paul Smith",
                "outputvalue_createdby": "Paul Smith",
                "creationdate": "2017-08-15T09:27:39+00:00",
                "outputvalue_creationdate": "2017-08-15T09:27:39+00:00",
                "batchsheetname": "Test 987",
                "outputvalue_batchsheetname": "Test 987",
                "grandtotal": "0",
                "outputvalue_grandtotal": "0",
                "location": "1",
                "outputvalue_location": "Aldgate Tower",
                "product": "73",
                "outputvalue_product": "Room 1",
                "productgroup": "23",
                "taxtotal": "0",
                "outputvalue_taxtotal": "0",
                "updatedate": "2017-08-15T09:27:39+00:00",
                "outputvalue_updatedate": "2017-08-15T09:27:39+00:00",
                "updatedby": "Paul Smith",
                "outputvalue_updatedby": "Paul Smith"
        "totalCount": "1"

PUT (Minimum) JSON Body

    "meteredbatchsheets": [
            "approved": "True",
            "batchdate": "22/10/2013",
            "completed": "True",
            "batchsheetname": "",
            "location": "1",
            "product": "73",
            "productgroup": "23"

PUT (Full) JSON Body

    "meteredbatchsheets": [
            "approved": "True",
            "batchdate": "22/10/2013",
            "completed": "True",
            "batchsheetname": "",
            "estimatedtotal": "£0.00",
            "location": "Item from list",
            "product": "Item from list",
            "productgroup": "Item from list"
Field Type Size Description
actualtotal currency
approved boolean
batchdate date
batchsheetid int Reference to the Metered Batch Sheet
completed boolean
batchsheetname string
estimatedtotal currency
grandtotal currency
location int locationid from Location
product int productid from Product
productgroup int productgroupid from Product Group
taxtotal currency
updatedate date
updatedby string 255 fullname from User

Metered Batch Charge Sheet

Note: The id for a Metered Batch Charge Sheet is chargesheetid


    "response": {
        "id": "03d897a9-d89a-457f-98b4-b502393957bf",
        "status": "OK",
        "providername": "Operate API",
        "datetimeutc": "20/07/2017 12:29:41",
        "meteredbatchchargesheets": [
                "row_num": "1",
                "accountname": "essensys",
                "outputvalue_accountname": "essensys",
                "account": "62",
                "outputvalue_account": "essensys",
                "batchsheet": "629",
                "outputvalue_batchsheet": "New Batch",
                "chargesheetid": "628",
                "outputvalue_chargesheetid": "628",
                "clienttype": "1",
                "outputvalue_clienttype": "Residential",
                "createdby": "Darren Smith",
                "outputvalue_createdby": "Darren Smith",
                "creationdate": "2016-10-19T14:08:37+00:00",
                "outputvalue_creationdate": "2016-10-19T14:08:37+00:00",
                "datefrom": "2016-10-21T11:00:00+00:00",
                "outputvalue_datefrom": "2016-10-21T11:00:00+00:00",
                "locationname": "1",
                "outputvalue_locationname": "Aldgate Tower",
                "location": "1",
                "outputvalue_location": "Aldgate Tower",
                "office": "150",
                "outputvalue_office": "Round Table Room",
                "product": "150",
                "outputvalue_product": "Round Table Room",
                "productgroup": "27",
                "outputvalue_productgroup": "Meeting Rooms",
                "quantity": "1",
                "outputvalue_quantity": "1",
                "referencetext": null,
                "outputvalue_referencetext": null,
                "tax": "2",
                "outputvalue_tax": "0.175",
                "dateto": "2016-10-21T11:30:00+00:00",
                "outputvalue_dateto": "2016-10-21T11:30:00+00:00",
                "totalprice": "0.0000",
                "outputvalue_totalprice": "0.0000",
                "unitprice": "0.0000",
                "outputvalue_unitprice": "0.0000",
                "updatedate": "2016-10-19T14:08:37+00:00",
                "outputvalue_updatedate": "2016-10-19T14:08:37+00:00",
                "updatedby": "Darren Smith",
                "outputvalue_updatedby": "Darren Smith"
        "totalCount": "1"

PUT (Minimum) JSON Body

    "meteredbatchchargesheets": [
            "account": "Item from list",
            "batchsheet": "Item from list",
            "datefrom": "22/10/2013 12:23",
            "newmeterreading": "1,2345",
            "product": "Item from list",
            "office": "Item from list",
            "previousmeterreading": "12345",
            "quantity": "12",
            "tax": "Item from list",
            "dateto": "22/10/2013 12:23",
            "unitprice": "£0.00"

PUT (Full) JSON Body

    "meteredbatchchargesheets": [
            "account": "Item from list",
            "batchsheet": "Item from list",
            "datefrom": "22/10/2013 12:23",
            "newmeterreading": "1,2345",
            "product": "Item from list",
            "office": "Item from list",
            "previousmeterreading": "12345",
            "quantity": "12",
            "referencetext": "Darren",
            "tax": "Item from list",
            "dateto": "22/10/2013 12:23",
            "unitprice": "£0.00"
Field Type Size Description
accountname string
account int accountid from Account
batchsheet int
chargesheetid int Reference to the Metered Batch Charge Sheet
clienttype int clienttypeid from Client Type
createdby string 255 fullname from User
creationdate date
datefrom date
locationname int locationid from Location
location int locationid from Location
office int productid from Product
product int productid from Product
productgroup int productgroupid from Product Group
tax int taxid from Tax
dateto date
totalprice decimal
unitprice decimal
updatedby string 255 fullname from User
updatedate date


Contacts are associated to a Lead or Account. Contacts are end users of the Operate Portal they do not have access to Operate.

A User defines a staff member with access to Operate.


A contact is a person to whom you can communicate through Operate. A Contact can be associated with a Lead or an Account.

Access History, Account, Activity History, Calendar, Extension, Licence, Licence Member, Note, Shout Out, Shout Out Reply, Task, Tour and Tracking Entries can make reference to a contactid


curl \
 -H 'Authorization: Bearer gAA...X-w'
    "response": {
        "id": "92f0588c-a5c0-4bb7-b20b-09379859be9f",
        "status": "OK",
        "providername": "Operate API",
        "datetimeutc": "17/07/2017 14:37:48",
        "contacts": [
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                "clienttype": "1",
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                "communityprofileactive": "true",
                "outputvalue_communityprofileactive": "true",
                "companylogourl": "/SPACECONTROL/v2/Themes/Clean/Images/Default/avatar.gif",
                "output_companylogourl": "/SPACECONTROL/v2/Themes/Clean/Images/Default/avatar.gif",
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                "firstname": "M",
                "outputvalue_firstname": "M",
                "hasactivelicence": "0",
                "outputvalue_hasactivelicence": "0",
                "privatephoneno": null,
                "outputvalue_privatephoneno": null,
                "contactimageurl": "/SPACECONTROL/v2/Themes/Clean/Images/Default/avatar.gif",
                "output_contactimageurl": "/SPACECONTROL/v2/Themes/Clean/Images/Default/avatar.gif",
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                "outputvalue_lastname": "M",
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                "outputvalue_newsletter": "true",
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                "outputvalue_numberbeingfollowed": "0",
                "numberoffollowers": "0",
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                "outputvalue_profilepercentcomplete": "0%",
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                "outputvalue_receiveshoutoutemails": "true",
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                "outputvalue_receivestatusupdateemails": "true",
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                "outputvalue_remaininghours": "0m",
                "phoneno": null,
                "outputvalue_phoneno": null,
                "title": "Test",
                "outputvalue_title": "Test",
                "updatedate": "2017-05-31T11:10:34+00:00",
                "outputvalue_updatedate": "2017-05-31T11:10:34+00:00",
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                "outputvalue_updatedby": "live"
        "totalCount": "1"

PUT (minimum) JSON Body

    "contacts": [
            "firstname": "Darren Smith",
            "mobilecellno": "07111 211211"

PUT (full) JSON Body

    "contacts": [
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            "assistantsname": "Darren Smith",
            "ud_carregno": "Darren Smith",
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            "companylogo": "",
            "contacttypeid": "Item from list",
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            "dislikestags": "This is very long text which can go over multiple lines",
            "dateofbirth": "22/10/2013",
            "emailaddress": "",
            "optout": "True",
            "expertisetags": "This is very long text which can go over multiple lines",
            "ext": "",
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            "flickraccount": "",
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            "importantnote": "This is text area",
            "instagramaccount": "",
            "interestingfacts": "This is very long text which can go over multiple lines",
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            "lastloggedin": "22/10/2013 12:23",
            "lastname": "Darren Smith",
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            "likestags": "This is very long text which can go over multiple lines",
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            "managersname": "Darren Smith",
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            "newsletter": "True",
            "opportunityname": "Item from list",
            "user_id": "Item from list",
            "password": "This is encrypted text",
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            "companyprofileactive": "True",
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            "ud_sendvisitormessage": "True",
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            "phoneno": "+44 845 303 1000",
            "title": "Darren Smith",
            "twitteraccount": "",
            "socialwebsites": "This is very long text which can go over multiple lines",
            "whatdoido": "This is very long text which can go over multiple lines",
            "whaticareabout": "This is very long text which can go over multiple lines"
Field Type Size Description
address_id int
checkedin boolean
clienttype int clienttypeid from Client Type
communityprofileactive boolean
companylogourl string
contacttypeid int contacttypeid from Contact Type
contactid int Reference to the Contact
contactimageurl string
createdby string 255 fullname from User
creationdate date
emailaddress string
firstname string
fullname string
hasactivelicence int 0 = false
invitedfromportal boolean
jobfunction string 40
lastname string 40
leadname int
likestags string 4000
locationname int locationid from Location
newsletter boolean
numberbeingfollowed int
numberoffollowers int
optout boolean
password string 50 Encrypted
phoneno string
pinno string
pinterestaccount string
portalaccesslevel int 0 = Basic, 1 = Admin, 2 = Mid
profilepercentcomplete percent
companyprofileactive boolean
receiveshoutoutemails boolean
receivestatusupdateemails boolean
remaininghours Hours remaining from their active access plan, if any
salutation string 255
socialtags string 4000
socialwebsites string 4000
swipecard string 255
title string 20
twitteraccount string
updatedate date
updatedby string fullname from User
user_id int userid from User
whatdoido string 4000
whaticareabout string 4000

Contact Type

Contact Types may include: Primary, Sales or Billing Contacts


curl \
 -H 'Authorization: Bearer gAA...X-w'
    "response": {
        "id": "682a7481-3179-4717-a0a4-f6a33b083a12",
        "status": "OK",
        "providername": "Operate API",
        "datetimeutc": "12/07/2017 16:25:55",
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                "contacttypename": "Primary Contact",
                "outputvalue_contacttypename": "Primary Contact",
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                "creationdate": "2011-01-15T17:25:00+00:00",
                "outputvalue_creationdate": "2011-01-15T17:25:00+00:00",
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                "outputvalue_updatedate": "2011-01-15T17:25:00+00:00"
        "totalCount": "1"
Field Type Size Description
contacttypename string
contacttypeid int reference to the contact type
creationdate date
updatedate date

Job Titles


    "response": {
        "id": "79e1af97-5531-41a5-85d1-3577456126ae",
        "status": "OK",
        "providername": "Operate API",
        "datetimeutc": "12/07/2017 11:01:13",
        "lookupjobtitless": [
                "row_num": "1",
                "creationdate": "2009-05-29T09:39:58+00:00",
                "outputvalue_creationdate": "2009-05-29T09:39:58+00:00",
                "jobtitle": "Managing Director",
                "outputvalue_jobtitle": "Managing Director",
                "jobtitlesid": "28",
                "outputvalue_jobtitlesid": "28",
                "updatedate": "2009-05-29T09:39:58+00:00",
                "outputvalue_updatedate": "2009-05-29T09:39:58+00:00"
        "totalCount": "1"
Field Type Size Description
creationdate date
jobtitle string the job title
jobtitlesid int reference to the Job Title
updatedate date

Credit Notes

A document that provides credit to a customer - either for a billing error or an overcharge. A Credit Note will include the Location and Account for which it is being issued, as well as the Credit Note Reason and Credit Note Type.

A Credit Note Template can be applied to the final document, issued to the customer. All Credit Notes are initially created as a Draft Credit Note. They contain one or more Credit Note Lines.

Draft Credit Note

A Credit Note not yet approved, to which changes can be made.


curl \
 -H 'Authorization: Bearer gAA...X-w'
    "response": {
        "id": "4aa3b444-6d76-4d9e-b365-f8eb7d2b59f2",
        "status": "OK",
        "providername": "Operate API",
        "datetimeutc": "25/07/2017 08:12:38",
        "draftcreditnotes": [
                "row_num": "1",
                "accountname": "347810",
                "outputvalue_accountname": "Josephine Smith",
                "approved": "false",
                "outputvalue_approved": "false",
                "bfwd": "0.0000",
                "outputvalue_bfwd": "0.0000",
                "clienttype": "1",
                "outputvalue_clienttype": "Residential",
                "createdby": "Josephine Smith",
                "outputvalue_createdby": "Josephine Smith",
                "creationdate": "2017-06-26T08:33:36+00:00",
                "outputvalue_creationdate": "2017-06-26T08:33:36+00:00",
                "creditnoteid": "1082",
                "outputvalue_creditnoteid": "1082",
                "creditnotereason": "582",
                "outputvalue_creditnotereason": "Client was overcharged",
                "creditnotestatus": "2",
                "outputvalue_creditnotestatus": "2",
                "status": "2",
                "outputvalue_status": "2",
                "creditnotetemplate": "0",
                "creditnotetype": "584",
                "outputvalue_creditnotetype": "Human Error",
                "emailinvoice": "false",
                "outputvalue_emailinvoice": "false",
                "emailaddress": "",
                "outputvalue_emailaddress": "",
                "gross": "-3.6",
                "outputvalue_gross": "-3.6",
                "invoiceemailaddress": "",
                "outputvalue_invoiceemailaddress": "",
                "location": "1",
                "outputvalue_location": "Aldgate Tower",
                "net": "-3",
                "outputvalue_net": "-3",
                "organization": "1",
                "outputvalue_organization": "essensys Ltd",
                "recordtype": "0",
                "tax": "-0.6",
                "outputvalue_tax": "-0.6",
                "updatedate": "2017-07-06T09:51:29+00:00",
                "outputvalue_updatedate": "2017-07-06T09:51:29+00:00",
                "updatedby": "Paul Smith",
                "outputvalue_updatedby": "Paul Smith"
        "totalCount": "1"

PUT minimum JSON body

    "draftcreditnotes": [
            "accountname": "",
            "creditnotedate": "22/10/2017",
            "creditnotenumber": "",
            "creditnotetemplate": ""
Field Type Size Description
accountname int accountid from Account
approved boolean
bfwd decimal
clienttype int clienttypeid from Client Type
createdby string 255 fullname from User
creationdate date
creditnoteid int Reference to the Draft Credit Note
creditnotereason int creditnotereasonid from Crediut Note Reason
creditnotetemplate int
creditnotetype int creditnotetypeid from Credit Note
emailinvoice boolean
emailaddress string
gross decimal
invoiceemailaddress string
location int locationid from Location
net decimal
organization int organizationid from Organization
recordtype int recordtypeid from Record Type
tax decimal
updatedate date
updatedby string 255 fullname from User

Draft Credit Note Line

A credit transaction added to a Draft Credit Note.


curl \
 -H 'Authorization: Bearer gAA...X-w'
    "response": {
        "id": "a63f4a6c-01bf-439c-bff9-c72709356f07",
        "status": "OK",
        "providername": "Operate API",
        "datetimeutc": "08/08/2017 12:58:02",
        "draftcreditnotelines": [
                "row_num": "1",
                "createdby": "Paul Smith",
                "outputvalue_createdby": "Paul Smith",
                "creationdate": "2017-08-08T12:57:16+00:00",
                "outputvalue_creationdate": "2017-08-08T12:57:16+00:00",
                "creditnote": "1082",
                "discountfromlist": "0.0000",
                "outputvalue_discountfromlist": "0.0000",
                "draftcreditnotelineid": "1248",
                "outputvalue_draftcreditnotelineid": "1248",
                "from": "2013-10-22T00:00:00+00:00",
                "outputvalue_from": "2013-10-22T00:00:00+00:00",
                "listprice": "0.0000",
                "outputvalue_listprice": "0.0000",
                "markup": "0",
                "outputvalue_markup": "0",
                "markuptype": "0",
                "outputvalue_markuptype": "0",
                "order": "1",
                "outputvalue_order": "1",
                "product": "73",
                "outputvalue_product": "Room 1",
                "productgroup": "24",
                "outputvalue_productgroup": "Office Rent",
                "quantity": "1",
                "outputvalue_quantity": "1",
                "taxrate": "0",
                "outputvalue_taxrate": "0%",
                "to": "2013-10-22T00:00:00+00:00",
                "outputvalue_to": "2013-10-22T00:00:00+00:00",
                "updatedate": "2017-08-08T12:57:16+00:00",
                "outputvalue_updatedate": "2017-08-08T12:57:16+00:00",
                "updatedby": "Paul Smith",
                "outputvalue_updatedby": "Paul Smith"
        "totalCount": "1"

PUT (Minimum) JSON Body

    "draftcreditnotelines": [
            "creditnote": "1082",
            "from": "22/10/2013",
            "product": "73",
            "to": "22/10/2013"

PUT (Full) JSON Body

    "draftcreditnotelines": [
            "bundledproduct": "Item from list",
            "creditnote": "1082",
            "discountfromlist": "",
            "draftcreditnotelineid": "",
            "from": "22/10/2013",
            "listprice": "5.00",
            "markuptype": "Selected item",
            "product": "73",
            "quantity": "1",
            "referencetext": "",
            "tax": "5",
            "to": "22/10/2013",
            "totalprice": "",
            "unitprice": ""
Field Type Size Description
createdby string 255 fullname from User
creationdate date
creditnote int creditnoteid from Draft Credit Note
draftcreditnotelineid int Reference to the Draft Credit Note Line
from date
markup string % or currency value
markuptype int 1 = % , 2 = Currency Amount
product int productid from Product
productgroup int productgroupid from Product Group
tax int taxid from Tax
taxrate decimal taxrate from Tax
to date
updatedate date
updatedby string 255 fullname from User

Credit Note


PUT (Minimum) JSON Body

    "creditnotes": [
            "accountname": "Item from list",
            "creditnotedate": "22/10/2013",
            "creditnotenumber": "Darren Smith",
            "status": "Selected item"

PUT (Full) JSON Body

    "creditnotes": [
            "accountname": "Item from list",
            "approved": "True",
            "creditnotecomment": "This is very long text which can go over multiple lines",
            "creditnotedate": "22/10/2013",
            "creditnotenumber": "Darren Smith",
            "creditnotereason": "Item from list",
            "creditnotetext": "Darren Smith",
            "creditnotetype": "Item from list",
            "gross": "£0.00",
            "location": "Item from list",
            "net": "£0.00",
            "status": "Selected item",
            "tax": "£0.00"
Field Type Size Description
accountname int accountid from Account
approved boolean
creditnotecomment string 4000
creditnotedate date
creditnotenumber string 255
creditnotereason int creditnotereasonid from Credit Note Reason
creditnotetext string 255
creditnotetype int creditnotetypeid from Credit Note Type
gross currency
location int locationid from Location
net currency
tax currency

Credit Note Line

A row of a Credit Note, representing a credit transaction.


curl \
 -H 'Authorization: Bearer gAA...X-w'
    "response": {
        "id": "cbf9dac6-583b-4755-91f8-b766b778a7e6",
        "status": "OK",
        "providername": "Operate API",
        "datetimeutc": "25/07/2017 08:21:08",
        "creditnotelines": [
                "row_num": "1",
                "bundledproduct": "0",
                "createdby": "DOMAIN\\mari",
                "outputvalue_createdby": "DOMAIN\\mari",
                "creationdate": "2016-07-01T17:07:33+00:00",
                "outputvalue_creationdate": "2016-07-01T17:07:33+00:00",
                "creditnote": "342",
                "discountfromlist": "500",
                "outputvalue_discountfromlist": "500",
                "creditnotelineid": "19",
                "outputvalue_creditnotelineid": "19",
                "from": "2016-01-01T00:00:00+00:00",
                "outputvalue_from": "2016-01-01T00:00:00+00:00",
                "listprice": "1000",
                "outputvalue_listprice": "1000",
                "markup": "0",
                "outputvalue_markup": "0",
                "markuptype": "0",
                "outputvalue_markuptype": "0",
                "order": "1",
                "outputvalue_order": "1",
                "product": "74",
                "outputvalue_product": "Room 2",
                "productgroup": "24",
                "outputvalue_productgroup": "Office Rent",
                "quantity": "1",
                "outputvalue_quantity": "1",
                "referencetext": "<FROM> - <TO>",
                "outputvalue_referencetext": "<FROM> - <TO>",
                "tax": "5",
                "outputvalue_tax": "0.2",
                "taxrate": "0.2",
                "outputvalue_taxrate": "20%",
                "to": "2016-01-31T00:00:00+00:00",
                "outputvalue_to": "2016-01-31T00:00:00+00:00",
                "unitprice": "500",
                "outputvalue_unitprice": "500",
                "updatedate": "2016-07-01T17:07:33+00:00",
                "outputvalue_updatedate": "2016-07-01T17:07:33+00:00",
                "updatedby": "DOMAIN\\mari",
                "outputvalue_updatedby": "DOMAIN\\mari"
        "totalCount": "1"
Field Type Size Description
createdby string 255 fullname from User
creationdate date
creditnote int creditnoteid from Credit Note
creditnotelineid int
from date
markup string % or currency value
markuptype int 1 = % , 2 = Currency Amount
product int productid from Product
productgroup int productgroupid from Product Group
referencetext string
tax int taxid from Tax
taxrate decimal taxrate from Tax
to date
updatedate date
updatedby string 255 fullname from User

Credit Note Reason

Why the Credit Note is being issued. Default reasons are: Billing Error or Client was overcharged.

Credit Note and Draft Credit Note both use a creditnotereasonid.


curl \
 -H 'Authorization: Bearer gAA...X-w'
    "response": {
        "id": "0ec2032e-3f95-4151-b73a-e634e30a9844",
        "status": "OK",
        "providername": "Operate API",
        "datetimeutc": "25/07/2017 08:18:27",
        "lookupcreditnotereasons": [
                "row_num": "1",
                "creationdate": "2010-10-01T10:23:17+00:00",
                "outputvalue_creationdate": "2010-10-01T10:23:17+00:00",
                "creditnotereasonname": "Client was overcharged",
                "outputvalue_creditnotereasonname": "Client was overcharged",
                "creditnotereasonid": "582",
                "outputvalue_creditnotereasonid": "582",
                "updatedate": "2010-10-01T10:23:17+00:00",
                "outputvalue_updatedate": "2010-10-01T10:23:17+00:00"
        "totalCount": "1"
Field Type Size Description
creationdate date
creditnotereasonname string
creditnotereasonid int Reference to the Credit Note Reason
updatedate date

Credit Note Template

Customizable template for use with Credit Note.

PUT (minimum) JSON Body

    "creditnotetemplates": [
            "templatename": "Darren Smith",
            "templateid": "Darren Smith",
            "mergefield": "Item from list",
            "papersize": "Selected item",
            "termsandconditions": {
                "strong": "html"
            "title": "Darren Smith"

PUT (full) JSON Body

    "creditnotetemplates": [
            "marginbottom": "1,2345",
            "templatename": "Darren Smith",
            "templateid": "Darren Smith",
            "marginleft": "1,2345",
            "mergefield": "Item from list",
            "papersize": "Selected item",
            "marginright": "1,2345",
            "templatehtml": {
                "strong": "html"
            "termsandconditions": {
                "strong": "html"
            "title": "Darren Smith",
            "margintop": "1,2345"
Field Type Size Description
mergefield Pulls customer specific information onto the template.
papersize string A4, US Letter
termsandconditions object Adds T&Cs to the template.
title string

Credit Note Type

Default types are: ‘Human error’ and ‘System error’

Used by Credit Note,


curl \
 -H 'Authorization: Bearer gAA...X-w'
    "response": {
        "id": "12892444-9a56-4d9e-a39f-dec10958df90",
        "status": "OK",
        "providername": "Operate API",
        "datetimeutc": "25/07/2017 09:04:28",
        "lookupcreditnotetypes": [
                "row_num": "1",
                "creationdate": "2010-10-01T10:23:17+00:00",
                "outputvalue_creationdate": "2010-10-01T10:23:17+00:00",
                "creditnotetypename": "Human Error",
                "outputvalue_creditnotetypename": "Human Error",
                "creditnotetypeid": "584",
                "outputvalue_creditnotetypeid": "584",
                "updatedate": "2010-10-01T10:23:17+00:00",
                "outputvalue_updatedate": "2010-10-01T10:23:17+00:00"
        "totalCount": "1"
Field Type Size Description
creationdate date
creditnotetypename string 255
creditnotetypeid int Reference to the Credit Note Type
updatedate date


Items that are being used within your business, but are not necessarily sold as standalone products. For example, furniture.

Inventory Item

An item being used within your business but not sold as a Product


    "response": {
        "id": "8e0765aa-b398-4a04-8309-de0b35d0010e",
        "status": "OK",
        "providername": "Operate API",
        "datetimeutc": "15/07/2017 10:50:23",
        "inventoryitems": [
                "row_num": "1",
                "availableat": "Aldgate Tower",
                "outputvalue_availableat": "Aldgate Tower",
                "createdby": "admin",
                "outputvalue_createdby": "admin",
                "creationdate": "2011-01-15T17:44:15+00:00",
                "outputvalue_creationdate": "2011-01-15T17:44:15+00:00",
                "group": "40",
                "outputvalue_group": "Keys & Security Fobs",
                "inventoryid": "1",
                "outputvalue_inventoryid": "1",
                "location": "1",
                "outputvalue_location": "Aldgate Tower",
                "name": "Security Fob",
                "outputvalue_name": "Security Fob",
                "recordtype": "10284",
                "outputvalue_recordtype": "InventoryItem",
                "unitcost": "0.0000",
                "outputvalue_unitcost": "0.0000",
                "unitprice": "0.0000",
                "outputvalue_unitprice": "0.0000",
                "updatedate": "2011-01-15T17:44:15+00:00",
                "outputvalue_updatedate": "2011-01-15T17:44:15+00:00",
                "updatedby": "admin",
                "outputvalue_updatedby": "admin",
                "vendor": null,
                "outputvalue_vendor": null
        "totalCount": "1"

PUT (full) JSON Body

    "inventoryitems": [
            "group": "Item from list",
            "inventoryid": "",
            "location": "Item from list",
            "name": ""

PUT (full) JSON Body

    "inventoryitems": [
            "availableat": "Select Item 1, Selected Item 2",
            "custom1": "",
            "custom2": "",
            "custom3": "",
            "custom4": "",
            "group": "Item from list",
            "inventoryid": "",
            "leadtime": "",
            "location": "Item from list",
            "manufacturer": "Item from list",
            "name": "",
            "notes": "This is very long text which can go over multiple lines",
            "partnumber": "",
            "reorderlevel": "1,2345",
            "reorderquantity": "1,2345",
            "unitcost": "£0.00",
            "unitprice": "£0.00",
            "vendor": "Item from list"
Field Type Size Description
availableat string locationname from Location,
createdby string 255 fullname from User
creationdate date
group int inventorygroupsid from Inventory Group
inventoryid int reference to the Inventory Item
location int locationid from Location
manufacturer int manufacturerid from Manufacturers
name string
notes string 4000 from Note
partnumber string 255
recordtype int recordtypeid from Record Type
unitcost decimal
unitprice decimal
updatedate date
updatedby string 255 fullname from User
vendor int vendorsid from Vendors

Inventory Group

A group of Inventory Items. Defaults are: Car Park Permit, Furniture, Keys and Security Fobs


    "response": {
        "id": "9d604250-6972-496f-a46b-c3c9206c29ce",
        "status": "OK",
        "providername": "Operate API",
        "datetimeutc": "15/07/2017 10:53:13",
        "lookupinventorygroupss": [
                "row_num": "1",
                "creationdate": "2009-05-29T09:41:33+00:00",
                "outputvalue_creationdate": "2009-05-29T09:41:33+00:00",
                "inventorygroup": "Keys & Security Fobs",
                "outputvalue_inventorygroup": "Keys & Security Fobs",
                "inventorygroupsid": "40",
                "outputvalue_inventorygroupsid": "40",
                "updatedate": "2009-05-29T09:41:33+00:00",
                "outputvalue_updatedate": "2009-05-29T09:41:33+00:00"
        "totalCount": "1"

PUT (Minimum and Full) JSON Body

    "lookupinventorygroupss": [
            "inventorygroup": "Name of the Group"
Field Type Size Description
creationdate date
inventorygroup string 255
inventorygroupsid int Reference to the Inventory Group
updatedate date

Contact Inventory Item


curl \
 -H 'Authorization: Bearer gAA...X-w'
    "response": {
        "id": "87b2dc1f-cbe2-41c6-86c3-786ebe4ef26b",
        "status": "OK",
        "providername": "Operate API",
        "datetimeutc": "13/07/2017 16:55:39",
        "contactinventoryitemss": [
                "contactinventoryitemid": "1",
                "outputvalue_contactinventoryitemid": "1",
                "createdby": "Paul Smith",
                "outputvalue_createdby": "Paul Smith",
                "creationdate": "2017-07-13T16:55:39",
                "outputvalue_creationdate": "2017-07-13T16:55:39",
                "date": "2013-10-22T00:00:00",
                "outputvalue_date": "2013-10-22T00:00:00",
                "quantity": "12345",
                "outputvalue_quantity": "12345",
                "transactiontype": "0",
                "outputvalue_transactiontype": "0",
                "updatedate": "2017-07-13T16:55:39",
                "outputvalue_updatedate": "2017-07-13T16:55:39",
                "updatedby": "Paul Smith",
                "outputvalue_updatedby": "Paul Smith"

PUT (minimum) JSON Body

    "contactinventoryitemss": [
            "account": "Item from list",
            "contact": "Item from list",
            "contactinventoryitemid": "Darren Smith",
            "date": "22/10/2013",
            "inventoryitem": "Item from list",
            "quantity": "123",
            "transactiontype": "Selected item"

PUT (full) JSON Body

    "contactinventoryitemss": [
            "account": "Item from list",
            "contact": "Item from list",
            "contactinventoryitemid": "Darren Smith",
            "date": "22/10/2013",
            "installdate": "22/10/2013",
            "inventoryitem": "Item from list",
            "notes": "This is very long text which can go over multiple lines",
            "quantity": "123",
            "transactiontype": "Selected item"
Field Type Size Description
contactinventoryitemid int Reference to the contact inventory item
createdby string 255 fullname from User
creationdate date
date date
quantity int
transactiontype int Specifies the status of the Contact Inventory Item. Defaults are: 0 = Ordered, 1 = Received, 2 = Shipped, 3 = Allocated, 4 = Returned
updatedate date
updatedby string 255 fullname from User



    "response": {
        "id": "df8266b5-5974-40b3-8ebb-9c29ce648c96",
        "status": "OK",
        "providername": "Operate API",
        "datetimeutc": "13/07/2017 13:44:17",
        "lookupmanufacturerss": [
                "row_num": "1",
                "createdby": "Paul Smith",
                "outputvalue_createdby": "Paul Smith",
                "creationdate": "2017-07-13T13:44:13+00:00",
                "outputvalue_creationdate": "2017-07-13T13:44:13+00:00",
                "manufacturer": "Darren Smith",
                "outputvalue_manufacturer": "Darren Smith",
                "manufacturersid": "641",
                "outputvalue_manufacturersid": "641",
                "updatedate": "2017-07-13T13:44:13+00:00",
                "outputvalue_updatedate": "2017-07-13T13:44:13+00:00",
                "updatedby": "Paul Smith",
                "outputvalue_updatedby": "Paul Smith"
        "totalCount": "1"

PUT (minimum and full) JSON Body

    "lookupmanufacturerss": [
            "manufacturer": "Darren Smith"
Field Type Size Description
createdby string 255 fullname from User
creationdate date
manufacturer string
manufacturersid int Reference to the Manufacturer
updatedate date
updatedby string 255 fullname from User


Bills customers for purchased products or services. When first creating an invoice, it is a Draft Invoice. It will only become a valid Invoice after approval.

Draft Invoice

A DraftInvoice is an Invoice that has not yet been approved and is subject to changes. A DraftInvoice contains one or more Draft Invoice Lines, the DraftInvoiceLine is a row of a DraftInvoice.


curl \
 -H 'Authorization: Bearer gAA...X-w'
    "response": {
        "id": "2c87bc93-2af3-471b-9c26-c2139415bbce",
        "status": "OK",
        "providername": "Operate API",
        "datetimeutc": "12/07/2017 10:48:28",
        "draftinvoices": [
                "row_num": "1",
                "accountname": "7",
                "outputvalue_accountname": "UK Sales Team",
                "approved": "false",
                "outputvalue_approved": "false",
                "bfwd": "0.0000",
                "outputvalue_bfwd": "0.0000",
                "clienttype": "1",
                "outputvalue_clienttype": "Residential",
                "createdby": "RJMETIS\\ersan",
                "outputvalue_createdby": "RJMETIS\\ersan",
                "creationdate": "2016-07-12T15:54:06+00:00",
                "outputvalue_creationdate": "2016-07-12T15:54:06+00:00",
                "invoicedescription": "Standard Invoice",
                "outputvalue_invoicedescription": "Standard Invoice",
                "emailinvoices": "true",
                "outputvalue_emailinvoices": "true",
                "emailaddress": "",
                "outputvalue_emailaddress": "",
                "endingbalance": "3144.1",
                "outputvalue_endingbalance": "3144.1",
                "gross": "3144.1",
                "outputvalue_gross": "3144.1",
                "invoiceemailaddress": "",
                "outputvalue_invoiceemailaddress": "",
                "invoicesort": "UK Sales Team",
                "outputvalue_invoicesort": "UK Sales Team",
                "status": "2",
                "outputvalue_status": "2",
                "invoicestatus": "2",
                "outputvalue_invoicestatus": "2",
                "invoiceid": "374",
                "outputvalue_invoiceid": "374",
                "location": "1",
                "outputvalue_location": "Aldgate Tower",
                "net": "2953.42",
                "outputvalue_net": "2953.42",
                "officeorder": "false",
                "outputvalue_officeorder": "false",
                "invoicetype": "1",
                "outputvalue_invoicetype": "1",
                "organization": "1",
                "outputvalue_organization": "essensys Ltd",
                "paymentscredits": "0",
                "outputvalue_paymentscredits": "0",
                "tax": "190.68",
                "outputvalue_tax": "190.68",
                "updatedate": "2016-07-12T15:54:06+00:00",
                "outputvalue_updatedate": "2016-07-12T15:54:06+00:00",
                "updatedby": "RJMETIS\\ersan",
                "outputvalue_updatedby": "RJMETIS\\ersan"
        "totalCount": "1"

PUT (minimum) JSON Body

    "draftinvoices": [
            "accountname": "Item from list",
            "invoicedate": "22/10/2013",
            "invoicenumber": "",
            "status": ""

PUT (full) JSON Body

    "draftinvoices": [
            "accountname": "Item from list",
            "accountref": "",
            "approved": "True",
            "duedate": "22/10/2013",
            "invoicedate": "22/10/2013",
            "invoicenumber": "",
            "invoicestatus": "2",
            "status": "2",
            "invoicetemplate": "Item from list",
            "invoicetext": "",
            "invoicetext1": "",
            "invoicetext2": "",
            "location": "Item from list",
            "officeorder": "12345",
            "invoicetype": "12345"
Field Type Size Description
accountname int accountid from Account
accountref string 255
approved boolean For a draft invoice this will be false.
bfwd decimal
clienttype int clienttypeid from Client Type
createdby string 255 fullname from User
creationdate date
invoicedescription string 255
emailinvoices boolean
emailaddress string 4000
endingbalance decimal
gross decimal
invoiceemailaddress string
invoicesort string 255
invoicestatus int 3 = Draft, 4 = Final
invoiceid int Reference to the Draft Invoice
invoicetype int
location int locationid from Location
net decimal
officeorder boolean
organization int organizationid from Organization
paymentscredits decimal
status int 3 = Draft, 4 = Final
tax decimal
updatedate date
updatedby string 255 fullname from User

Draft Invoice Line

A row of a Draft Invoice, representing a charge. A Charge Sheet becomes a Draft Invoice Line when billed.


curl \
 -H 'Authorization: Bearer gAA...X-w'
    "response": {
        "id": "6e5e22e3-8041-420b-aa41-7f52bb68bd93",
        "status": "OK",
        "providername": "Operate API",
        "datetimeutc": "18/07/2017 14:29:19",
        "draftinvoicelines": [
                "row_num": "1",
                "bundledproduct": "0",
                "createdby": "RJMETIS\\mari",
                "outputvalue_createdby": "RJMETIS\\mari",
                "creationdate": "2013-04-12T10:32:59+00:00",
                "outputvalue_creationdate": "2013-04-12T10:32:59+00:00",
                "discountfromlist": "0.0000",
                "outputvalue_discountfromlist": "0.0000",
                "draftinvoicelineid": "16",
                "outputvalue_draftinvoicelineid": "16",
                "from": "2013-04-12T00:00:00+00:00",
                "outputvalue_from": "2013-04-12T00:00:00+00:00",
                "invoice": "340",
                "listprice": "2000",
                "outputvalue_listprice": "2000",
                "markup": "0",
                "outputvalue_markup": "0",
                "markuptype": "0",
                "outputvalue_markuptype": "0",
                "originalbundle": "0",
                "outputvalue_originalbundle": "0",
                "originallicenceitemschedule": "0",
                "outputvalue_originallicenceitemschedule": "0",
                "product": "64",
                "outputvalue_product": "Deposit",
                "productgroup": "20",
                "quantity": "1",
                "outputvalue_quantity": "1",
                "referencetext": null,
                "outputvalue_referencetext": null,
                "tax": "5",
                "outputvalue_tax": "0.2",
                "taxrate": "0.2",
                "outputvalue_taxrate": "20%",
                "to": "2013-04-12T00:00:00+00:00",
                "outputvalue_to": "2013-04-12T00:00:00+00:00",
                "unitprice": "2000",
                "outputvalue_unitprice": "2000",
                "updatedate": "2013-04-12T10:32:59+00:00",
                "outputvalue_updatedate": "2013-04-12T10:32:59+00:00",
                "updatedby": "RJMETIS\\mari",
                "outputvalue_updatedby": "RJMETIS\\mari"
        "totalCount": "1"

PUT (minimum) JSON Body

    "invoicelines": [
            "draftinvoicelineid": "",
            "from": "22/10/2013",
            "invoice": "",
            "product": "",
            "to": "22/10/2013"

PUT (full) JSON Body

    "invoicelines": [
            "bundledproduct": "Item from list",
            "discountfromlist": "£0.00",
            "draftinvoicelineid": "Darren Smith",
            "from": "22/10/2013",
            "invoice": "Item from list",
            "listprice": "£0.00",
            "markuptype": "",
            "product": "",
            "quantity": "12345",
            "tax": "",
            "to": "22/10/2013",
            "totalprice": "£0.00",
            "unitprice": "£0.00"
Field Type Size Description
bundledproduct int
createdby string 255 fullname from User
creationdate date
discountfromlist currency
draftinvoicelineid int Reference to the Draft Invoice Line
from date
invoice int invoiceid from Draft Invoice
listprice currency
markup string % or currency amount
markuptype int 1 = % , 2 = Currency Amount
originalbundle int
originallicenceitemschedule int
product int productid from Product
productgroup int productgroupid from Product Group
referencetext string 255
tax int taxid from Tax
taxrate decimal
to date
unitprice currency
updatedate date
updatedby string 255 fullname from User


An Invoice is created as a Draft Invoice

Invoice Line, License Proforma Invoice and Tax Summary can reference an invoiceid.


    "response": {
        "id": "e29d24e9-d0b2-4a79-abb1-642a03129598",
        "status": "OK",
        "providername": "Operate API",
        "datetimeutc": "03/08/2017 12:21:14",
        "invoices": [
                "row_num": "1",
                "accountname": "15",
                "outputvalue_accountname": "",
                "approved": "true",
                "outputvalue_approved": "true",
                "bfwd": "502",
                "outputvalue_bfwd": "502",
                "clienttype": "1",
                "outputvalue_clienttype": "Resident",
                "createdby": "Nicoleta Smith",
                "outputvalue_createdby": "Nicoleta Smith",
                "creationdate": "2016-11-04T11:10:31+03:00",
                "outputvalue_creationdate": "2016-11-04T11:10:31+03:00",
                "invoicedescription": "Standard Invoice",
                "outputvalue_invoicedescription": "Standard Invoice",
                "duedate": "2017-01-31T00:00:00+03:00",
                "outputvalue_duedate": "2017-01-31T00:00:00+03:00",
                "emailinvoices": "true",
                "outputvalue_emailinvoices": "true",
                "invoiceemailaddress": "",
                "outputvalue_invoiceemailaddress": "",
                "emailaddress": null,
                "outputvalue_emailaddress": null,
                "endingbalance": "742",
                "outputvalue_endingbalance": "742",
                "gross": "240",
                "outputvalue_gross": "240",
                "invoicedate": "2017-01-05T00:00:00+03:00",
                "outputvalue_invoicedate": "2017-01-05T00:00:00+03:00",
                "invoicenumber": "08",
                "outputvalue_invoicenumber": "08",
                "invoicetemplate": "6",
                "outputvalue_invoicetemplate": "Default Classic Invoice",
                "invoicetext": null,
                "outputvalue_invoicetext": null,
                "invoicetext1": null,
                "outputvalue_invoicetext1": null,
                "invoiceid": "403",
                "outputvalue_invoiceid": "403",
                "location": "1",
                "outputvalue_location": "Chelsea Towers",
                "net": "200",
                "outputvalue_net": "200",
                "organization": "1",
                "outputvalue_organization": "",
                "paid": "false",
                "outputvalue_paid": "false",
                "paymentscredits": "0",
                "outputvalue_paymentscredits": "0",
                "recordtype": "0",
                "status": "5",
                "outputvalue_status": "5",
                "tax": "40",
                "outputvalue_tax": "40",
                "updatedate": "2017-05-26T14:49:59+03:00",
                "outputvalue_updatedate": "2017-05-26T14:49:59+03:00",
                "updatedby": "Christine Smith",
                "outputvalue_updatedby": "Christine Smith"
        "totalCount": "1"
Field Type Size Description
bfwd currency localized format e.g. £0.00
datepaid date
gross currency localized format e.g. £0.00
invoicedate date
invoicenumber automatically and consecutively allocated to invoices
location int locationid from Location
net currency localized format e.g. £0.00
paid boolean

Invoice Line

A row of an Invoice, representing a charge.

Note: reference to an invoiceline is by draftinvoicelineid


    "response": {
        "id": "d36a8cea-29bc-40f3-a88e-e338744108fc",
        "status": "OK",
        "providername": "Operate API",
        "datetimeutc": "15/07/2017 11:29:25",
        "invoicelines": [
                "row_num": "1",
                "accountsid": "1",
                "outputvalue_accountsid": "1",
                "bundledproduct": "0",
                "createdby": "RJMETIS\\mari",
                "outputvalue_createdby": "RJMETIS\\mari",
                "creationdate": "2016-07-01T17:07:34+00:00",
                "outputvalue_creationdate": "2016-07-01T17:07:34+00:00",
                "discountfromlist": "500",
                "outputvalue_discountfromlist": "500",
                "draftinvoicelineid": "22",
                "outputvalue_draftinvoicelineid": "22",
                "from": "2016-04-01T00:00:00+00:00",
                "outputvalue_from": "2016-04-01T00:00:00+00:00",
                "glcode": "1000",
                "outputvalue_glcode": "1000",
                "invoice": "345",
                "listprice": "1000",
                "outputvalue_listprice": "1000",
                "location": "1",
                "outputvalue_location": "Aldgate Tower",
                "markup": "0",
                "outputvalue_markup": "0",
                "markuptype": "0",
                "outputvalue_markuptype": "0",
                "order": "1",
                "outputvalue_order": "1",
                "originalbundle": "0",
                "outputvalue_originalbundle": "0",
                "product": "74",
                "outputvalue_product": "Room 2",
                "productgroup": "24",
                "outputvalue_productgroup": "Office Rent",
                "quantity": "1",
                "outputvalue_quantity": "1",
                "referencetext": "01/04/2016 - 30/04/2016",
                "outputvalue_referencetext": "01/04/2016 - 30/04/2016",
                "tax": "5",
                "outputvalue_tax": "0.2",
                "taxcode": "1",
                "outputvalue_taxcode": "1",
                "taxname": "5",
                "outputvalue_taxname": "20% Tax rate",
                "taxrate": "0.2",
                "outputvalue_taxrate": "20%",
                "to": "2016-04-30T00:00:00+00:00",
                "outputvalue_to": "2016-04-30T00:00:00+00:00",
                "updatedate": "2016-07-01T17:07:34+00:00",
                "outputvalue_updatedate": "2016-07-01T17:07:34+00:00",
                "updatedby": "RJMETIS\\mari",
                "outputvalue_updatedby": "RJMETIS\\mari"
        "totalCount": "1"
Field Type Size Description
accountsid int accountsid from Account Note this is different from accountid
createdby string 255 fullname from User
creationdate date
draftinvoicelineid int Reference to the Invoice Line
from date
glcode string 255 General Ledger Code applied to all Products. Typically used when performing Financial Exports to third party applications.
invoice int invoiceid from Invoice
listprice currency
location int locationid from Location
markup string % or currency amount
markuptype int 1 = % , 2 = Currency Amount
product int productid from Product
productgroup int productgroupid from Product Group
referencetext string 255
tax int taxid from Tax
taxcode string 10
taxname int taxid from Tax
taxrate taxrate from Tax
to date
updatedate date
updatedby string 255 fullname from User

Invoice Number

Each Invoice is allocated an Invoice Number. The allocation is consecutive and may include a Prefix depending on the Location, Client Type or Organization


    "response": {
        "id": "abf48327-0df9-4709-9a49-9981f29f41cd",
        "status": "OK",
        "providername": "Operate API",
        "datetimeutc": "18/07/2017 14:48:48",
        "invoicenumbers": [
                "row_num": "1",
                "createdby": "DOMAIN\\smith",
                "outputvalue_createdby": "DOMAIN\\smith",
                "creationdate": "2016-07-01T09:50:54+00:00",
                "outputvalue_creationdate": "2016-07-01T09:50:54+00:00",
                "invoicenumberid": "5",
                "outputvalue_invoicenumberid": "5",
                "invoiceprefix": "7A-",
                "outputvalue_invoiceprefix": "7A-",
                "invoicenumber": "0",
                "outputvalue_invoicenumber": "0",
                "updatedate": "2016-07-01T09:50:54+00:00",
                "outputvalue_updatedate": "2016-07-01T09:50:54+00:00",
                "updatedby": "DOMAIN\\smith",
                "outputvalue_updatedby": "DOMAIN\\smith"
        "totalCount": "1"
Field Type Size Description
createdby string 255 fullname from User
creationdate date
invoicenumberid int Reference to the Invoice Number
invoiceprefix string Alphanumeric field that goes before the invoice number. It can be configured per Organization, Location or Client Type.
updatedate date
updatedby string 255 fullname from User

Invoice Order


    "response": {
        "id": "51176d14-ac8b-4a53-9ff2-7ae5f15474b8",
        "status": "OK",
        "providername": "Operate API",
        "datetimeutc": "18/07/2017 14:57:18",
        "invoiceorders": [
                "row_num": "1",
                "createdby": "DOMAIN\\smith",
                "outputvalue_createdby": "DOMAIN\\smith",
                "creationdate": "2016-07-01T09:57:45+00:00",
                "outputvalue_creationdate": "2016-07-01T09:57:45+00:00",
                "sortorder": "1",
                "outputvalue_sortorder": "1",
                "productgroup": "Office Rent",
                "outputvalue_productgroup": "Office Rent",
                "productgroupid": "24",
                "outputvalue_productgroupid": "24",
                "updatedate": "2016-07-01T09:57:45+00:00",
                "outputvalue_updatedate": "2016-07-01T09:57:45+00:00",
                "updatedby": "DOMAIN\\smith",
                "outputvalue_updatedby": "DOMAIN\\smith"
        "totalCount": "1"
Field Type Size Description
createdby string 255 fullname from User
creationdate date
productgroup string
productgroupid int productgroupid from Product Group
updatedate date
updatedby string 255 fullname from User

Invoice Summary

A summarized view of invoiced transactions that only contains totals per Product Group.


    "response": {
        "id": "682ee1a4-c9b0-469a-94aa-d9b124ed823e",
        "status": "OK",
        "providername": "Operate API",
        "datetimeutc": "01/08/2017 10:11:21",
        "invoicesummarys": [
                "row_num": "1",
                "createdby": "live",
                "outputvalue_createdby": "live",
                "creationdate": "2017-05-05T13:58:22+00:00",
                "outputvalue_creationdate": "2017-05-05T13:58:22+00:00",
                "creditnoteid": "1011",
                "draftcreditnoteid": "1011",
                "draftinvoiceid": "1011",
                "invoiceid": "1011",
                "invoicesummaryname": "Office Rent",
                "outputvalue_invoicesummaryname": "Office Rent",
                "invoicesummaryid": "00001011000024",
                "outputvalue_invoicesummaryid": "00001011000024",
                "order": "1",
                "outputvalue_order": "1",
                "recordtype": "0",
                "summarytotal": "428.57",
                "outputvalue_summarytotal": "428.57",
                "updatedate": "2017-05-05T13:58:22+00:00",
                "outputvalue_updatedate": "2017-05-05T13:58:22+00:00",
                "updatedby": "live",
                "outputvalue_updatedby": "live"
        "totalCount": "1"
Field Type Size Description
createdby string 255 fullname from User
creationdate date
creditnoteid int
draftcreditnoteid int
draftinvoiceid int
invoiceid int
invoicesummaryname string
invoicesummaryid string Reference to the Invoice Summary
recordtype int recordtypeid from Record Type
summarytotal decimal
updatedate date
updatedby string 255 fullname from User


A Journal entry within Accounts Receivable. Journals can either be credit or debit. Journals are associated to a GL Code and can be allocated to an Invoice.



    "response": {
        "id": "4b36fcc1-d525-4c9b-8c03-f29141c41ec9",
        "status": "OK",
        "providername": "Operate API",
        "datetimeutc": "22/08/2017 10:54:51",
        "journals": [
                "row_num": "1",
                "accountname": "12",
                "outputvalue_accountname": "UK Marketing Team",
                "createdby": "Paul Smith",
                "outputvalue_createdby": "Paul Smith",
                "creationdate": "2017-08-22T10:54:39+00:00",
                "outputvalue_creationdate": "2017-08-22T10:54:39+00:00",
                "glcode": "1000",
                "journaldate": "2017-08-22T00:00:00+00:00",
                "outputvalue_journaldate": "2017-08-22T00:00:00+00:00",
                "journalcreditid": "1114",
                "outputvalue_journalcreditid": "1114",
                "journalid": "1114",
                "outputvalue_journalid": "1114",
                "journaltype": "12",
                "outputvalue_journaltype": "12",
                "location": "1",
                "outputvalue_location": "Aldgate Tower",
                "reference": "Test 12",
                "outputvalue_reference": "Test 12",
                "updatedate": "2017-08-22T10:54:39+00:00",
                "outputvalue_updatedate": "2017-08-22T10:54:39+00:00",
                "updatedby": "Paul Smith",
                "outputvalue_updatedby": "Paul Smith"
        "totalCount": "1"

PUT (Minimum) JSON body

    "journals": [
            "accountname": "12",
            "glcode": "1000",
            "journaldate": "22/10/2013",
            "journaltype": "12",
            "reference": ""

PUT (Full) JSON body

    "journals": [
            "accountname": "12",
            "allocateto": "Darren Smith",
            "amount": "£0.00",
            "comments": "This is very long text which can go over multiple lines",
            "paymentcurrencycode": "",
            "paymentexchangerate": "125",
            "glcode": "1000",
            "journaldate": "22/10/2013",
            "journalproduct": "",
            "journaltype": "12",
            "reference": ""
Field Type Size Description
accountname int accountid from Account
allocateto string 32767
amount currency
comments string
createdby string 255 fullname from User
creationdate date
glcode int glcodeid from GL Code
journalcreditid int
journaldate date
journalid int Reference to the Journal
journalproduct int productid from Product
journaltype int 12=Journal Credit , 13=Journal Debit
location int locationid from Location
paymentcurrencycode string currencyname from ExchangeRate
paymentexchangerate decimal exchangerate from ExchangeRate
reference string 255
updatedate date
updatedby string 255 fullname from User


Leads are enquiries that companies or individuals submit to your organization.

A Lead can be added manually or sent automatically Web To Lead.

All Leads require a Location. All come from a Lead Source which can vary from a broker to a walk-in. Leads can be rejected (Lead Rejection Reasons) or overturned (Lead Overturn Reasons).


An enquiry that a business entity makes to your Organization.

Activity History, Note, Unreadable Lead and Web To Lead can reference a leadid.


    "response": {
        "id": "c1d77c36-2cc6-4240-ad38-636354cc910f",
        "status": "OK",
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PUT (Minimum) JSON Body

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PUT (Full) JSON Body

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Dead Lead Reason


curl \
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Lead Overturn Reasons


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Lead Rejection Reasons


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Field Type Size Description
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Lead Source

Represents the original source of a Lead. This could be a broker, walk-in, website, etc.


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Field Type Size Description
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Lead Type

Used by Lead and Opportunity


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PUT (Full) JSON Body

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Unreadable Lead

A Lead sent to your LeadDADI address with a missing or incorrect .xml attachment.

PUT (Full) JSON Body

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Field Type Size Description
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Web To Lead

Web To Lead uses an HTML Form to capture Leads from a website into Operate.

PUT (Minimum) JSON Body

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PUT (Full) JSON Body

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Licences represent the contract agreements that you sign with your customers’ Accounts.

They allow you to keep track of all of the terms agreed upon, as well as the Products that each customer chooses to purchase from your organization.


A License is comprised of License Items.

A license requires a Location and an Account.

Activity History, Break Date, Licence Item, Licence Proforma Invoice Line, Licence Proforma Tax Summary, Note and Task can reference a Licence by its licenceid.


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PUT (Minimum) JSON body

    "licences": [
            "accountname": "Item from list",
            "licencename": "",
            "locationname": "Item from list"

PUT (Full) JSON body

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            "dateesigned": "22/10/2013 12:23",
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            "termdays": "1,2345",
            "enddate": "22/10/2013",
            "terminatedby": "",
            "terminatedon": "22/10/2013 12:23",
            "terminationdate": "22/10/2013",
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Field Type Size Description
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contactid int contactid from Contact
clienttype int clienttypeid from Client Type
contact int contactid from Contact
contractlistprice decimal
contractvalue decimal
createdby string 255 fullname from User
creationdate date
depositheld decimal
directdebit boolean
emailaddress string
enddate date
escalationmonths Months within which the price increases.
industry int industryid from Industry
items string
leadsource int leadsourceid from Lead Source
licencename string
licencestatus string
licencetemplate int
licenceid int Reference to the License
locationname int locationid from Location
mandatorychargesloaded boolean
meetingpackageid int meetingpackageid from Meeting Package
monthlyservice decimal
monthlyservicetax decimal
monthlyvirtual decimal
monthlyvirtualtax decimal
newmember boolean
noticegiven boolean
noticeperiod int number of Months
offices string
onboardingemailsent boolean
opportunity int opportunityid from Opportunity
opportunitytype int opportunitytypeid from Opportunity Type
originallicenceagreementid int Appears on licences that have been transferred or renewed.
phoneno string
postcode string 10
registeredaddressline1 string 255
registeredaddressline2 string 255
registeredaddressline3 string 255
registeredcountry string 255 Countries
registeredcounty string 255 Counties
registeredpostcode string 10
registeredtown string 255
renewalterm int
renewed boolean
renewing boolean
rentuplift percent
rentschedulemonths string
rentscheduleprices string
rentvalue decimal
rollinglicence boolean Does Licence automatically renew after the term expiration date.
rollingbreakdates boolean
salesperson int userid from User
schedule int scheduletypeid from Schedule Type
serviceuplift percent
servicevalue decimal
services string
showbreakdates boolean
specialterms string 32767
startdate date
suminsured decimal
suretyaddress1 string 255
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suretyaddress3 string 255
suretycontact string 255
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suretycounty string 255
suretyemail string 255
suretymobile string 255
suretypostcode string 255
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suretytelephone string 255
suretytown string 255
taxnumber string 255
termmonths int
termdays int
town string 255
transferred boolean
transferring boolean
updatedate date
updatedby string 255 fullname from User
valueofgoods decimal
virtualuplift percent
virtualvalue decimal

Licence Item

A Product or Service provided as part of a Licence.


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        "providername": "Operate API",
        "datetimeutc": "13/07/2017 15:29:26",
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                "outputvalue_retainerreferencetext": null,
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enddate date
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mandatorysqftcalc decimal
mandatorytovirtualclients boolean
prorata2ndpayment boolean
product int productid from Product
referencetext string
retainerproduct int
schedule_id int scheduletypeid from Schedule Type
startdate date
tax int taxid from Tax
terminated boolean
total currency
totaldeposit currency
unitprice currency
updatedate date
updatedby string 255 fullname from User
workstations int

Licence Item Schedule

Sets the billing schedule, pricing and discounts for Licence Items.


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        "id": "e5258d9c-f791-405c-b763-a6fa1f9c870e",
        "status": "OK",
        "providername": "Operate API",
        "datetimeutc": "25/07/2017 15:57:20",
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                "outputvalue_quantity": "1",
                "referencetext": "<FROM> - <TO>",
                "outputvalue_referencetext": "<FROM> - <TO>",
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                "outputvalue_startdate": "2016-01-01T00:00:00+00:00",
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Field Type Size Description
createdby string 255 fullname from User
creationdate date
enddate date
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invoiced boolean
licenceitem int licenceitemid from Licence Item
licenceitemscheduleid int Reference to the Licence Item Schedule
prorata boolean
product int productid from Product
referencetext string 255
schedule int scheduletypeid from Schedule Type
startdate date
updatedate date
updatedby string 255 fullname from User

Break Date


curl \
     -H 'Authorization: Bearer gAAAAIsQFg_Nkh....fevnYzautrfLDg'
    "response": {
        "id": "ee39ce98-1ed9-454e-abcf-7cf89340d283",
        "status": "OK",
        "providername": "Operate API",
        "datetimeutc": "08/08/2017 10:28:10",
        "breakdates": [
                "breakdate": "2017-10-22T00:00:00",
                "outputvalue_breakdate": "2017-10-22T00:00:00",
                "breakdateid": "1",
                "outputvalue_breakdateid": "1",
                "createdby": "Paul Smith",
                "outputvalue_createdby": "Paul Smith",
                "creationdate": "2017-08-08T10:28:10",
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                "updatedate": "2017-08-08T10:28:10",
                "outputvalue_updatedate": "2017-08-08T10:28:10",
                "updatedby": "Paul Smith",
                "outputvalue_updatedby": "Paul Smith"

PUT (Minimum) JSON Body

    "breakdates": [
            "breakdate": "22/10/2017",
            "licence": "14"

PUT (Full) JSON Body

    "breakdates": [
            "breakdate": "22/10/2017",
            "interval": "12",
            "licence": "14"
Field Type Size Description
breakdate date
breakdateid int Reference to the Break Date
createdby string 255 fullname from User
creationdate date
interval decimal Number of months.
licence int licenceid from Licence
updatedate date
updatedby string 255 fullname from User

Check List Item

This is an item of the Licence Checklist which tracks progress towards finalizing a Licence.


curl \
 -H 'Authorization: Bearer gAA...X-w'
    "response": {
        "id": "01cb21f8-a15f-463d-a6f8-40fb4a9c883b",
        "status": "OK",
        "providername": "Operate API",
        "datetimeutc": "20/07/2017 13:32:22",
        "lookupchecklistitems": [
                "row_num": "1",
                "checklistitem": "Direct Debit Mandate",
                "outputvalue_checklistitem": "Direct Debit Mandate",
                "checklistitemsid": "531",
                "outputvalue_checklistitemsid": "531",
                "creationdate": "2009-08-13T15:12:52+00:00",
                "outputvalue_creationdate": "2009-08-13T15:12:52+00:00",
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Field Type Size Description
checklistitem string 255
checklistitemsid int Reference to the Check List Item
creationdate date
updatedate date

Licence Check List Item

Licences contain a checklist which you can customize and which contains items you need to check before activating a Licence. These typically represent steps to follow before activation.


    "response": {
        "id": "5cd85ea5-51c7-46a5-9c30-760d28ec0972",
        "status": "OK",
        "providername": "Operate API",
        "datetimeutc": "20/07/2017 13:25:55",
        "licencechecklistitems": [
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                "outputvalue_checkedby": null,
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                "outputvalue_licencechecklistitemid": "2",
                "updatedate": "2016-12-07T16:41:21+00:00",
                "outputvalue_updatedate": "2016-12-07T16:41:21+00:00",
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Field Type Size Description
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createdby string 255 fullname from User
creationdate date
licence int licenseid from Licence
checklistitem int checklistitemsid from Check List Item
licencechecklistitemid int Reference to the Licence Check List Item
updatedate date
updatedby string 255 fullname from User

Licence Member

A Contact assigned to a Licenced Service.

PUT (Minimum and Full) JSON Body

    "licencemembers": [
            "contact": "Item from list",
            "enddate": "22/10/2013",
            "licencememberid": "",
            "licenceitem": "Item from list",
            "startdate": "22/10/2013"
Field Type Size Description
contact int contactid from Contact
createdby string 255 fullname from User
creationdate date
enddate date
licencememberid int Reference to the License Member
licenceitem int licenceitemid from Licence Item
startdate date

Licence Proforma Invoice

A Proforma Invoice generated when issuing a Licence. This invoice provides the customer with information on the Charges applied as part of the Licence. It becomes an Invoice once the Licence has been activated.


    "response": {
        "id": "edac0e5b-e4a0-486f-8714-c487803ae761",
        "status": "OK",
        "providername": "Operate API",
        "datetimeutc": "27/07/2017 08:22:54",
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                "outputvalue_accountref": null,
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                "outputvalue_approved": "0",
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                "outputvalue_bfwd": "0.0000",
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                "outputvalue_creationdate": "2016-07-01T17:07:33+00:00",
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                "outputvalue_duedate": "2017-07-27T08:22:54+00:00",
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                "outputvalue_invoicedate": "2017-07-27T08:22:54+00:00",
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                "outputvalue_invoicesort": "UK Delivery Team yes",
                "status": "1",
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                "outputvalue_invoicetext": null,
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                "outputvalue_invoicetext2": null,
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                "outputvalue_updatedate": "2016-07-01T17:09:21+00:00",
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Field Type Size Description
accountname String
bfwd decimal
createdby string 255 fullname from User
creationdate date
duedate date
emailaddress string
gross decimal
invoicedate date
invoiceid int Reference to the Licence Proforma Invoice
invoicesort string
status int
location int locatonid from Location
net decimal
organization int organizationid from Organization
invoicenumber int
tax decimal
updatedate date
updatedby string 255 fullname from User

Licence Proforma Invoice Line

A row of a Licence Proforma Invoice, representing a Charge.


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        "id": "4163071d-ae55-4306-9c63-22b093d25008",
        "status": "OK",
        "providername": "Operate API",
        "datetimeutc": "27/07/2017 08:38:37",
        "licenceproformainvoicelines": [
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                "invoicelineid": "463",
                "outputvalue_invoicelineid": "463",
                "licence": "14",
                "outputvalue_licence": "Agreement version1",
                "listprice": "400",
                "outputvalue_listprice": "400",
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                "outputvalue_markup": "0",
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                "outputvalue_markuptype": "0",
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                "outputvalue_originalbundle": "0",
                "product": "82",
                "outputvalue_product": "Room 11",
                "productgroup": "24",
                "outputvalue_productgroup": "Office Rent",
                "quantity": "1",
                "outputvalue_quantity": "1",
                "tax": "3",
                "outputvalue_tax": "0",
                "taxrate": "0",
                "outputvalue_taxrate": "0%",
                "to": "2017-01-06T00:00:00+00:00",
                "outputvalue_to": "2017-01-06T00:00:00+00:00",
                "totalprice": "200",
                "outputvalue_totalprice": "200",
                "unitprice": "200",
                "outputvalue_unitprice": "200",
                "updatedate": "2016-12-07T16:41:25+00:00",
                "outputvalue_updatedate": "2016-12-07T16:41:25+00:00",
                "updatedby": "Administrator",
                "outputvalue_updatedby": "Administrator"
        "totalCount": "1"

PUT (Minimum) JSON Body

    "licenceproformainvoicelines": [
            "from": "22/10/2013",
            "invoicelineid": "",
            "licence": "Item from list",
            "product": "Item from list",
            "to": "22/10/2013"

PUT (Full) JSON Body

    "licenceproformainvoicelines": [
            "btchno": "1,2345",
            "bundledproduct": "Item from list",
            "chargesheet": "Item from list",
            "discountfromlist": "£0.00",
            "from": "22/10/2013",
            "invoicelineid": "",
            "licence": "Item from list",
            "listprice": "£0.00",
            "markuptype": "Selected item",
            "newmeterreading": "1,2345",
            "originalbundle": "1,2345",
            "previousmeterreading": "1,2345",
            "product": "Item from list",
            "quantity": "1,2345",
            "referencetext": "",
            "tax": "Item from list",
            "to": "22/10/2013",
            "totalprice": "£0.00",
            "unitprice": "£0.00"
Field Type Size Description
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chargesheet int chargesheetid from Charge Sheet
createdby string 255 fullname from User
creationdate date
from date
invoicelineid int Reference to the Licence Proforma Invoice Line
license int licenceid from License
listprice currency
markup string % or currency amount
markuptype int 1 = % , 2 = Currency Amount
product int productid from Product
productgroup int productgroupid from Product Group
tax int taxid from Tax
to date
totalprice currency
unitprice currency
updatedate date
updatedby string 255 fullname from User

Licence Proforma Invoice Summary

A summarized view of invoiced transactions through a Licence Proforma Invoice that only contains totals per Product Group.


    "response": {
        "id": "302016a3-b1c7-4ee9-8457-ad7dbd6cb0a1",
        "status": "OK",
        "providername": "Operate API",
        "datetimeutc": "27/07/2017 09:28:18",
        "licenceproformainvoicesummarys": [
                "row_num": "1",
                "createdby": "live",
                "outputvalue_createdby": "live",
                "creationdate": "2017-01-17T21:45:21+00:00",
                "outputvalue_creationdate": "2017-01-17T21:45:21+00:00",
                "invoicesummaryname": "Office Rent",
                "outputvalue_invoicesummaryname": "Office Rent",
                "invoicesummaryid": "00000000024",
                "outputvalue_invoicesummaryid": "00000000024",
                "licenceid": "0",
                "order": "1",
                "outputvalue_order": "1",
                "recordtype": "0",
                "updatedate": "2017-01-17T21:45:21+00:00",
                "outputvalue_updatedate": "2017-01-17T21:45:21+00:00",
                "updatedby": "live",
                "outputvalue_updatedby": "live"
        "totalCount": "1"
Field Type Size Description
createdby string 255 fullname from User
creationdate date
invoicesummaryname string 255
invoicesummaryid string Reference to the Licence Proforma Invoice Summary
licenceid int licenceid from Licence
order int
recordtype int
updatedate date
updatedby string 255 fullname from User

Licence Proforma Tax Summary

A summarized view of invoiced tax through a Licence Proforma Invoice.


    "response": {
        "id": "12733884-5b12-4a39-9d41-5b8c2549d156",
        "status": "OK",
        "providername": "Operate API",
        "datetimeutc": "27/07/2017 09:33:59",
        "licenceproformataxsummarys": [
                "row_num": "1",
                "createdby": "live",
                "outputvalue_createdby": "live",
                "creationdate": "2017-06-02T09:16:09+00:00",
                "outputvalue_creationdate": "2017-06-02T09:16:09+00:00",
                "licenceid": "17",
                "outputvalue_licenceid": "New Licence",
                "recordtype": "0",
                "taxrate": "0.2",
                "outputvalue_taxrate": "20%",
                "taxsummaryname": "20% Tax rate",
                "outputvalue_taxsummaryname": "20% Tax rate",
                "taxsummaryid": "00001700005",
                "outputvalue_taxsummaryid": "00001700005",
                "taxtotal": "85.714",
                "outputvalue_taxtotal": "85.714",
                "updatedate": "2017-06-02T09:16:09+00:00",
                "outputvalue_updatedate": "2017-06-02T09:16:09+00:00",
                "updatedby": "live",
                "outputvalue_updatedby": "live"
        "totalCount": "1"
Field Type Size Description
createdby string 255 fullname from User
creationdate date
licenceid int licenceid from Licence
recordtype int
taxrate decimal
taxsummaryname string 255
taxsummaryid string Reference to the Licence Proforma Tax Summary
taxtotal decimal
updatedate date
updatedby string 255 fullname from User

Licence Status

The Licence lifecycle involves the following statuses:


    "response": {
        "id": "3cf25e58-10ab-4919-abb8-88bc16efd77d",
        "status": "OK",
        "providername": "Operate API",
        "datetimeutc": "13/07/2017 11:05:48",
        "licencestatuss": [
                "row_num": "1",
                "createdby": "sa",
                "outputvalue_createdby": "sa",
                "creationdate": "2014-04-30T08:12:13+00:00",
                "outputvalue_creationdate": "2014-04-30T08:12:13+00:00",
                "licencestatusname": "Issued",
                "outputvalue_licencestatusname": "Issued",
                "licencestatusid": "1",
                "outputvalue_licencestatusid": "1",
                "updatedate": "2014-04-30T08:12:13+00:00",
                "outputvalue_updatedate": "2014-04-30T08:12:13+00:00",
                "updatedby": "sa",
                "outputvalue_updatedby": "sa"
        "totalCount": "1"
Field Type Size Description
createdby string 255 fullname from User
creationdate date
licencestatusname string 255
licencestatusid int Reference to the License Status
updatedate date
updatedby string 255 fullname from User

Movement History

A list of Licence renewals, transfers or terminations.


    "response": {
        "id": "d635e299-46a0-4458-af00-bcc93d267ef7",
        "status": "OK",
        "providername": "Operate API",
        "datetimeutc": "27/07/2017 12:00:08",
        "movements": [
                "row_num": "1",
                "account": "6",
                "outputvalue_account": "UK Delivery Team yes",
                "checkinout": "Check In",
                "outputvalue_checkinout": "Check In",
                "createdby": "Mari-Elena Smith",
                "outputvalue_createdby": "Mari-Elena Smith",
                "creationdate": "2016-07-01T17:09:21+00:00",
                "outputvalue_creationdate": "2016-07-01T17:09:21+00:00",
                "location": "1",
                "outputvalue_location": "Aldgate Tower",
                "movementtype": "22",
                "outputvalue_movementtype": "Move In - New Client ",
                "movementid": "1",
                "outputvalue_movementid": "1",
                "office": "true",
                "outputvalue_office": "true",
                "officesize": "0",
                "outputvalue_officesize": "0",
                "product": "74",
                "outputvalue_product": "Room 2",
                "rentalamount": "500",
                "outputvalue_rentalamount": "500",
                "salesperson": "19",
                "outputvalue_salesperson": "Mari-Elena Smith",
                "startdate": "2016-01-01T00:00:00+00:00",
                "outputvalue_startdate": "2016-01-01T00:00:00+00:00",
                "term": "9",
                "outputvalue_term": "9",
                "terminationreason": null,
                "outputvalue_terminationreason": null,
                "updatedate": "2016-08-08T07:53:10+00:00",
                "outputvalue_updatedate": "2016-08-08T07:53:10+00:00",
                "workstations": "6",
                "outputvalue_workstations": "6"
        "totalCount": "1"
Field Type Size Description
account int
checkinout string
createdby string 255 fullname from User
creationdate date
location int locationid from Location
movementtype int movementtypeid from Movement Type
movementid int Reference to the Movement History
office boolean
product int productid from Product
salesperson int
startdate date
updatedate date
workstations int

Movement Type

Determines what type of movement an Account is making. Used when renewing, transferring or terminating a Licence.


    "response": {
        "id": "e3914eea-159f-46fd-a3f7-194976330088",
        "status": "OK",
        "providername": "Operate API",
        "datetimeutc": "27/07/2017 12:07:21",
        "movementtypes": [
                "row_num": "1",
                "creationdate": "2009-05-29T09:39:17+00:00",
                "outputvalue_creationdate": "2009-05-29T09:39:17+00:00",
                "movementtypename": "Move In - New Client ",
                "outputvalue_movementtypename": "Move In - New Client ",
                "movementtypeid": "22",
                "outputvalue_movementtypeid": "22",
                "updatedate": "2009-05-29T09:39:17+00:00",
                "outputvalue_updatedate": "2009-05-29T09:39:17+00:00"
        "totalCount": "1"
Field Type Size Description
creationdate date
movementtypename string
movementtypeid int Reference to the Movement Type
updatedate date

Non Standard Terms

Custom terms added to a Licence.


    "response": {
        "id": "f2492c68-945d-4ffd-8bcb-6caa48e10159",
        "status": "OK",
        "providername": "Operate API",
        "datetimeutc": "15/07/2017 10:05:47",
        "lookupnonstandardtermss": [
                "row_num": "1",
                "creationdate": "2011-01-15T17:31:35+00:00",
                "outputvalue_creationdate": "2011-01-15T17:31:35+00:00",
                "nonstandardterm": "5 Hours Free Meeting Rooms for 3 Months",
                "outputvalue_nonstandardterm": "5 Hours Free Meeting Rooms for 3 Months",
                "nonstandardtermsid": "599",
                "outputvalue_nonstandardtermsid": "599",
                "updatedate": "2011-01-15T17:31:35+00:00",
                "outputvalue_updatedate": "2011-01-15T17:31:35+00:00"
        "totalCount": "1"

PUT (minimum and full) JSON Body

    "lookupnonstandardtermss": [
            "nonstandardterm": "This is long text which can go over multiple lines"
Field Type Size Description
creationdate date
nonstandardterm string 32767
nonstandardtermsid int Reference to the non standard term
updatedate date

Termination Reasons

Define why a Licence has been terminated.


    "response": {
        "id": "9793b3b5-56e2-4ffb-9afd-f53254ce0e22",
        "status": "OK",
        "providername": "Operate API",
        "datetimeutc": "25/07/2017 14:14:15",
        "lookupterminationresonss": [
                "row_num": "1",
                "creationdate": "2009-08-13T15:32:07+00:00",
                "outputvalue_creationdate": "2009-08-13T15:32:07+00:00",
                "terminationreason": "Moved to a competitor",
                "outputvalue_terminationreason": "Moved to a competitor",
                "terminationresonsid": "587",
                "outputvalue_terminationresonsid": "587",
                "updatedate": "2009-08-13T15:32:07+00:00",
                "outputvalue_updatedate": "2009-08-13T15:32:07+00:00"
        "totalCount": "1"
Field Type Size Description
creationdate date
terminationreason string
terminationresonsid int Reference to the Termination Reason
updatedate date

Transfer Reasons

Customizeable reasons why a Licence may be transferred.


    "response": {
        "id": "cc4f6dba-3b85-41ac-878f-850eb0a9b8b6",
        "status": "OK",
        "providername": "Operate API",
        "datetimeutc": "08/08/2017 13:55:14",
        "lookuptransferreasonss": [
                "row_num": "1",
                "createdby": "Paul Smith",
                "outputvalue_createdby": "Paul Smith",
                "creationdate": "2017-08-08T13:53:21+00:00",
                "outputvalue_creationdate": "2017-08-08T13:53:21+00:00",
                "transferreason": "Test 22",
                "outputvalue_transferreason": "Test 22",
                "transferreasonsid": "645",
                "outputvalue_transferreasonsid": "645",
                "updatedate": "2017-08-08T13: 53:21+00:00",
                "outputvalue_updatedate": "2017-08-08T13:53:21+00:00",
                "updatedby": "Paul Smith",
                "outputvalue_updatedby": "Paul Smith"
        "totalCount": "1"

PUT (Minimum & Full) JSON Body

    "lookuptransferreasonss": [
            "transferreason": "New Transfer Reason"
Field Type Size Description
createdby string 255 fullname from User
creationdate date
transferreason string
transferreasonsid int reference to the Transfer Reason
updatedate date
updatedby string 255 fullname from User


Locations represent the buildings where your Organization is renting space; while Organizations represent the legal entity(ies) that you conduct business under.


A Location represents your building and is associated to your entire Organization.

Account, Accounts Receivable, Assigned Client Type, Batch Charge Sheet, Booking Charge, Booking Conflict, Calendar, Charge Sheet, Contact, Credit Note, Day Delegate Rate,Device Import, Draft Invoice, Event, Inventory Item, Invoice, Invoice Line, Lead, Licence, Metered Batch Charge Sheet, Movement History, Opportunity, Package, Product, Space Promoter Location, Tracking Device and User can make reference to a locationid.


    "response": {
        "id": "2a5c75fa-6db3-4097-a6dd-f47077c9170a",
        "status": "OK",
        "providername": "Operate API",
        "datetimeutc": "12/07/2017 13:04:11",
        "locations": [
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                "outputvalue_achbankname": null,
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                "outputvalue_activepromoters": "5",
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                "outputvalue_activerooms": "4",
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                "outputvalue_address1": null,
                "addressline2": null,
                "outputvalue_addressline2": null,
                "addressline3": null,
                "outputvalue_addressline3": null,
                "approvalpercent": "10",
                "outputvalue_approvalpercent": "1000%",
                "accountno": null,
                "outputvalue_accountno": null,
                "bankaddress": null,
                "outputvalue_bankaddress": null,
                "bankname": null,
                "outputvalue_bankname": null,
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                "officehoursend": "2016-12-07T18:00:00+00:00",
                "outputvalue_officehoursend": "2016-12-07T18:00:00+00:00",
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                "outputvalue_connectcalllogger": "false",
                "country": "United Kingdom",
                "outputvalue_country": "United Kingdom",
                "county": null,
                "outputvalue_county": null,
                "createdby": "UNKNOWN",
                "outputvalue_createdby": "UNKNOWN",
                "creationdate": "2009-08-05T08:40:42+00:00",
                "outputvalue_creationdate": "2009-08-05T08:40:42+00:00",
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                "outputvalue_discontinued": "false",
                "email": null,
                "outputvalue_email": null,
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                "outputvalue_enableapprovals": "true",
                "fulladdress": "London<br />United Kingdom",
                "outputvalue_fulladdress": "London<br />United Kingdom",
                "iban": null,
                "outputvalue_iban": null,
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                "outputvalue_inactiverooms": "3",
                "invoiceprefix": "AT-",
                "outputvalue_invoiceprefix": "AT-",
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                "output_officeimageurl": "/SPACECONTROL/v2/Controls/img/no_image.jpg",
                "officeimage2url": "/SPACECONTROL/v2/Controls/img/no_image.jpg",
                "output_officeimage2url": "/SPACECONTROL/v2/Controls/img/no_image.jpg",
                "officeimage3url": "/SPACECONTROL/v2/Controls/img/no_image.jpg",
                "output_officeimage3url": "/SPACECONTROL/v2/Controls/img/no_image.jpg",
                "officeimage4url": "/SPACECONTROL/v2/Controls/img/no_image.jpg",
                "output_officeimage4url": "/SPACECONTROL/v2/Controls/img/no_image.jpg",
                "officeimage5url": "/SPACECONTROL/v2/Controls/img/no_image.jpg",
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                "output_hostimageurl": "/SPACECONTROL/v2/Controls/img/no_image.jpg",
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                "outputvalue_contactemail": null,
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                "outputvalue_contactname": null,
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                "outputvalue_town": "London",
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                "outputvalue_updatedate": "2017-06-22T13:35:43+00:00",
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                "outputvalue_updatedby": "Josephine Smith",
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                "outputvalue_usesitebankdetails": "false",
                "wifiname": null,
                "outputvalue_wifiname": null,
                "wifipassword": null,
                "outputvalue_wifipassword": null
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Field Type Size Description
achsortcode string 255
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achbankaddress string 4000
achbankname string 255
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address1 string 255
addressline2 string 255
addressline3 string 255
approvalpercent decimal 1 = 100%
accountno string 20
bankaddress string 255
bankname string 255
brand int brandid from Brand
connectcalllogger boolean
country string country from Countries
county string county from Counties
createdby string 255 fullname from User
creationdate date
currency int currencyid from Currency
discontinued boolean
email string
enableapprovals boolean
fulladdress string 4000
iban string 255
inactiverooms int
invoiceprefix string 10
officehoursend date
officeimageurl string
officeimage2url string
officeimage3url string
officeimage4url string
officeimage5url string
locationuuid string 255
locationid int Reference to the location
locationname string
hostimageurl string
contactemail string
map string lat, long
onlinealias string 255 Location Name to display on the Portal.
officehoursstart date
postcode string
published boolean
recordtype int recordtypeid from Record Type
separateaccommadation boolean
singlelineaddress string
sortcode string 255
swiftcode string 255
telephone string
timezone int timezoneid from Timezone
town string
updatedate date
updatedby string 255 fullname from User
usesitebankdetails boolean
wifiname string
wifipassword string


The Area represents the region where your building Location is found.


curl \
     -H 'Authorization: Bearer gAAAAIsQFg_Nkh....fevnYzautrfLDg'
    "response": {
        "id": "a2fbe614-efa6-41e4-a46a-86b2f38fb7a3",
        "status": "OK",
        "providername": "Operate API",
        "datetimeutc": "17/07/2017 13:54:50",
        "areas": [
                "row_num": "1",
                "areaname": "North",
                "outputvalue_areaname": "North",
                "areaid": "7",
                "outputvalue_areaid": "7",
                "creationdate": "2009-05-29T09:35:14+00:00",
                "outputvalue_creationdate": "2009-05-29T09:35:14+00:00",
                "updatedate": "2009-05-29T09:35:14+00:00",
                "outputvalue_updatedate": "2009-05-29T09:35:14+00:00"
        "totalCount": "1"

PUT (Minimum and Full) JSON Body

curl -H 'Authorization: Bearer gAA...X-w' \
     -X PUT \
     -d data='{ "areas": [ { "areaname": "North West Test Area" } ] }' \
    "areas": [
            "areaname": "West"


curl -X DELETE \
 -H "Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8" \
 -H "Authorization: Bearer xxxxxx" \
 -d "itemid=13" \
        "providername":"Operate API",
        "datetimeutc":"12/08/2017 15:47:34"
Field Type Size Description
areaname string 255
areaid int Reference to the area
creationdate date
updatedate date

Assigned Client Type

Each Location has Client Types assigned to it in order to ensure all records are correctly stored for the entire Organization.


curl \
     -H 'Authorization: Bearer gAAAAIsQFg_Nkh....fevnYzautrfLDg'
    "response": {
        "id": "4e53a240-8635-4b13-b7a7-2dae4feef5af",
        "status": "OK",
        "providername": "Operate API",
        "datetimeutc": "17/07/2017 13:59:46",
        "assignedclienttypes": [
                "row_num": "1",
                "assignedclienttypeid": "84",
                "outputvalue_assignedclienttypeid": "84",
                "clienttype": "3",
                "outputvalue_clienttype": "essensys Ltd - Virtual",
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                "outputvalue_creationdate": "2016-09-14T14:05:18+00:00",
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                "outputvalue_location": "Aldgate Tower",
                "organizationname": "essensys Ltd",
                "outputvalue_organizationname": "essensys Ltd",
                "updatedate": "2016-09-14T14:05:18+00:00",
                "outputvalue_updatedate": "2016-09-14T14:05:18+00:00"
        "totalCount": "1"

PUT (Minimum and Full) JSON Body

    "assignedclienttypes": [
            "assignedclienttypeid": "",
            "clienttype": "",
            "location": ""
Field Type Size Description
assignedclienttypeid int reference to the assignedclienttype
clienttype int clienttypeid from Client Type
creationdate date
location int locationid from Location
organizationname string 255
updatedate date


The Region where a building is located.

Meeting Package Region also has a regionid.


    "response": {
        "id": "b09842cf-8abd-40f4-9415-f9d3f610052d",
        "status": "OK",
        "providername": "Operate API",
        "datetimeutc": "25/07/2017 09:39:21",
        "regions": [
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                "createdby": "Paul Smith",
                "outputvalue_createdby": "Paul Smith",
                "creationdate": "2017-07-25T09:39:08+00:00",
                "outputvalue_creationdate": "2017-07-25T09:39:08+00:00",
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                "outputvalue_regionname": "Region 51",
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                "outputvalue_regionid": "1",
                "updatedate": "2017-07-25T09:39:08+00:00",
                "outputvalue_updatedate": "2017-07-25T09:39:08+00:00",
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                "outputvalue_updatedby": "Paul Smith"
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PUT (Minimum and Full) JSON Body

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Field Type Size Description
createdby string 255 fullname from User
creationdate date
regionname string
regionid int Reference to the Region
updatedate date
updatedby string 255 fullname from User



An Opportunity is a qualified Lead. This means that you have gained a prospect Account and there is an opportunity for that prospect to become a customer.

Activity History, Licence, Note, Open Task and Task can reference an opportunityid.


    "response": {
        "id": "f753e34f-049f-4170-b208-420c32c82f55",
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        "providername": "Operate API",
        "datetimeutc": "13/07/2017 17:18:41",
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PUT (Minimum) JSON Body

    "opportunitys": [
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            "closedate": "22/10/2017",
            "locationname": "1",
            "opportunityname": "My new op"

PUT (Full) JSON Body

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            "closedate": "22/10/2013",
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            "deaddate": "22/10/2013 12:23",
            "enddate": "22/10/2013",
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            "region_id": "Item from list",
            "salesperson_id": "Item from list",
            "size": "",
            "stage": "Item from list",
            "startdate": "22/10/2013",
            "termdays": "123",
            "timing": "",
            "viewed": "True",
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Field Type Size Description
accountname int accountid from Account
agentfee currency (decimal for PUT)
agreementsigned boolean
amount currency
broker int accountid from Account
agentreference string 255
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brokerupdated boolean
brokerfirstname string 255
brokerlastname string 255
budget string 255
campaign_id int campaignid from Email Campaign
checkindate date
classification_id int
contactfirstname string 255
contactlastname string 255
termmonths int
contracttype int
createdby string 255 fullname from User
creationdate date
daysopen int
enddate date
enquirydate date
expansionvalue decimal
forecast boolean
leadsource string leadsource from Lead Source
leadtype int leadtypeid from Lead Type
leaddadilead boolean
locationname int locationid from Location
locationrequired boolean
lostdate date
lostreason int opportuntylostreasonid from Opportunty Lost Reason
opentasks int
opportunityname string 255
opportunitytype int opportunitytypeid from Opportunity Type
opportunityid int Reference to the Opportunity
otherneeds string 4000
user_id int userid from User
parkingspaces int
probability int
rate string 255
recordtype int recordtypeid from Record Type
region_id int regionid from Region
salesperson_id int
size string 255
stage int stageid from Stage
startdate date
termdays int
timing string 255
typeofbusiness int
updatedate date
updatedby string 255 fullname from User
viewed boolean
webtolead boolean
won boolean
workstations int

Contract Type

Represents the type of contract that an Opportunity may sign. Defaults are: Commercial Lease and Licence.


curl \
 -H 'Authorization: Bearer gAA...X-w'
    "response": {
        "id": "e51971e2-45cf-4197-82a8-07043ebde648",
        "status": "OK",
        "providername": "Operate API",
        "datetimeutc": "12/07/2017 16:26:39",
        "contracttypes": [
                "row_num": "1",
                "contracttypename": "Licence ",
                "outputvalue_contracttypename": "Licence ",
                "contracttypeid": "1",
                "outputvalue_contracttypeid": "1",
                "creationdate": "2006-01-24T13:14:02+00:00",
                "outputvalue_creationdate": "2006-01-24T13:14:02+00:00",
                "updatedate": "2006-01-24T13:14:02+00:00",
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                "outputvalue_contracttypename": "Commercial Lease ",
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                "outputvalue_contracttypeid": "2",
                "creationdate": "2006-01-24T13:14:02+00:00",
                "outputvalue_creationdate": "2006-01-24T13:14:02+00:00",
                "updatedate": "2006-01-24T13:14:02+00:00",
                "outputvalue_updatedate": "2006-01-24T13:14:02+00:00"
        "totalCount": "2"
Field Type Size Description
contracttypename string
contracttypeid int Reference to the contract type
creationdate date
updatedate date

Opportunity Lost Reason

Explains why an Opportunity has been lost.


    "response": {
        "id": "b69955d9-df9d-4bac-bb96-bb96487cafff",
        "status": "OK",
        "providername": "Operate API",
        "datetimeutc": "18/07/2017 09:58:09",
        "opportunitylostreasons": [
                "row_num": "1",
                "creationdate": "2009-08-13T15:32:12+00:00",
                "outputvalue_creationdate": "2009-08-13T15:32:12+00:00",
                "opportuntylostreasonname": "Wrong location ",
                "outputvalue_opportuntylostreasonname": "Wrong location ",
                "opportuntylostreasonid": "572",
                "outputvalue_opportuntylostreasonid": "572",
                "updatedate": "2009-08-13T15:32:12+00:00",
                "outputvalue_updatedate": "2009-08-13T15:32:12+00:00"
        "totalCount": "1"
Field Type Size Description
creationdate date
opportuntylostreasonname string 255
opportuntylostreasonid int Reference to the Opportunty Lost Reason
updatedate date

Opportunity Type

Provides details on what type of business could be conducted through the Opportunity.


    "response": {
        "id": "3db52863-0ba7-4920-ac6d-51d87f2615a0",
        "status": "OK",
        "providername": "Operate API",
        "datetimeutc": "18/07/2017 09:55:03",
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                "updatedate": "2009-05-29T09:35:13+00:00",
                "outputvalue_updatedate": "2009-05-29T09:35:13+00:00"
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Field Type Size Description
creationdate date
opportunitytypename string 255
opportunitytypeid int Reference to the Opportunity Type
updatedate date


Represents the progress made towards closing the Opportunity.


    "response": {
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                "outputvalue_percentage": "25%",
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                "outputvalue_stageid": "-7",
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Field Type Size Description
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creationdate date
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recordtype int recordtypeid from Record Type
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stagename string
stageorder int
updatedate date
updatedby string 255 fullname from User



An Organization represents a legal entity that you conduct business under.

It is linked to all of your records via Client Types and Locations.

Note: A Location represents the buildings where you let space.

Account, Accounts Receivable, Calendar, Client Type, Draft Invoice, Financial Export Log, GL Code, Licence Proforma Invoice can reference an organizationid.


curl \
 -H 'Authorization: Bearer gAA...X-w'
    "response": {
        "id": "8879a71c-d8f2-4c31-8021-e3178cc255b8",
        "status": "OK",
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        "datetimeutc": "12/07/2017 13:09:13",
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                "outputvalue_iban": null,
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                "output_logourl": "/spacecontrol/v2/controls/getobjectimage.aspx?operator=Essensys&moduleid=200&fieldid=25307&itemid=1",
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                "outputvalue_swiftcode": null,
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                "outputvalue_lgltown": "London",
                "updatedate": "2017-04-24T16:56:41+00:00",
                "outputvalue_updatedate": "2017-04-24T16:56:41+00:00",
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                "outputvalue_updatedby": "Ben Smith"
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PUT (Minimum) JSON Body

    "organizations": [
            "organizationname": ""

PUT (Full) JSON Body

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            "achaccountname": "",
            "achaccountno": "",
            "achbankaddress": "",
            "achbankname": "",
            "virtualachurl": "",
            "lgladdress_1": "",
            "addressline1": "",
            "addressline2": "",
            "lgladdress_3": "",
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            "earliestinvoicedate": "22/10/2013",
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            "processorpassword": "",
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            "lgltown": "",
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Field Type Size Description
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accountname string 255
accountno string 20
bankname string 255
createdby string 255 fullname from User
creationdate date
companyno string 50
ddfifthdigit string 1
ddfirstdigit string 1
ddforthdigit string 1
ddoriginator1 string 2
ddoriginator2 string 2
ddoriginator3 string 2
ddseconddigit string 1
ddsixthdigit string 1
ddthirddigit string 1
earliestinvoicedate date
enablerecurringpayments boolean
exportfiletag string 20
fulladdress string 4000
iban string 255
lgladdress_1 string 40
lgladdress_3 string 30
lglcountry string 255 from Countries
lglcounty string 30 from Counties
lglpostcode string 20
lgltown string 30
logourl string 255
legalentitycode string 255
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organizationid int Reference to the Organization
paymentprocessor string 255
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processorpassword string 255
processorsignature string 255
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processoruserid string 255
recordtype int recordtypeid from Record Type
singlelineaddress string 4000
sortcode string 20
swiftcode string 255
vatnumber string 20
virtualachurl string 255
virtualcreditcardurl string 255
updatedate date
updatedby string 255 fullname from User

Client Type

Client Types define your members based on their space and service use. Default types are: Resident, Club Member or Virtual. You can configure your own.


curl \
 -H 'Authorization: Bearer gAA...X-w'
    "response": {
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        "status": "OK",
        "providername": "Operate API",
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                "outputvalue_clienttypeid": "1",
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Field Type Size Description
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updatedate date
updatedby string 255 fullname from User
useinvoiceprefix boolean
virtualclassification boolean

GL Code

A General Ledger Code associated to each product and used for accounting purposes. Ensure you add GL Codes if you export data to third party apps.


curl \
 -H 'Authorization: Bearer gAA...X-w'
    "response": {
        "id": "faad51a9-2a44-4392-a7e0-cbe33a3dcdf4",
        "status": "OK",
        "providername": "Operate API",
        "datetimeutc": "18/07/2017 16:05:48",
        "glcodes": [
                "row_num": "1",
                "clientretainer": "false",
                "outputvalue_clientretainer": "false",
                "controlaccount": "1",
                "outputvalue_controlaccount": "1",
                "createdby": "admin",
                "outputvalue_createdby": "admin",
                "creationdate": "2005-06-06T16:20:22+00:00",
                "outputvalue_creationdate": "2005-06-06T16:20:22+00:00",
                "disabledelete": "1",
                "outputvalue_disabledelete": "1",
                "forfeitcode": "false",
                "outputvalue_forfeitcode": "false",
                "glcodename": "Deferred Income",
                "outputvalue_glcodename": "Deferred Income",
                "glcodeid": "7",
                "outputvalue_glcodeid": "7",
                "gocardless": "false",
                "outputvalue_gocardless": "false",
                "gocardlessfee": "false",
                "outputvalue_gocardlessfee": "false",
                "organization": "0",
                "retainerliability": "false",
                "outputvalue_retainerliability": "false",
                "updatedate": "2005-06-06T16:20:22+00:00",
                "outputvalue_updatedate": "2005-06-06T16:20:22+00:00",
                "updatedby": "admin",
                "outputvalue_updatedby": "admin"
        "totalCount": "1"

PUT (Minimum) JSON Body

    "glcodes": [
            "glcodename": "",
            "organization": "Item from list"

PUT (Full) JSON Body

    "glcodes": [
            "clientretainer": "True",
            "disabledelete": "True",
            "forfeitcode": "True",
            "glcode": "",
            "glcodename": "",
            "gocardless": "True",
            "gocardlessfee": "True",
            "organization": "Item from list",
            "retainerliability": "True"
Field Type Size Description
clientretainer boolean
controlaccount int
createdby string 255 fullname from User
creationdate date
disabledelete boolean
forfeitcode boolean
glcodename string
glcodeid int Reference to the GL Code
gocardless boolean
gocardlessfee boolean
organization int organizationid from Organization
retainerliability boolean
updatedate date
updatedby string 255 fullname from User


Payments represent transactions made by other business entities (your Accounts towards your Organization).

Payments need a Payment Type (method) and can be made within a Payment Term if Accounts can pay within a certain timeframe after the Invoice date.


Payments are received by your Organization as a result of Invoices or client Charges Payments are added via Accounts Receivable.


    "response": {
        "id": "5ed33547-3f6b-41e2-8ddd-c059764bb1e2",
        "status": "OK",
        "providername": "Operate API",
        "datetimeutc": "03/08/2017 09:49:56",
        "payments": [
                "row_num": "1",
                "accountname": "2",
                "createdby": "Paul Smith",
                "outputvalue_createdby": "Paul Smith",
                "creationdate": "2017-08-03T09:49:46+00:00",
                "outputvalue_creationdate": "2017-08-03T09:49:46+00:00",
                "glcode": "1000",
                "includeswithholdingtax": "false",
                "outputvalue_includeswithholdingtax": "false",
                "paymentdate": "2013-10-22T00:00:00+00:00",
                "outputvalue_paymentdate": "2013-10-22T00:00:00+00:00",
                "paymentid": "1100",
                "outputvalue_paymentid": "1100",
                "paymenttype": "1",
                "outputvalue_paymenttype": "Cheque",
                "reference": "Test",
                "outputvalue_reference": "Test",
                "updatedate": "2017-08-03T09:49:46+00:00",
                "outputvalue_updatedate": "2017-08-03T09:49:46+00:00",
                "updatedby": "Paul Smith",
                "outputvalue_updatedby": "Paul Smith"
        "totalCount": "1"

PUT (minimum) JSON Body

    "payments": [
            "accountname": "Item from list",
            "glcode": "Item from list",
            "paymentdate": "22/10/2013",
            "paymenttype": "Item from list",
            "reference": ""

PUT (full) JSON Body

    "payments": [
            "accountname": "Item from list",
            "allocateto": "",
            "amountpaid": "£0.00",
            "comments": "This is very long text which can go over multiple lines",
            "paymentcurrencycode": "Item from list",
            "paymentexchangerate": "12345",
            "glcode": "Item from list",
            "includeswithholdingtax": "True",
            "paymentdate": "22/10/2013",
            "paymenttype": "Item from list",
            "reference": ""
Field Type Size Description
accountname int accountid from Account
allocateto string 32767
amountpaid currency
comments string
glcode int glcodeid from GL Code
includeswithholdingtax boolean
paymentcurrencycode int currencyid from Currency
paymentexchangerate decimal
paymentdate date
paymenttype int paymenttypeid from Accounts Receivable Payment Type
reference string 255

Payment Term

Represents how much time an Account has between their billing date and Invoice due date.


    "response": {
        "id": "5fe60998-bfdb-4a5b-878f-e4882e631db5",
        "status": "OK",
        "providername": "Operate API",
        "datetimeutc": "12/07/2017 15:07:38",
        "paymentterms": [
                "row_num": "1",
                "createdby": "sa",
                "outputvalue_createdby": "sa",
                "creationdate": "2002-07-24T16:29:21+00:00",
                "outputvalue_creationdate": "2002-07-24T16:29:21+00:00",
                "daysdue": "14",
                "outputvalue_daysdue": "14",
                "description": "to be paid within 14 days",
                "outputvalue_description": "to be paid within 14 days",
                "paymenttermname": "14 Days",
                "outputvalue_paymenttermname": "14 Days",
                "paymenttermid": "1",
                "outputvalue_paymenttermid": "1",
                "updatedate": "2002-07-24T16:29:21+00:00",
                "outputvalue_updatedate": "2002-07-24T16:29:21+00:00",
                "updatedby": "sa",
                "outputvalue_updatedby": "sa"
        "totalCount": "1"
Field Type Size Description
createdby string 255 fullname from User
creationdate date
daysdue int
description string 255
paymenttermname string 255
paymenttermid int reference to the Payment Term
updatedate date
updatedby string 255 fullname from User

Payment Type

The payment methods used with Accounts Receivable.


    "response": {
        "id": "eb5212ac-d159-4096-b23e-ad0c25e7b184",
        "status": "OK",
        "providername": "Operate API",
        "datetimeutc": "18/07/2017 16:18:27",
        "paymenttypes": [
                "row_num": "1",
                "createdby": "sa",
                "outputvalue_createdby": "sa",
                "currency": "0",
                "incbacstransfer": "false",
                "outputvalue_incbacstransfer": "false",
                "invoicetext": "will be collected from your credit card on the xxx of the month",
                "outputvalue_invoicetext": "will be collected from your credit card on the xxx of the month",
                "paymenttypename": "Credit card",
                "outputvalue_paymenttypename": "Credit card",
                "paymenttypeid": "3",
                "outputvalue_paymenttypeid": "3",
                "updatedate": "2005-06-06T16:19:56+00:00",
                "outputvalue_updatedate": "2005-06-06T16:19:56+00:00",
                "updatedby": "sa",
                "outputvalue_updatedby": "sa"
        "totalCount": "1"
Field Type Size Description
createdby string 255 fullname from User
currency int currencyid from Currency
incbacstransfer boolean
invoicetext string 37676
paymenttypename string 255
paymenttypeid int Reference to the Payment Type
updatedate date
updatedby string 255 fullname from User



The Portal allows members to join an Operator’s community, have their own Profile, book meeting rooms and Event, manage payment methods and pay for their Invoice. The Portal can be customized with a Portal Page.


Broadcast important messages and updates to your members. This is a Portal Specific feature.


curl \
     -H 'Authorization: Bearer gAAAAIsQFg_Nkh....fevnYzautrfLDg'
    "response": {
        "id": "f101d636-598f-4d51-bb17-26e2c726a5ab",
        "status": "OK",
        "providername": "Operate API",
        "datetimeutc": "12/07/2017 14:01:29",
        "announcements": [
                "row_num": "1",
                "announcementname": "Welcome to the new Portal",
                "outputvalue_announcementname": "Welcome to the new Portal",
                "description": "Welcome to the new Portal!",
                "outputvalue_description": "Welcome to the new Portal!",
                "announcementid": "1",
                "outputvalue_announcementid": "1",
                "createdby": "admin",
                "outputvalue_createdby": "admin",
                "location": "0",
                "publishdate": "2016-09-07T12:13:00+00:00",
                "outputvalue_publishdate": "2016-09-07T12:13:00+00:00",
                "updatedate": "2016-09-07T12:14:25+00:00",
                "outputvalue_updatedate": "2016-09-07T12:14:25+00:00",
                "updatedby": "admin",
                "outputvalue_updatedby": "admin"
        "totalCount": "1"
Field Type Size Description
announcementname string
description string
announcementid int reference to the announcement
createdby string fullname from User
location int
publishdate date
updatedate date
updatedby string fullname from User


This is a person who has registered for an Event. Attendees are created manually or automatically upon registration.

attendeeid is not referenced by any other items.


curl \
     -H 'Authorization: Bearer gAAAAIsQFg_Nkh....fevnYzautrfLDg'
    "response": {
        "id": "624d0702-efe1-4f77-80de-14ce877db5b9",
        "status": "OK",
        "providername": "Operate API",
        "datetimeutc": "18/07/2017 16:54:24",
        "eventattendees": [
                "row_num": "1",
                "firstname": "Mari-Elena",
                "outputvalue_firstname": "Mari-Elena",
                "feepaid": "0.0000",
                "outputvalue_feepaid": "0.0000",
                "attendeename": "Mari-Elena Smith",
                "outputvalue_attendeename": "Mari-Elena Smith",
                "attendeeid": "1",
                "outputvalue_attendeeid": "1",
                "company": null,
                "outputvalue_company": null,
                "createdby": "portal",
                "outputvalue_createdby": "portal",
                "creationdate": "2016-09-07T12:19:45+00:00",
                "outputvalue_creationdate": "2016-09-07T12:19:45+00:00",
                "registereddate": "2016-09-07T00:00:00+00:00",
                "outputvalue_registereddate": "2016-09-07T00:00:00+00:00",
                "email": "",
                "outputvalue_email": "",
                "event": "144",
                "outputvalue_event": "JFF",
                "lastname": "Smith",
                "outputvalue_lastname": "Smith",
                "phone": null,
                "outputvalue_phone": null,
                "updatedate": "2016-09-07T12:19:45+00:00",
                "outputvalue_updatedate": "2016-09-07T12:19:45+00:00",
                "updatedby": "portal",
                "outputvalue_updatedby": "portal"
        "totalCount": "1"

PUT (Minimum) JSON Body

    "eventattendees": [
            "attendeeid": "Darren Smith",
            "event": "Item from list"

PUT (Full) JSON Body

    "eventattendees": [
            "firstname": "Darren",
            "feepaid": "£0.00",
            "attendeeid": "Darren Smith",
            "company": "",
            "registereddate": "22/10/2013 12:23",
            "email": "",
            "event": "Item from list",
            "lastname": "Smith",
            "phone": "+44 123 456 7890"
Field Type Size Description
attendeeid int Reference to the Attendee
attendeename string 255
company string 255
createdby string 255 fullname from User
creationdate date
email string
event int eventid from Event
firstname string 255
feepaid decimal
lastname string 255
phone string
registereddate date
updatedate date
updatedby string 255 fullname from User


Events take place at your location (or online). Operate allows adding events and lets members register for them using the Portal.

Attendee and Shout Out can reference an eventid.


    "response": {
        "id": "35da0fa0-31ca-41c3-84dc-f03163c1665a",
        "status": "OK",
        "providername": "Operate API",
        "datetimeutc": "20/07/2017 15:47:55",
        "events": [
                "row_num": "1",
                "allowmultipleattendees": "true",
                "outputvalue_allowmultipleattendees": "true",
                "eventlink": "<a href='{portalurl}/events.aspx?EventName=JFF&EventId=144' target='new'>Book Event</a>",
                "outputvalue_eventlink": "<a href='' target='new'>Book Event</a>",
                "eventbookbutton": "",
                "outputvalue_eventbookbutton": "",
                "creationdate": "2016-09-07T12:18:08+00:00",
                "outputvalue_creationdate": "2016-09-07T12:18:08+00:00",
                "description": "JFF",
                "outputvalue_description": "JFF",
                "discontinued": "false",
                "outputvalue_discontinued": "false",
                "emailnotifyfrom": "[EVENTOWNEREMAIL]",
                "outputvalue_emailnotifyfrom": "[EVENTOWNEREMAIL]",
                "emailsendto": "[EMAIL]",
                "outputvalue_emailsendto": "[EMAIL]",
                "enablenonmemberpricing": "false",
                "outputvalue_enablenonmemberpricing": "false",
                "eventname": "JFF",
                "outputvalue_eventname": "JFF",
                "owneremail": "",
                "outputvalue_owneremail": "",
                "eventpictureurl": "/SPACECONTROL/v2/Controls/img/no_image.jpg",
                "output_eventpictureurl": "/SPACECONTROL/v2/Controls/img/no_image.jpg",
                "eventid": "144",
                "outputvalue_eventid": "144",
                "location": "1",
                "outputvalue_location": "Aldgate Tower",
                "capacity": "60",
                "outputvalue_capacity": "60",
                "unitprice": "0.0000",
                "outputvalue_unitprice": "0.0000",
                "emailmessage": "Dear&nbsp;[FIRSTNAME]<br />\r\n<br />\r\nThanks for registering on&nbsp;[EVENTTITLE]",
                "outputvalue_emailmessage": "Dear&nbsp;[FIRSTNAME]<br />\r\n<br />\r\nThanks for registering on&nbsp;[EVENTTITLE]",
                "recordtype": "10309",
                "outputvalue_recordtype": "Product",
                "startdate": "2016-09-09T00:00:00+00:00",
                "outputvalue_startdate": "2016-09-09T00:00:00+00:00",
                "emailsubject": "Congrats uve registered",
                "outputvalue_emailsubject": "Congrats uve registered",
                "updatedate": "2016-09-07T12:18:08+00:00",
                "outputvalue_updatedate": "2016-09-07T12:18:08+00:00"
        "totalCount": "1"

PUT (Minimum) JSON Body

    "events": [
            "eventname": "",
            "eventid": "",
            "location": "Item from list",
            "mergefield": "Item from list"

PUT (Full) JSON Body

    "events": [
            "allowmultipleattendees": "True",
            "description": "This is very long text which can go over multiple lines",
            "discontinued": "True",
            "emailnotifyfrom": "",
            "emailsendto": "Darren Smith",
            "enablenonmemberpricing": "True",
            "enddate": "22/10/2013 12:23",
            "eventname": "Darren Smith",
            "owneremail": "",
            "eventpicture": "",
            "eventid": "Darren Smith",
            "location": "Item from list",
            "capacity": "1,2345",
            "unitprice": "£0.00",
            "mergefield": "Item from list",
            "emailmessage": {
                "strong": "html"
            "nonmemberunitprice": "£0.00",
            "startdate": "22/10/2013 12:23",
            "emailsubject": "Darren Smith"
Field Type Size Description
allowmultipleattendees boolean
eventlink string
creationdate date
description string
discontinued boolean
emailmessage string
emailnotifyfrom string
emailsendto string
emailsubject string
enablenonmemberpricing boolean
eventname string
owneremail string
eventpictureurl string
eventid int Reference to the Event
location int locationid from Location
unitprice decimal
recordtype int recordtypeid from Record Type
startdate date
updatedate date

Portal Login

Stores Portal User Login information.

PUT (Minimum) JSON Body

    "portallogonss": [
            "logonid": "",
            "username": ""

PUT (Full) JSON Body

    "portallogonss": [
            "firstname": "Darren",
            "lastname": "Smith",
            "logindate": "22/10/2013 12:23",
            "logonid": "",
            "username": ""
Field Type Size Description
firstname string 255
lastname string 255
logindate date
username string 255

Portal Page

Custom HTML Pages that can be added to the Portal.

PUT (Minimum) JSON Body

    "portalpages": [
            "modulename": "Item from list",
            "portalpagename": "",
            "portalpageid": ""

PUT (Full) JSON Body

    "portalpages": [
            "availabletouse": "True",
            "description": "This is text area",
            "modulename": "Item from list",
            "pagebody": {
                "strong": "html"
            "portalpagename": "",
            "portalpageid": ""
Field Type Size Description
availabletouse boolean
description string
portalpagename string 255
portalpageid int Reference to the Portal Page

Shout Out

Send notification messages to portal users.


    "response": {
        "id": "60e0a29b-0877-4942-a437-cb9f198ffab1",
        "status": "OK",
        "providername": "Operate API",
        "datetimeutc": "20/07/2017 16:01:40",
        "shoutouts": [
                "row_num": "1",
                "contactid": "54",
                "outputvalue_contactid": "Mari-Elena Smith",
                "createdby": "Mari-Elena Smith",
                "outputvalue_createdby": "Mari-Elena Smith",
                "creationdate": "2016-09-07T12:19:45+00:00",
                "outputvalue_creationdate": "2016-09-07T12:19:45+00:00",
                "deleted": "false",
                "outputvalue_deleted": "false",
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                "isshoutout": "true",
                "outputvalue_isshoutout": "true",
                "comments": "I have just registered for JFF at Triton Square on 09/09/2016<br/><br/><a href='/Portal/Events/events.aspx?EventName=JFF&EventId=144'>Join me at this event</a>",
                "outputvalue_comments": "I have just registered for JFF at Triton Square on 09/09/2016<br/><br/><a href='/Portal/Events/events.aspx?EventName=JFF&EventId=144'>Join me at this event</a>",
                "shoutoutid": "1",
                "outputvalue_shoutoutid": "1",
                "updatedate": "2016-09-07T12:19:45+00:00",
                "outputvalue_updatedate": "2016-09-07T12:19:45+00:00",
                "updatedby": "Mari-Elena Smith",
                "outputvalue_updatedby": "Mari-Elena Smith"
        "totalCount": "1"

PUT (Minimum) JSON Body

    "shoutouts": [
            "contactid": "22"

PUT (full) JSON Body

    "shoutouts": [
            "contactid": "22",
            "deleted": "True",
            "comments": "This is rich text"
Field Type Size Description
contactid int contactid from Contact
createdby string 255 fullname from User
creationdate date
deleted boolean
isshoutout boolean
updatedby string 255 fullname from User
updatedate date

Shout Out Reply

A message sent by a Portal user as a reply to a Shoutout.


    "response": {
        "id": "5d25be03-9eb3-4aeb-a607-fb7fe97fd51f",
        "status": "OK",
        "providername": "Operate API",
        "datetimeutc": "20/07/2017 16:07:35",
        "shoutoutreplys": [
                "row_num": "1",
                "contactid": "54",
                "outputvalue_contactid": "Mari-Elena Smith",
                "createdby": "Paul Smith",
                "outputvalue_createdby": "Paul Smith",
                "creationdate": "2017-07-20T16:07:27+00:00",
                "outputvalue_creationdate": "2017-07-20T16:07:27+00:00",
                "deleted": "false",
                "outputvalue_deleted": "false",
                "filterid": "0",
                "outputvalue_filterid": "0",
                "isshoutout": "true",
                "outputvalue_isshoutout": "true",
                "shoutoutreplyid": "1",
                "outputvalue_shoutoutreplyid": "1",
                "updatedate": "2017-07-20T16:07:27+00:00",
                "outputvalue_updatedate": "2017-07-20T16:07:27+00:00",
                "updatedby": "Paul Smith",
                "outputvalue_updatedby": "Paul Smith"
        "totalCount": "1"

PUT (Minimum) JSON Body

    "shoutoutreplys": [
            "contactid": "Item from list"

PUT (full) JSON Body

    "shoutoutreplys": [
            "contactid": "Item from list",
            "deleted": "True",
            "shoutoutid": "Item from list",
            "comments": "This is rich text"
Field Type Size Description
contactid int contactid from Contact
createdby string 255 fullname from User
creationdate date
deleted boolean
isshoutout boolean
shoutoutreplyid int Reference to the Shout Out Reply
updatedby string 255 fullname from User
updatedate date


A Product represents anything you sell. Services are included here as well.

Examples of commonly used products are: desks, meeting rooms, offices.

A Product has a Product Group, a Location and a number of boolean fields such as office to determine the product type.


A Product has a Product Group

Product Groups allow you to organize your products as per your needs; regardless of the product type.

A meeting room is a product, to find products that are meeting rooms we can filter on meetingRoom[meetingRoom]=1

Batch Charge Sheet, Booking Charge, Calendar, Charge Sheet, Credit Note Line, Delegate Rate Product,Draft Credit Note Line, Draft Invoice Line, Invoice Line, Journals, License Item, Licence Item Schedule, Licence Proforma Invoice Line, Metered Batch Sheet, Metered Batch Sheet, Movement History, Package, Product Special Offer, Standard Discount and Volume Discount can reference the productid.


    "response": {
        "id": "e40d6b30-761e-46be-ab43-8a41d01df918",
        "status": "OK",
        "providername": "Operate API",
        "datetimeutc": "12/07/2017 14:32:41",
        "products": [
                "row_num": "1",
                "actualworkstations": "0",
                "outputvalue_actualworkstations": "0",
                "allowzeroinvoice": "false",
                "outputvalue_allowzeroinvoice": "false",
                "availableat": "Aldgate Tower",
                "outputvalue_availableat": "Aldgate Tower",
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                "outputvalue_allowzeropriceoninvoices": "true",
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                "outputvalue_canbookonwebsite": "false",
                "catering": "false",
                "outputvalue_catering": "false",
                "clearancetime": "0",
                "outputvalue_clearancetime": "0",
                "costtype": "2",
                "outputvalue_costtype": "2",
                "creationdate": "2016-07-01T09:59:02+00:00",
                "outputvalue_creationdate": "2016-07-01T09:59:02+00:00",
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                "facility": "false",
                "outputvalue_facility": "false",
                "frequency": "2",
                "outputvalue_frequency": "Monthly",
                "schedule_id": "2",
                "outputvalue_schedule_id": "Monthly",
                "revaccno": "1000",
                "outputvalue_revaccno": "1000",
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                "outputvalue_hidefrompos": "true",
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                "output_meetingroomimageurl": "/SPACECONTROL/v2/Controls/img/no_image.jpg",
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                "outputvalue_meteredcharge": "false",
                "minimumprice": "0.0000",
                "outputvalue_minimumprice": "0.0000",
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                "outputvalue_noofpeople": "0",
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                "office": "true",
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                "outputvalue_officeandoccupier": "Room 1 - Vacant",
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                "outputvalue_mandatorychargepercentofall": "0%",
                "mandatorypercentofrent": "0",
                "outputvalue_mandatorypercentofrent": "0%",
                "pictureurl": "/SPACECONTROL/v2/Controls/img/no_image.jpg",
                "output_pictureurl": "/SPACECONTROL/v2/Controls/img/no_image.jpg",
                "unitprice": "1000",
                "outputvalue_unitprice": "1000",
                "pricingdayhighestqualifier": "480",
                "outputvalue_pricingdayhighestqualifier": "480",
                "pricingdaylowestqualifier": "480",
                "outputvalue_pricingdaylowestqualifier": "480",
                "pricingdaymins": "480",
                "outputvalue_pricingdaymins": "480",
                "pricinghalfdayhighestqualifier": "240",
                "outputvalue_pricinghalfdayhighestqualifier": "240",
                "pricinghalfdaylowestqualifier": "240",
                "outputvalue_pricinghalfdaylowestqualifier": "240",
                "pricinghalfdaymins": "240",
                "outputvalue_pricinghalfdaymins": "240",
                "pricinghourlyhighestqualifier": "60",
                "outputvalue_pricinghourlyhighestqualifier": "60",
                "pricinghourlylowestqualifier": "60",
                "outputvalue_pricinghourlylowestqualifier": "60",
                "pricinghourlymins": "60",
                "outputvalue_pricinghourlymins": "60",
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                "outputvalue_canbebundled": "false",
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                "outputvalue_productcost": "0.0000",
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                "productgroupname": "Office Rent",
                "outputvalue_productgroupname": "Office Rent",
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                "outputvalue_productuuid": "95cd76a6-cdc8-4b8d-b161-114edd0680d5",
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                "outputvalue_productid": "73",
                "qualityofspace": null,
                "outputvalue_qualityofspace": null,
                "recordtype": "10315",
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                "outputvalue_service": "0",
                "referencetext": "<FROM> - <TO>",
                "outputvalue_referencetext": "<FROM> - <TO>",
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                "outputvalue_retainer": "false",
                "retainerproduct": "103",
                "outputvalue_retainerproduct": "Deposit",
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                "outputvalue_retainertax": "Non-taxable",
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                "outputvalue_servicechargeitem": "false",
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                "outputvalue_showreservations": "false",
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                "outputvalue_smsitem": "false",
                "startdate": "2010-01-01T00:00:00+00:00",
                "outputvalue_startdate": "2010-01-01T00:00:00+00:00",
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                "outputvalue_tax": "20% Tax rate",
                "taxrate": "0.2",
                "outputvalue_taxrate": "0.2%",
                "timebasedplan": "false",
                "outputvalue_timebasedplan": "false",
                "updatedate": "2016-07-01T09:59:02+00:00",
                "outputvalue_updatedate": "2016-07-01T09:59:02+00:00",
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                "outputvalue_caneditmandatorycharge": "false",
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                "outputvalue_virtualservice": "false",
                "withholdingtax": "false",
                "outputvalue_withholdingtax": "false",
                "workstations": "10",
                "outputvalue_workstations": "10"
        "totalCount": "1"

PUT (Minimum) JSON Body

    "products": [
            "schedule_id": "1",
            "productname": "Product Name",
            "productgroup_id": "22"

PUT (Full) JSON Body

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            "availableat": "Select Item 1, Selected Item 2",
            "allowzeropriceoninvoices": "True",
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            "clearancetime": "12345",
            "complimentaryitems": "Select Item 1, Selected Item 2",
            "costcentre": "",
            "costtype": "Selected item",
            "departmentno": "",
            "description": "This is very long text which can go over multiple lines",
            "desk": "True",
            "discontinued": "True",
            "hidefrominvoices": "True",
            "enddate": "22/10/2013",
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            "floor": "",
            "frequency": "Item from list",
            "schedule_id": "Item from list",
            "revaccno": "",
            "discrevaccno": "",
            "defaccno": "",
            "govecode": "",
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            "published": "True",
            "markup": "12345",
            "markuptype": "Selected item",
            "meetingroom": "True",
            "meetingroomimage": "",
            "meetingroomtype": "Item from list",
            "meteredcharge": "True",
            "minimumprice": "£0.00",
            "productname": "",
            "noofpeople": "12345",
            "notes": "This is very long text which can go over multiple lines",
            "timebasedplanhours": "1,2345",
            "office": "True",
            "officeimage": "",
            "officesize": "1,2345",
            "officestatus": "Item from list",
            "officetype": "Item from list",
            "onlinealias": "",
            "picture": "",
            "ports": "1,2345",
            "unitprice": "£0.00",
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            "pricingdayhighestqualifier": "12345",
            "pricingdayint": "£0.00",
            "pricingdaylowestqualifier": "12345",
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            "pricinghalfdayhighestqualifier": "12345",
            "pricinghalfdayint": "£0.00",
            "pricinghalfdaylowestqualifier": "12345",
            "pricinghalfdaymins": "12345",
            "pricinghourlyext": "£0.00",
            "pricinghourlyhighestqualifier": "12345",
            "pricinghourlyint": "£0.00",
            "pricinghourlylowestqualifier": "12345",
            "pricinghourlymins": "12345",
            "canbebundled": "True",
            "productcannotbediscounted": "True",
            "productcost": "£0.00",
            "productgroup_id": "Item from list",
            "qualityofspace": "",
            "service": "True",
            "referencetext": "",
            "relatedspace": "Select Item 1, Selected Item 2",
            "retainer": "True",
            "retainerproduct": "Item from list",
            "servicechargeitem": "True",
            "smsitem": "True",
            "startdate": "22/10/2013",
            "styles": "Select Item 1, Selected Item 2",
            "tax": "Item from list",
            "timebasedplan": "True",
            "caneditmandatorycharge": "True",
            "virtualservice": "True",
            "withholdingtax": "True",
            "workstations": "1,2345"
Field Type Size Description
actualworkstations int
allowzeroinvoice boolean
availableat string
allowzeropriceoninvoices boolean
canbebundled boolean
canbookonwebsite boolean
catering boolean
clearancetime Used for Meeting Rooms - Time needed to clear and prepare the room for the next booking.
costtype int 1 = % , 2 = Currency Amount
creationdate date
currencyoccupier string
dedubeimportedproducts boolean
desk boolean
discontinued boolean
extractcostfromcalllogger boolean
facility boolean
frequency int scheduletypeid from ScheduleType
hidefrompos boolean
hidefrominvoices boolean
includereservationdiscounts boolean
includedincommissions boolean
location int locationid from Location
locationname string locationname from Location
markuptype int 1 = % , 2 = Currency Amount
meetingroom boolean
meetingroomimageurl string
meetingroomtype int meetingroomtypeid from Meeting Room Type
meteredcharge boolean
minimumprice decimal
noofpeople int
office boolean
officeandoccupier string
officeimageurl string
officestatus int suitestatusid from Office Status
officetype string
pictureurl string
pricingdayext currency
pricingdayhighestqualifier decimal Defines the upper limit for a full day charge on a meeting room.
pricingdayint currency
pricingdaylowestqualifier decimal Defines the lower limit for a full day charge on a meeting room.
pricingdaymins decimal
pricinghalfdayext currency
pricinghalfdayhighestqualifier decimal Defines the upper limit for a half day charge on a meeting room.
pricinghalfdayint currency
pricinghalfdaylowestqualifier decimal Defines the lower limit for a half day charge on a meeting room.
pricinghalfdaymins decimal Defines how many minutes you want to include in a half day’s charge.
pricinghourlyext currency
pricinghourlyhighestqualifier decimal Defines the upper limit for a one hour charge on a meeting room.
pricinghourlyint currency
pricinghourlylowestqualifier decimal Defines the lower limit for a one hour charge on a meeting room.
pricinghourlymins decimal Defines how many minutes you want to include in a one hour charge.
productcannotbediscounted boolean
productcost decimal Note: will appear as currency in GET response
productgroup_id int productgroupid from Product Group
productgroupname string productgroupname from Product Group
productname string
productuuid string
productid int Reference to the Product
published boolean
qualityofspace string 255
recordtype int recordtypeid from Record Type
referencetext string 255
retainer boolean
retainerproduct int deposititemid from Deposit Item
retainertax int
revaccno string
schedule_id int scheduletypeid from Schedule Type
service boolean
servicechargeitem boolean
showreservations boolean
smsitem boolean
startdate date
tax int taxid from Tax
taxrate decimal taxrate from Tax
timebasedplan boolean
timebasedplanhours decimal
unitprice currency
updatedate date
virtualservice boolean
withholdingtax boolean
workstations int

Delegate Rate Product

This is a Product that can be added to meeting room bookings on the Calendar and charged per Delegate.


curl \
 -H 'Authorization: Bearer gAA...X-w'
    "response": {
        "id": "68111d52-eec0-4c7d-aad0-07e85ec7360a",
        "status": "OK",
        "providername": "Operate API",
        "datetimeutc": "08/08/2017 08:23:04",
        "delegaterateproducts": [
                "row_num": "1",
                "createdby": "Paul Smith",
                "outputvalue_createdby": "Paul Smith",
                "creationdate": "2017-08-08T08:22:17+00:00",
                "outputvalue_creationdate": "2017-08-08T08:22:17+00:00",
                "daydelegaterate": "12",
                "product": "73",
                "outputvalue_product": "Room 1",
                "delegaterateproductid": "3",
                "outputvalue_delegaterateproductid": "3",
                "price": "20.5",
                "outputvalue_price": "20.5",
                "productgroupname": "Office Rent",
                "outputvalue_productgroupname": "Office Rent",
                "productname": "Room 1",
                "outputvalue_productname": "Room 1",
                "referencetext": "<FROM> - <TO>",
                "outputvalue_referencetext": "<FROM> - <TO>",
                "tax": "5",
                "outputvalue_tax": "20% Tax rate",
                "updatedate": "2017-08-08T08:22:17+00:00",
                "outputvalue_updatedate": "2017-08-08T08:22:17+00:00",
                "updatedby": "Paul Smith",
                "outputvalue_updatedby": "Paul Smith"
        "totalCount": "1"

PUT (Minimum and Full) JSON Body

    "delegaterateproducts": [
            "daydelegaterate": "12",
            "product": "73",
            "price": "20.00"
Field Type Size Description
createdby string 255 fullname from User
creationdate date
daydelegaterate int daydelegaterateid from Day Delegate Rate
delegaterateproductid int Reference to the Delegate Rate Product
price decimal
product int productid from Product
productname string productname from Product
productgroupname string productgroupname from Product
referencetext string
tax int taxid from Tax
updatedate date
updatedby string 255 fullname from User

Delegate Rate Room

Represents a Meeting Room booked on the Calendar and charged per delegate instead of per hour.


curl \
 -H 'Authorization: Bearer gAA...X-w'
    "response": {
        "id": "04150179-9792-4ddd-8346-ce6f9d2864d6",
        "status": "OK",
        "providername": "Operate API",
        "datetimeutc": "15/08/2017 11:41:16",
        "delegateraterooms": [
                "row_num": "1",
                "createdby": "Paul Smith",
                "outputvalue_createdby": "Paul Smith",
                "creationdate": "2017-08-15T11:40:43+00:00",
                "outputvalue_creationdate": "2017-08-15T11:40:43+00:00",
                "daydelegaterate": "1",
                "product": "73",
                "outputvalue_product": "Room 1",
                "delegaterateroomid": "1",
                "outputvalue_delegaterateroomid": "1",
                "locationname": "Aldgate Tower",
                "outputvalue_locationname": "Aldgate Tower",
                "productgroupname": "Office Rent",
                "outputvalue_productgroupname": "Office Rent",
                "productname": "Room 1",
                "outputvalue_productname": "Room 1",
                "updatedate": "2017-08-15T11:40:43+00:00",
                "outputvalue_updatedate": "2017-08-15T11:40:43+00:00",
                "updatedby": "Paul Smith",
                "outputvalue_updatedby": "Paul Smith"
        "totalCount": "1"

PUT (Full) JSON Body

    "delegateraterooms": [
            "daydelegaterate": "1",
            "product": "73"
Field Type Size Description
createdby string 255 fullname from User
creationdate date
daydelegaterate int daydelegaterateid from Day Delegate Rate
delegaterateroomid int Reference to the Delegate Rate Room
locationname string locationname from Location
productgroupname string productgroupname from Product Group
productname string productname from Product
updatedate date
updatedby string 255 fullname from User

Deposit Item

This product is held as deposit as part of a Licence.

Product can have a reference to a deposititemid.


curl \
 -H 'Authorization: Bearer gAA...X-w'
    "response": {
        "id": "f2410cca-890f-4e01-8366-ce470231d426",
        "status": "OK",
        "providername": "Operate API",
        "datetimeutc": "20/07/2017 14:38:22",
        "deposititems": [
                "row_num": "1",
                "creationdate": "2016-07-01T16:13:51+00:00",
                "outputvalue_creationdate": "2016-07-01T16:13:51+00:00",
                "deposititemname": "Deposit",
                "outputvalue_deposititemname": "Deposit",
                "deposititemid": "103",
                "outputvalue_deposititemid": "103",
                "recordtype": "10309",
                "updatedate": "2016-07-01T16:13:51+00:00",
                "outputvalue_updatedate": "2016-07-01T16:13:51+00:00"
        "totalCount": "1"
Field Type Size Description
creationdate date
deposititemname string
deposititemid int Reference to the Deposit Item
recordtype int recordtypeid from Record Type
updatedate date


PUT (Minimum and Full) JSON Body

    "extensions": [
            "account": "Item from list",
            "allowableminutes": "120",
            "contact": "Item from list",
            "extensionno": "",
            "extensionid": "",
            "stationidentifier": "",
            "plan": ""
Field Type Size Description
account int accountid from Account
contact int contactid from Contact
extensionno string 255
plan string 255

Meeting Package

Allocates free meeting room hours to an Account. Uses a Meeting Package Allowance, Meeting Package Region and Meeting Package Room Type to be defined first.

Account, Licence and Meeting Package Allowance can reference a meetingpackageid.


    "response": {
        "id": "32f0f020-3f8c-4cab-aff6-260f0e21829a",
        "status": "OK",
        "providername": "Operate API",
        "datetimeutc": "20/07/2017 12:15:04",
        "meetingpackages": [
                "row_num": "1",
                "allowancehours": "24",
                "outputvalue_allowancehours": "24",
                "createdby": "Paul Smith",
                "outputvalue_createdby": "Paul Smith",
                "creationdate": "2017-07-20T12:14:57+00:00",
                "outputvalue_creationdate": "2017-07-20T12:14:57+00:00",
                "meetingpackagename": "My Package 24",
                "outputvalue_meetingpackagename": "My Package 24",
                "meetingpackageid": "1",
                "outputvalue_meetingpackageid": "1",
                "updatedate": "2017-07-20T12:14:57+00:00",
                "outputvalue_updatedate": "2017-07-20T12:14:57+00:00",
                "updatedby": "Paul Smith",
                "outputvalue_updatedby": "Paul Smith"
        "totalCount": "1"

PUT (Minimum) JSON Body

    "meetingpackages": [
            "meetingpackagename": "My Package"

PUT (Full) JSON Body

    "meetingpackages": [
            "allowancehours": "10",
            "meetingpackagename": "My Package"
Field Type Size Description
allowancehours int
createdby string 255 fullname from User
creationdate date
meetingpackageid int Reference to the Meeting Package
meetingpackagename string 255
updatedby string 255 fullname from User
updatedate date

Meeting Package Allowance

The amount of free hours allocated to an Account via a Meeting Package.


    "response": {
        "id": "499bfb6d-87b5-4908-9502-5ad62c8e97a0",
        "status": "OK",
        "providername": "Operate API",
        "datetimeutc": "08/08/2017 09:38:51",
        "meetingpackageallowances": [
                "row_num": "1",
                "allowancehours": "8",
                "outputvalue_allowancehours": "8",
                "createdby": "Paul Smith",
                "outputvalue_createdby": "Paul Smith",
                "creationdate": "2017-08-08T09:38:13+00:00",
                "outputvalue_creationdate": "2017-08-08T09:38:13+00:00",
                "description": "Eight Hours",
                "outputvalue_description": "Eight Hours",
                "meetingpackage": "1",
                "outputvalue_meetingpackage": "My Package 24",
                "meetingpackageallowanceid": "1",
                "outputvalue_meetingpackageallowanceid": "1",
                "region": "1",
                "outputvalue_region": "Region 51",
                "updatedate": "2017-08-08T09:38:13+00:00",
                "outputvalue_updatedate": "2017-08-08T09:38:13+00:00",
                "updatedby": "Paul Smith",
                "outputvalue_updatedby": "Paul Smith"
        "totalCount": "1"

PUT (Full) JSON Body

    "meetingpackageallowances": [
            "allowancehours": "8",
            "description": "Eight Hours",
            "meetingpackage": "1",
            "region": "1"
Field Type Size Description
createdby string 255 fullname from User
creationdate date
description string
meetingpackage int meetingpackageid from Meeting Package
meetingpackageallowanceid int Reference to the Meeting Package Allowance
region int regionid from Region
updatedate date
updatedby string 255 fullname from User

Meeting Package Region

The Region within which a Meeting Package is valid.

Meeting Package Region is an alias for Region. GET only.


    "response": {
        "id": "ef91226a-651f-4dec-a84b-a6b499a3bc40",
        "status": "OK",
        "providername": "Operate API",
        "datetimeutc": "08/08/2017 09:23:23",
        "meetingpackageregions": [
                "row_num": "1",
                "createdby": "Paul Smith",
                "outputvalue_createdby": "Paul Smith",
                "creationdate": "2017-07-25T09:39:08+00:00",
                "outputvalue_creationdate": "2017-07-25T09:39:08+00:00",
                "regionname": "Region 51",
                "outputvalue_regionname": "Region 51",
                "regionid": "1",
                "outputvalue_regionid": "1",
                "updatedate": "2017-07-25T09:39:08+00:00",
                "outputvalue_updatedate": "2017-07-25T09:39:08+00:00",
                "updatedby": "Paul Smith",
                "outputvalue_updatedby": "Paul Smith"
        "totalCount": "1"
Field Type Size Description
createdby string 255 fullname from User
creationdate date
regionname string 255
regionid int Reference to the Meeting Package Region
updatedby string 255 fullname from User

Meeting Package Room Type

The Meeting Room Type available in a Meeting Package.


    "response": {
        "id": "44370641-58e1-4369-9cd4-a5ccefbc7e4d",
        "status": "OK",
        "providername": "Operate API",
        "datetimeutc": "08/08/2017 09:30:49",
        "meetingpackageroomtypes": [
                "row_num": "1",
                "createdby": "Paul Smith",
                "outputvalue_createdby": "Paul Smith",
                "creationdate": "2017-08-08T09:29:07+00:00",
                "outputvalue_creationdate": "2017-08-08T09:29:07+00:00",
                "included": "true",
                "outputvalue_included": "true",
                "meetingpackageallowance": "1",
                "outputvalue_meetingpackageallowance": "1",
                "meetingpackageroomtypeid": "2",
                "outputvalue_meetingpackageroomtypeid": "2",
                "meetingroomtype": "1",
                "outputvalue_meetingroomtype": "",
                "updatedate": "2017-08-08T09:29:07+00:00",
                "outputvalue_updatedate": "2017-08-08T09:29:07+00:00",
                "updatedby": "Paul Smith",
                "outputvalue_updatedby": "Paul Smith"
        "totalCount": "1"

PUT (Minimum and Full) JSON Body

    "meetingpackageroomtypes": [
            "included": "True",
            "meetingpackageallowance": "0",
            "meetingroomtype": "3"
Field Type Size Description
createdby string 255 fullname from User
creationdate date
included boolean
meetingpackageallowance int meetingpackageallowanceid from Meeting Package Allowance
meetingpackageroomtypeid int Reference to the Meeting Package Room Type
meetingroomtype int meetingroomtypeid from Meeting Room Type
updatedate date
updatedby string 255 fullname from User

Meeting Room Type

Defines the type of rooms available; for example: Boardroom, Conference Room.


    "response": {
        "id": "986d5ed3-6cdb-4c36-b8cf-bc3aaa94220d",
        "status": "OK",
        "providername": "Operate API",
        "datetimeutc": "25/07/2017 09:47:30",
        "meetingroomtypes": [
                "row_num": "1",
                "createdby": "Paul Smith",
                "outputvalue_createdby": "Paul Smith",
                "creationdate": "2017-07-25T09:47:25+00:00",
                "outputvalue_creationdate": "2017-07-25T09:47:25+00:00",
                "meetingroomtypeid": "644",
                "outputvalue_meetingroomtypeid": "644",
                "meetingroomtypename": "Type 51",
                "outputvalue_meetingroomtypename": "Type 51",
                "updatedate": "2017-07-25T09:47:25+00:00",
                "outputvalue_updatedate": "2017-07-25T09:47:25+00:00",
                "updatedby": "Paul Smith",
                "outputvalue_updatedby": "Paul Smith"
        "totalCount": "1"


PUT (Minimum and Full) JSON Body

    "meetingroomtypes": [
            "meetingroomtypeid": "",
            "meetingroomtypename": "Type 51"
Field Type Size Description
createdby string 255 fullname from User
creationdate date
meetingroomtypeid int Reference to the Meeting Room Type
meetingroomtypename string
updatedate date
updatedby string 255 fullname from User

Office Status

Defines whether an Office is vacant or occupied.


    "response": {
        "id": "d86ad87b-e54f-456f-8de7-bdb5c15c1da2",
        "status": "OK",
        "providername": "Operate API",
        "datetimeutc": "25/07/2017 09:52:57",
        "officestatuss": [
                "row_num": "1",
                "creationdate": "2006-08-31T10:35:18+00:00",
                "outputvalue_creationdate": "2006-08-31T10:35:18+00:00",
                "suitestatusid": "3",
                "outputvalue_suitestatusid": "3",
                "suitestatusname": "Vacant",
                "outputvalue_suitestatusname": "Vacant",
                "updatedate": "2006-08-31T10:35:18+00:00",
                "outputvalue_updatedate": "2006-08-31T10:35:18+00:00"
        "totalCount": "1"
Field Type Size Description
creationdate date
suitestatusid int Reference to the Office Status
suitestatusname string
updatedate date

Office Type

Defines the type of Office (e.g. Corner office)


    "response": {
        "id": "4375a1e1-9fbf-45d2-b8a0-f1dd40e14224",
        "status": "OK",
        "providername": "Operate API",
        "datetimeutc": "25/07/2017 09:54:58",
        "officetypes": [
                "row_num": "1",
                "creationdate": "2011-01-15T17:35:34+00:00",
                "outputvalue_creationdate": "2011-01-15T17:35:34+00:00",
                "suitetypeid": "607",
                "outputvalue_suitetypeid": "607",
                "suitetypename": "Workshop",
                "outputvalue_suitetypename": "Workshop",
                "updatedate": "2011-01-15T17:35:34+00:00",
                "outputvalue_updatedate": "2011-01-15T17:35:34+00:00"
        "totalCount": "1"
Field Type Size Description
creationdate date
suitetypeid int Reference to the Office Type
suitetypename string
updatedate date



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        "datetimeutc": "25/07/2017 11:59:12",
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PUT (Minimum) JSON Body

    "packages": [
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PUT (Full) JSON Body

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Field Type Size Description
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creationdate date
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depositproductid int
emailbcc string 32767
emailbody string
emailcc string 32767
emailfrom string 32767
emailsubject string 32767
emailto string 32767
escalatelicence boolean
escalaterent percent Increase pricing for rent
escalateservices percent Increase pricing for services.
escalatevirtual percent Increase pricing for virtual services.
escalationlength decimal
featuredproduct booleam
hasdeposit booleam
hasincludedproducts booleamn
hasmeetingpackage boolean
hasnoticeperiod boolean
hasoptionalextras boolean
hassetupfee boolean
increasepercent percent
increasepricing boolean
packagehalfyearprice decimal
packageinternalhalfyearprice decimal
packageinternalmonthlyprice decimal
packageinternalquarterlyprice decimal
packageinternalyearlyprice decimal
packageprice decimal
noticeperiod int
packagename string 255
packageid int Reference to the Package
packagequarterlyprice decimal
packageyearlyprice decimal
setupfeeprice decimal
updatedate date
updatedby string 255 fullname from User

Product Group

A Product has a Product Group.

Examples are: Catering, Meeting Rooms, Offices.

Batch Charge Sheet, Booking Charge, Booking Conflict, Calendar, Cancellation Policy, Charge Sheet, Credit Note Line, Draft Credit Note Line, Draft Invoice Line, Invoice Line, Invoice Order, Licence Proforma Invoice Line,Metered Batch Sheet and Product can reference a productgroupid.


    "response": {
        "id": "00ee4e38-38fe-4199-8ea0-be4de7c659e0",
        "status": "OK",
        "providername": "Operate API",
        "datetimeutc": "24/07/2017 13:44:59",
        "productgroups": [
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                "outputvalue_advancedbill": "false",
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                "outputvalue_cateringitems": "false",
                "createdby": "RJMETIS\\mari",
                "outputvalue_createdby": "RJMETIS\\mari",
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                "outputvalue_nodiscount": "false",
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                "outputvalue_noofproducts": "11",
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                "outputvalue_sunjournaltypedebit": "SCSER",
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                "updatedate": "2016-07-01T09:57:45+00:00",
                "outputvalue_updatedate": "2016-07-01T09:57:45+00:00",
                "updatedby": "RJMETIS\\mari",
                "outputvalue_updatedby": "RJMETIS\\mari"
        "totalCount": "1"

PUT (Minimum) JSON Body

    "productgroups": [
            "productgroupname": "My Product Group"

PUT (Full) JSON Body

    "productgroups": [
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            "text": "",
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            "itemrefinreferencetext": "True",
            "departmentnumber": "True",
            "facilitiesitems": "True",
            "nodiscount": "True",
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            "showreservations": "True",
            "showdetail": "True",
            "sunjournaltypedebit": "",
            "sunjournaltypecredit": ""
Field Type Size Description
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cateringitems boolean
createdby string 255 fullname from User
creationdate date
departmentnumber boolean
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itemrefinreferencetext boolean
facilitiesitems boolean
nodiscount boolean
noofproducts int
productgroupname string
productgroupid int Reference to the Product Group
showreservations boolean
showdetail boolean
sunjournaltypedebit string 5
sunjournaltypecredit string 5
text string 50
updatedate date
updatedby string 255 fullname from User

Product Special Offer

Apply Special Offers to Products. The Offer is associated to individual Products, not Product Groups.


    "response": {
        "id": "3ffb7ef7-ddf5-4f89-a000-b2fa153ef229",
        "status": "OK",
        "providername": "Operate API",
        "datetimeutc": "08/08/2017 08:14:50",
        "productspecialoffers": [
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                "createdby": "Paul Smith",
                "outputvalue_createdby": "Paul Smith",
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                "outputvalue_frequency": "2",
                "product": "73",
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                "outputvalue_productspecialofferid": "1",
                "updatedate": "2017-08-08T08:14:07+00:00",
                "outputvalue_updatedate": "2017-08-08T08:14:07+00:00",
                "updatedby": "Paul Smith",
                "outputvalue_updatedby": "Paul Smith",
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                "outputvalue_validfromtime": "1899-12-30T12:23:00+00:00",
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                "outputvalue_validtodate": "2017-10-22T00:00:00+00:00",
                "validtotime": "1899-12-30T12:23:00+00:00",
                "outputvalue_validtotime": "1899-12-30T12:23:00+00:00"
        "totalCount": "1"

PUT (Full) JSON Body

    "productspecialoffers": [
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            "frequency": "2",
            "product": "73",
            "validfromdate": "22/10/2013",
            "validfromtime": "12:23",
            "validtodate": "22/10/2013",
            "validtotime": "12:23"
Field Type Size Description
createdby string 255 fullname from User
creationdate date
discount decimal
frequency int Number of days
product int productid from Product
productspecialofferid int Reference to the Product Special Offer
updatedate date
updatedby string 255 fullname from User
validfromdate date
validfromtime time
validtodate date
validtotime time

Standard Discount

Apply a discount for specific Products or to certain Accounts. Standard Discounts need a start and end date to determine the period within which they are applied.


    "response": {
        "id": "d361f5df-4612-4d9f-a4f5-587fedaa734f",
        "status": "OK",
        "providername": "Operate API",
        "datetimeutc": "08/08/2017 08:32:51",
        "standarddiscounts": [
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                "accountname": "12",
                "outputvalue_accountname": "UK Marketing Team",
                "createdby": "Paul Smith",
                "outputvalue_createdby": "Paul Smith",
                "creationdate": "2017-08-08T08:32:05+00:00",
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                "outputvalue_validfrom": "2013-10-22T00:00:00+00:00",
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                "outputvalue_validto": "2013-10-22T00:00:00+00:00",
                "updatedate": "2017-08-08T08:32:05+00:00",
                "outputvalue_updatedate": "2017-08-08T08:32:05+00:00",
                "updatedby": "Paul Smith",
                "outputvalue_updatedby": "Paul Smith"
        "totalCount": "1"

PUT (Full) JSON Body

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            "validfrom": "22/10/2013",
            "product_id": "73",
            "validto": "22/10/2013"
Field Type Size Description
accountname int accountid from Account
createdby string 255 fullname from User
creationdate date
discount decimal
validfrom date
product_id int productid from Product
updatedate date
updatedby string 255 fullname from User
validto date


Set tax rates according to your country’s regulations. Tax is applied to all products and services, unless exempt. It is a % of a product’s price, If required, Tax Breakdown can be applied.


    "response": {
        "id": "7ae0f1fc-73f6-4a97-b103-72f9f9466c47",
        "status": "OK",
        "providername": "Operate API",
        "datetimeutc": "12/07/2017 12:22:12",
        "taxs": [
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                "outputvalue_firstbreakdownrate": "0%",
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                "createdby": "Paul Smith",
                "outputvalue_createdby": "Paul Smith",
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                "outputvalue_taxrate": "0%",
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                "updatedate": "2014-04-30T08:12:04+00:00",
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PUT (Minimum) JSON Body

    "taxs": [
            "taxbreakdown": "True",
            "taxname": "Twenty Percent",
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            "withholdingtaxrate": "0.05"

PUT (Full) JSON Body

    "taxs": [
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            "sagetaxcode": "",
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            "taxbreakdown": "True",
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            "taxrate": "17.5",
            "withholdingtaxrate": "0.05"
Field Type Size Description
createdby string 255 fullname from User
creationdate date
cumulative boolean
defaultrate boolean
firstbreakdown string
firstbreakdownrate decimal Percent in decimal for PUT, GET response included % symbol (0.25 = 25%)
sagetaxcode int
secondbreakdown string
secondbreakdownrate decimal Percent in decimal for PUT, GET response included % symbol (0.25 = 25%)
taxbreakdown boolean
taxname string 255
taxrate decimal Percent in decimal for PUT, GET response included % symbol (17.5 = 17.5%)
taxid int Reference to the Tax
thirdbreakdown string
thirdbreakdownrate decimal Percent in decimal for PUT, GET response included % symbol (0.25 = 25%)
updatedate date
updatedby string 255 fullname from User
withholdingtaxrate decimal Percent in decimal for PUT, GET response included % symbol (0.25 = 25%)

Volume Discount

This discount is provided when a certain volume of a Product or Service is acquired. Volume discounts can only be applied against individual Products and need a start and end date to determine the period within which they are valid.


    "response": {
        "id": "61257192-2ddd-4418-917c-6e747658eb03",
        "status": "OK",
        "providername": "Operate API",
        "datetimeutc": "13/07/2017 12:15:45",
        "volumediscounts": [
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                "validto": "2016-09-18T23:59:00+00:00",
                "outputvalue_validto": "2016-09-18T23:59:00+00:00",
                "updatedate": "2016-08-19T09:02:16+00:00",
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                "outputvalue_volume": "100",
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                "outputvalue_volumediscountid": "1"
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Field Type Size Description
accountname int accountid from Account
creationdate date
discount decimal positive number with up to two decimal places
validfrom date
item_id int productid from Product
validto date
updatedate date
volume int quantity needed for discount
volumediscountid int reference to the Volume discount


Tasks are a team management feature, tasks are assigned to specific team members and can be tracked.

A Task is an item on a User’s to do list. You can assign tasks to yourself or other team members. They include a Task Type, Task Status and Task Priority, as well as a start and end date.


A Task can be a call, email, meeting, etc on your to do list. Tasks can relate to Accounts, Contacts, Leads or Opportunities.

Tour can reference a taskid.

Task is referenced by taskid which is shared with Open Task


    "response": {
        "id": "c96404d2-6510-49a4-8a4c-dc4b828022e9",
        "status": "OK",
        "providername": "Operate API",
        "datetimeutc": "12/07/2017 12:25:40",
        "tasks": [
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                "accountname": "65",
                "outputvalue_accountname": "myAccount",
                "userid": "27",
                "outputvalue_userid": "ajohn",
                "comments": null,
                "outputvalue_comments": null,
                "createdby": "Administrator",
                "outputvalue_createdby": "Administrator",
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                "outputvalue_creationdate": "2016-11-29T16:38:02+00:00",
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                "outputvalue_priority": "High",
                "recordtype": "7",
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                "outputvalue_relatedto": "myAccount",
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                "outputvalue_reminder": "true",
                "reminderminutes": "0",
                "outputvalue_reminderminutes": "0",
                "sendtooutlook": "false",
                "outputvalue_sendtooutlook": "false",
                "startdate": "2016-11-29T16:38:02+00:00",
                "outputvalue_startdate": "2016-11-29T16:38:02+00:00",
                "startdatetime": "2016-11-29T16:38:02+00:00",
                "outputvalue_startdatetime": "2016-11-29T16:38:02+00:00",
                "starttime": "2016-11-29T16:38:02+00:00",
                "outputvalue_starttime": "2016-11-29T16:38:02+00:00",
                "status": "0",
                "outputvalue_status": "Not Started",
                "subject": "please follow up on new lead assigned to you",
                "outputvalue_subject": "please follow up on new lead assigned to you",
                "taskid": "138",
                "outputvalue_taskid": "138",
                "tasktypeid": "-1",
                "outputvalue_tasktypeid": "Call",
                "uid": "2a524480-7d60-41d1-9da0-aa06792f1df8",
                "outputvalue_uid": "2a524480-7d60-41d1-9da0-aa06792f1df8",
                "updatedate": "2016-11-29T16:38:02+00:00",
                "outputvalue_updatedate": "2016-11-29T16:38:02+00:00",
                "updatedby": "Administrator",
                "outputvalue_updatedby": "Administrator"
        "totalCount": "1"

PUT (Minimum) JSON Body

    "tasks": [
            "accountname": "Item from list",
            "comments": "This is very long text which can go over multiple lines",
            "priority": "Item from list",
            "status": "Item from list",
            "subject": "subject"

PUT (Full) JSON Body

    "tasks": [
            "accountname": "Item from list",
            "userid": "Item from list",
            "comments": "This is very long text which can go over multiple lines",
            "contactid": "Item from list",
            "enddatetime": "22/10/2013 12:23",
            "address_id": "Item from list",
            "licenceid": "Item from list",
            "opportunityname": "Item from list",
            "priority": "Item from list",
            "quoteid": "Item from list",
            "reminder": "True",
            "reminderminutes": "12345",
            "sendtooutlook": "True",
            "startdatetime": "22/10/2013 12:23",
            "status": "Item from list",
            "subject": "subject",
            "tasktypeid": "Item from list",
            "uid": ""
Field Type Size Description
accountname int accountid from Account
userid int
comments string 32768
createdby string 255 fullname from User
creationdate date
emailaddress string 4000
enddate date
enddatetime date
endtime date
islead boolean
address_id int
opportunityname int opportunityid from Opportunity
priority int taskpriorityid from Task Priority
recordtype int recordtypeid from Record Type
relatedto string
reminder boolean
reminderminutes decimal
sendtooutlook boolean
startdate date
startdatetime date
starttime date
status int taskstatusid from Task Status
subject string
taskid int Reference to the task
tasktypeid int tasktypeid from Task Type
uid string
updatedate date
updatedby string 255 fullname from User

Open Task

A Task that has not yet been completed.

Open Task is referenced by taskid which is shared with Task


    "response": {
        "id": "5af1b440-f754-4526-8a56-f6c3ef7796d1",
        "status": "OK",
        "providername": "Operate API",
        "datetimeutc": "27/07/2017 14:59:12",
        "opentasks": [
                "row_num": "1",
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                "outputvalue_accountname": "sdfgsdfg",
                "userid": "0",
                "comments": null,
                "outputvalue_comments": null,
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                "outputvalue_createdby": "Darren Smith",
                "creationdate": "2017-01-19T12:56:20+00:00",
                "outputvalue_creationdate": "2017-01-19T12:56:20+00:00",
                "emailaddress": null,
                "outputvalue_emailaddress": null,
                "enddate": "2017-01-19T13:06:20+00:00",
                "outputvalue_enddate": "2017-01-19T13:06:20+00:00",
                "enddatetime": "2017-01-19T13:06:20+00:00",
                "outputvalue_enddatetime": "2017-01-19T13:06:20+00:00",
                "endtime": "2017-01-19T13:06:20+00:00",
                "outputvalue_endtime": "2017-01-19T13:06:20+00:00",
                "islead": "0",
                "outputvalue_islead": "0",
                "address_id": "76",
                "outputvalue_address_id": "sdfgsdfg",
                "opportunityname": "27",
                "outputvalue_opportunityname": "sdfgsdfg",
                "priority": "-2",
                "outputvalue_priority": "High",
                "recordtype": "7",
                "relatedto": "sdfgsdfg",
                "outputvalue_relatedto": "sdfgsdfg",
                "reminder": "true",
                "outputvalue_reminder": "true",
                "reminderminutes": "0",
                "outputvalue_reminderminutes": "0",
                "sendtooutlook": "false",
                "outputvalue_sendtooutlook": "false",
                "startdate": "2017-01-19T12:56:20+00:00",
                "outputvalue_startdate": "2017-01-19T12:56:20+00:00",
                "startdatetime": "2017-01-19T12:56:20+00:00",
                "outputvalue_startdatetime": "2017-01-19T12:56:20+00:00",
                "starttime": "2017-01-19T12:56:20+00:00",
                "outputvalue_starttime": "2017-01-19T12:56:20+00:00",
                "status": "0",
                "outputvalue_status": "Not Started",
                "subject": "please follow up on new lead assigned to you",
                "outputvalue_subject": "please follow up on new lead assigned to you",
                "taskid": "154",
                "outputvalue_taskid": "154",
                "tasktypeid": "-1",
                "outputvalue_tasktypeid": "Call",
                "uid": "3a3de6cd-bd99-4273-8e66-bf607e52cc60",
                "outputvalue_uid": "3a3de6cd-bd99-4273-8e66-bf607e52cc60",
                "updatedate": "2017-01-19T12:56:20+00:00",
                "outputvalue_updatedate": "2017-01-19T12:56:20+00:00",
                "updatedby": "Darren Smith",
                "outputvalue_updatedby": "Darren Smith"
        "totalCount": "1"

PUT (Minimum) JSON Body

    "opentasks": [
            "accountname": "12",
            "comments": "This is very long text which can go over multiple lines",
            "priority": "-2",
            "status": "1",
            "subject": "The new task"

PUT (Full) JSON Body

    "opentasks": [
            "accountname": "12",
            "userid": "",
            "comments": "This is very long text which can go over multiple lines",
            "contactid": "1",
            "enddatetime": "22/10/2013 12:23",
            "address_id": "1",
            "licenceid": "1",
            "opportunityname": "",
            "priority": "1",
            "quoteid": "1",
            "reminder": "True",
            "reminderminutes": "1,2345",
            "sendtooutlook": "True",
            "startdatetime": "22/10/2013 12:23",
            "status": "-5",
            "subject": "New Task",
            "tasktypeid": "1",
            "uid": ""
Field Type Size Description
accountname int accountid from Account
userid int
comments string 32768
createdby string 255 fullname from User
creationdate date
emailaddress string 4000
enddate date
enddatetime date
endtime date
islead boolean
address_id int accountid from Account
opportunityname int opportunityid from opportunity
priority int taskpriorityid from Task Priority
recordtype int
relatedto string
reminder boolean
sendtooutlook boolean
startdate date
startdatetime date
starttime date
status int taskstatusid from Task Status
subject string 255
taskid int Reference to the Open Task
tasktypeid int tasktypeid from Task Type
uid string 255
updatedate date
updatedby string 255 fullname from User

Task Priority

Sets a Priority for each of your Tasks. The Priority can be Low, Medium or High.


    "response": {
        "id": "97975e17-1758-4fa7-b435-988b55a7fef8",
        "status": "OK",
        "providername": "Operate API",
        "datetimeutc": "17/07/2017 15:52:58",
        "taskprioritys": [
                "row_num": "1",
                "priority": "High",
                "outputvalue_priority": "High",
                "taskpriorityid": "-2",
                "outputvalue_taskpriorityid": "-2"
        "totalCount": "1"
Field Type Size Description
priority string 50
taskpriorityid int Reference to the Task Priority

Task Status

Task Statuses refer to the progress made on a Task. Standard statuses are:


    "response": {
        "id": "c984eeaa-3dde-49e7-8723-f92e28df6643",
        "status": "OK",
        "providername": "Operate API",
        "datetimeutc": "18/07/2017 09:23:49",
        "taskstatuss": [
                "row_num": "1",
                "completedtask": "true",
                "outputvalue_completedtask": "true",
                "status": "No Show",
                "outputvalue_status": "No Show",
                "taskstatusid": "-5",
                "outputvalue_taskstatusid": "-5"
        "totalCount": "1"
Field Type Size Description
completedtask boolean
status string 50
taskstatusid int reference to the Task Status

Task Type

Defines the Task based on the type of work to be done. Default types are:

Activity History, Open Task, Task, Tour and Workflow can reference a tasktypeid


    "response": {
        "id": "a343b12f-cf06-49b3-9bc0-86e1ea061c09",
        "status": "OK",
        "providername": "Operate API",
        "datetimeutc": "18/07/2017 09:19:53",
        "tasktypes": [
                "row_num": "1",
                "createdby": "sa",
                "outputvalue_createdby": "sa",
                "creationdate": "1900-01-01T00:00:00+00:00",
                "outputvalue_creationdate": "1900-01-01T00:00:00+00:00",
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                "outputvalue_tasktypename": "Email",
                "tasktypeid": "-2",
                "outputvalue_tasktypeid": "-2",
                "updatedate": "1900-01-01T00:00:00+00:00",
                "outputvalue_updatedate": "1900-01-01T00:00:00+00:00",
                "updatedby": "sa",
                "outputvalue_updatedby": "sa"
        "totalCount": "1"
Field Type Size Description
createdby string 255 fullname from User
creationdate date
tasktypename string 255
tasktypeid int Reference to the Task Type
updatedate date
updatedby string 255 fullname from User


All remaining endpoints not already included in grouping above.

Access History

A list of all access information associated to a Contact.

Guest Access History also uses a contactvisitid but are different records. contactvisitid is not referenced by any other Items.


curl \
     -H 'Authorization: Bearer gAAAAIsQFg_Nkh....fevnYzautrfLDg'
    "response": {
        "id": "3f5fea8d-7ddc-48ec-8a12-c2723a4f12f4",
        "status": "OK",
        "providername": "Operate API",
        "datetimeutc": "12/07/2017 12:36:08",
        "contactvisitss": [
                "row_num": "1",
                "checkintype": "hubVisitor - Aldgate Tower",
                "outputvalue_checkintype": "hubVisitor - Aldgate Tower",
                "contactname": "88",
                "outputvalue_contactname": "Chad Smith",
                "contactvisitname": "Mari-Elena Smith",
                "outputvalue_contactvisitname": "Mari-Elena Smith",
                "contactvisitid": "1",
                "outputvalue_contactvisitid": "1",
                "createdby": "admin",
                "outputvalue_createdby": "admin",
                "creationdate": "2015-08-06T06:30:32+00:00",
                "outputvalue_creationdate": "2015-08-06T06:30:32+00:00",
                "duration": "11h56m",
                "outputvalue_duration": "11h56m",
                "timecheckedin": "2015-07-27T12:04:25+00:00",
                "outputvalue_timecheckedin": "2015-07-27T12:04:25+00:00",
                "timecheckedout": "2015-07-28T00:00:00+00:00",
                "outputvalue_timecheckedout": "2015-07-28T00:00:00+00:00",
                "trackingdate": "2015-07-27T00:00:00+00:00",
                "outputvalue_trackingdate": "2015-07-27T00:00:00+00:00",
                "updatedate": "2015-08-06T06:30:32+00:00",
                "outputvalue_updatedate": "2015-08-06T06:30:32+00:00",
                "updatedby": "admin",
                "outputvalue_updatedby": "admin"
        "totalCount": "1"
Field Type Size Description
checkintype string
contactname int contactid from Contact
contactvisitname string
contactvisitid int Reference to the Access History
createdby string 255 fullname from User
creationdate date
duration string NNhNNm e.g. 11h56m
timecheckedin date
trackingdate date
updatedate date
updatedby string 255 fullname from User

Activity History

A list that includes all activity that has taken place on a record, either manually or automatically.


curl \
     -H 'Authorization: Bearer gAA...X-w'
    "response": {
        "id": "12a585a7-5002-460d-8327-056e486d475d",
        "status": "OK",
        "providername": "Operate API",
        "datetimeutc": "18/07/2017 08:41:23",
        "activityhistorys": [
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                "outputvalue_activityhstoryid": "139",
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                "outputvalue_user_id": "User",
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                "outputvalue_comments": "Thanks for your recent lead dated 29/11/2016",
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                "createdby": "Administrator",
                "outputvalue_createdby": "Administrator",
                "creationdate": "2016-11-29T16:38:02+00:00",
                "outputvalue_creationdate": "2016-11-29T16:38:02+00:00",
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                "outputvalue_reminderminutes": "0",
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                "outputvalue_relatedthreads": "0",
                "startdate": "2016-11-29T16:38:02+00:00",
                "outputvalue_startdate": "2016-11-29T16:38:02+00:00",
                "status": "-2",
                "outputvalue_status": "Completed",
                "subject": "Your Lead for myAccount has been accepted by [ORGANIZATION-ORGANIZATIONNAME]",
                "outputvalue_subject": "Your Lead for myAccount has been accepted by [ORGANIZATION-ORGANIZATIONNAME]",
                "task": "0",
                "outputvalue_task": "0",
                "tasktypeid": "-2",
                "outputvalue_tasktypeid": "Email",
                "updatedate": "2016-11-29T16:38:02+00:00",
                "outputvalue_updatedate": "2016-11-29T16:38:02+00:00",
                "updatedby": "Administrator",
                "outputvalue_updatedby": "Administrator"
        "totalCount": "1"

PUT (minimum) JSON Body

    "activityhistorys": [
            "accountname": "12",
            "activityhstoryid": "",
            "comments": "This is very long text which can go over multiple lines",
            "priority": "Item from list",
            "status": "Item from list",
            "subject": "Subject"

PUT (full) JSON Body

    "activityhistorys": [
            "accountname": "Item from list",
            "activityhstoryid": "Darren Smith",
            "user_id": "Item from list",
            "comments": "This is very long text which can go over multiple lines",
            "contactid": "Item from list",
            "filename": "",
            "leadid": "Item from list",
            "licenceid": "Item from list",
            "opportunityid": "Item from list",
            "priority": "Item from list",
            "quoteid": "Item from list",
            "isread": "True",
            "reminder": "True",
            "reminderminutes": "1,2345",
            "startdate": "22/10/2013 12:23",
            "status": "Item from list",
            "subject": "Darren Smith",
            "tasktypeid": "Item from list"
Field Type Size Description
accountname int accountid from Account
activityhstoryid int reference to the Activity History
user_id int userid from User
comments string 32768
contactid int contactid from Contact
createdby string 255 fullname from User
creationdate date
filename string 255
leadid int leadid from Lead
licenceid int licenceid from Licence
opportunityid int opportunityid from Opportunity
priority int
quoteid int
isread boolean
reminder boolean
startdate date
status int taskstatusid from Task Status
subject string 255
task boolean
tasktypeid int tasktypeid from Task Type
updatedate date
updatedby string 255 fullname from User

Agreement Type

Represents types of Licence and can include: Rentals or Services. These types are customizeable.


curl \
     -H 'Authorization: Bearer gAAAAIsQFg_Nkh....fevnYzautrfLDg'
    "response": {
        "id": "e1430abc-adfc-4050-8666-c1566b368e56",
        "status": "OK",
        "providername": "Operate API",
        "datetimeutc": "12/08/2017 15:01:40",
        "lookupagreementtypess": [
                "row_num": "1",
                "agreementtype": "New",
                "outputvalue_agreementtype": "New",
                "agreementtypesid": "647",
                "outputvalue_agreementtypesid": "647",
                "createdby": "Paul Smith",
                "outputvalue_createdby": "Paul Smith",
                "creationdate": "2017-08-12T15:00:55+00:00",
                "outputvalue_creationdate": "2017-08-12T15:00:55+00:00",
                "updatedate": "2017-08-12T15:00:55+00:00",
                "outputvalue_updatedate": "2017-08-12T15:00:55+00:00",
                "updatedby": "Paul Smith",
                "outputvalue_updatedby": "Paul Smith"
        "totalCount": "1"

PUT (Minimum and Full) JSON Body

    "lookupagreementtypess": [
            "agreementtype": "New"


curl -X DELETE \
 -H "Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8" \
 -H "Authorization: Bearer xxxxx" \
 -d "itemid=647" \
        "providername":"Operate API",
        "datetimeutc":"12/08/2017 15:20:51"
Field Type Size Description
agreementtype string 255
agreementtypesid int Reference to the Agreement Type
createdby string 255 fullname from User
creationdate date
updatedate date
updatedby string 255 fullname from User

Agent Type

The type of Agent bringing in a Lead. Defaults are: Commercial Agent and Web Broker.


curl \
     -H 'Authorization: Bearer gAAAAIsQFg_Nkh....fevnYzautrfLDg'
    "response": {
        "id": "a806891a-5538-4159-8456-ebcfdd90602e",
        "status": "OK",
        "providername": "Operate API",
        "datetimeutc": "12/07/2017 11:13:16",
        "agenttypes": [
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                "agenttypename": "Commercial Agent",
                "outputvalue_agenttypename": "Commercial Agent",
                "agenttypeid": "525",
                "outputvalue_agenttypeid": "525",
                "creationdate": "2009-08-13T15:09:16+00:00",
                "outputvalue_creationdate": "2009-08-13T15:09:16+00:00",
                "updatedate": "2009-08-13T15:09:16+00:00",
                "outputvalue_updatedate": "2009-08-13T15:09:16+00:00"
        "totalCount": "2"
Field Type Size Description
agenttypename string 255
agenttypeid int Reference to the Agent Type
creationdate date
updatedate date

Business Type


curl \
     -H 'Authorization: Bearer gAAAAIsQFg_Nkh....fevnYzautrfLDg'
    "response": {
        "id": "c5c21f0e-1989-4073-873f-f24dc6e930ae",
        "status": "OK",
        "providername": "Operate API",
        "datetimeutc": "20/07/2017 14:19:05",
        "businesstypes": [
                "row_num": "1",
                "businesstypename": "Aviation",
                "outputvalue_businesstypename": "Aviation",
                "businesstypeid": "43",
                "outputvalue_businesstypeid": "43",
                "creationdate": "2009-02-04T16:26:28+00:00",
                "outputvalue_creationdate": "2009-02-04T16:26:28+00:00",
                "updatedate": "2009-02-04T16:26:28+00:00",
                "outputvalue_updatedate": "2009-02-04T16:26:28+00:00"
        "totalCount": "1"

PUT (Minimum and Full) JSON Body

    "businesstypes": [
            "businesstypename": "Construction"
Field Type Size Description
businesstypename string 255
businesstypeid int Reference to the Business Type
creationdate date
updatedate date

Campaign Types


curl \
 -H 'Authorization: Bearer gAA...X-w'
    "response": {
        "id": "4868b2e4-18ee-415f-b9f0-56c5fdadf654",
        "status": "OK",
        "providername": "Operate API",
        "datetimeutc": "20/07/2017 14:15:20",
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                "outputvalue_createdby": "Paul Smith",
                "creationdate": "2017-07-20T14:15:16+00:00",
                "outputvalue_creationdate": "2017-07-20T14:15:16+00:00",
                "updatedate": "2017-07-20T14:15:16+00:00",
                "outputvalue_updatedate": "2017-07-20T14:15:16+00:00",
                "updatedby": "Paul Smith",
                "outputvalue_updatedby": "Paul Smith"
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PUT (Minimum and Full) JSON Body

    "lookupcampaigntypess": [
            "campaigntype": ""
Field Type Size Description
campaigntype string 255
campaigntypesid int reference to the Campaign Type
createdby int fullname from User
creationdate date
updatedby int fullname from User
updatedate date

Check In Types


curl \
 -H 'Authorization: Bearer gAA...X-w'
    "response": {
        "id": "482f3b92-c9fb-47cb-a84c-c33100a59f0a",
        "status": "OK",
        "providername": "Operate API",
        "datetimeutc": "20/07/2017 13:50:30",
        "lookupcheckintypess": [
                "row_num": "1",
                "checkintype": "Upgrade - Virtual to Residential ",
                "outputvalue_checkintype": "Upgrade - Virtual to Residential ",
                "checkintypesid": "528",
                "outputvalue_checkintypesid": "528",
                "creationdate": "2009-08-13T15:10:54+00:00",
                "outputvalue_creationdate": "2009-08-13T15:10:54+00:00",
                "updatedate": "2009-08-13T15:10:54+00:00",
                "outputvalue_updatedate": "2009-08-13T15:10:54+00:00"
        "totalCount": "1"
Field Type Size Description
checkintype string 255
checkintypesid int Reference to the Check In Type
creationdate date
updatedate date

Check Out Types


curl \
 -H 'Authorization: Bearer gAA...X-w'
    "response": {
        "id": "44c40fb6-7e43-4829-ae0e-04326133623b",
        "status": "OK",
        "providername": "Operate API",
        "datetimeutc": "20/07/2017 14:25:11",
        "lookupcheckouttypess": [
                "row_num": "1",
                "checkouttype": "Upgrade - Larger office ",
                "outputvalue_checkouttype": "Upgrade - Larger office ",
                "checkouttypesid": "24",
                "outputvalue_checkouttypesid": "24",
                "creationdate": "2009-05-29T09:39:31+00:00",
                "outputvalue_creationdate": "2009-05-29T09:39:31+00:00",
                "updatedate": "2009-05-29T09:39:31+00:00",
                "outputvalue_updatedate": "2009-05-29T09:39:31+00:00"
        "totalCount": "1"
Field Type Size Description
checkouttype string 255
checkouttypesid int Reference to the Check In Type
creationdate date
updatedate date


Provides a stanadrd list of county names


curl \
 -H 'Authorization: Bearer gAA...X-w'
    "response": {
        "id": "192878b2-6dfd-4909-8388-bde799ec70f2",
        "status": "OK",
        "providername": "Operate API",
        "datetimeutc": "13/07/2017 14:32:35",
        "lookupcountiess": [
                "row_num": "1",
                "countiesid": "277",
                "outputvalue_countiesid": "277",
                "county": "Cornwall",
                "outputvalue_county": "Cornwall",
                "creationdate": "2009-08-13T15:06:37+00:00",
                "outputvalue_creationdate": "2009-08-13T15:06:37+00:00",
                "updatedate": "2009-08-13T15:06:37+00:00",
                "outputvalue_updatedate": "2009-08-13T15:06:37+00:00"
        "totalCount": "1"
Field Type Size Description
countiesid int Reference to the county
county string 255 display name for the county
creationdate date
updatedate date


Provides a stanadrd list of country names


curl \
 -H 'Authorization: Bearer gAA...X-w'


curl[country]='United+Kingdom' \
 -H 'Authorization: Bearer gAA...X-w'
    "response": {
        "id": "5412c438-a4ce-4af2-a462-363af62f54f7",
        "status": "OK",
        "providername": "Operate API",
        "datetimeutc": "13/07/2017 14:25:35",
        "lookupcountriess": [
                "row_num": "1",
                "countriesid": "263",
                "outputvalue_countriesid": "263",
                "country": "United Kingdom",
                "outputvalue_country": "United Kingdom",
                "creationdate": "2009-08-13T15:05:45+00:00",
                "outputvalue_creationdate": "2009-08-13T15:05:45+00:00",
                "updatedate": "2009-08-13T15:05:45+00:00",
                "outputvalue_updatedate": "2009-08-13T15:05:45+00:00"
        "totalCount": "1"
Field Type Size Description
countriesid int Reference to the country
country string 255 display name for the country
creationdate date
updatedate date

Credit Card


curl \
 -H 'Authorization: Bearer gAA...X-w'
    "response": {
        "id": "47ac8187-1bae-43bb-8734-f7381565c9f9",
        "status": "OK",
        "providername": "Operate API",
        "datetimeutc": "20/07/2017 14:30:26",
        "creditcards": [
                "row_num": "1",
                "createdby": "RJMETIS\\smith",
                "outputvalue_createdby": "RJMETIS\\smith",
                "description": "Mastercard",
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                "updatedate": "2005-06-06T16:19:48+00:00",
                "outputvalue_updatedate": "2005-06-06T16:19:48+00:00",
                "updatedby": "RJMETIS\\smith",
                "outputvalue_updatedby": "RJMETIS\\smith"
        "totalCount": "1"

PUT (Full) JSON Body

    "creditcards": [
            "description": ""
Field Type Size Description
createdby string 255 fullname from User
description string
creditcardid int Reference to the Credit Card
updatedate date
updatedby string 255 fullname from User


Details of predefined currencies


curl \
 -H 'Authorization: Bearer gAA...X-w'
    "response": {
        "id": "78228791-1b97-434f-b6c8-8100b7c8a9c6",
        "status": "OK",
        "providername": "Operate API",
        "datetimeutc": "13/07/2017 10:21:50",
        "currencys": [
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                "currencyformat": "£###,###,###,##0.00",
                "outputvalue_currencyformat": "£###,###,###,##0.00",
                "currencyname": "Pounds Sterling",
                "outputvalue_currencyname": "Pounds Sterling",
                "currencyid": "1",
                "outputvalue_currencyid": "1",
                "noofdecdigits": "2",
                "outputvalue_noofdecdigits": "2",
                "updatedate": "2014-04-30T08:12:04+00:00",
                "outputvalue_updatedate": "2014-04-30T08:12:04+00:00",
                "updatedby": "sa",
                "outputvalue_updatedby": "sa"
        "totalCount": "1"
Field Type Size Description
createdby string 255 fullname from User
creationdate date
currencycode string 3 digit code
currencyformat string template for formatting values of the currency
currencyname string full name of the currency
currencyid int reference to the currency
noofdecdigits int
updatedate date
updatedby string 255 fullname from User

Email Campaign

Organize emails, promote your space, measure campaign costs and response rates with Campaigns. They allow sending mass email messages to a Mailing List.

Email can reference a campaignid.


curl \
 -H 'Authorization: Bearer gAA...X-w'
    "response": {
        "id": "d3f2462c-f44f-4bf4-ae33-55f11a2ed82d",
        "status": "OK",
        "providername": "Operate API",
        "datetimeutc": "18/07/2017 16:46:32",
        "emailcampaigns": [
                "row_num": "1",
                "active": "false",
                "outputvalue_active": "false",
                "actualcosts": "0.0000",
                "outputvalue_actualcosts": "0.0000",
                "budgetedcosts": "0.0000",
                "outputvalue_budgetedcosts": "0.0000",
                "campaignname": "test",
                "outputvalue_campaignname": "test",
                "campaignid": "1",
                "outputvalue_campaignid": "1",
                "createdby": "Josephine Smith",
                "outputvalue_createdby": "Josephine Smith",
                "creationdate": "2017-05-11T16:15:53+00:00",
                "outputvalue_creationdate": "2017-05-11T16:15:53+00:00",
                "description": null,
                "outputvalue_description": null,
                "expectedresponse": "0",
                "outputvalue_expectedresponse": "0%",
                "expectedrevenue": "0.0000",
                "outputvalue_expectedrevenue": "0.0000",
                "recordtype": "5",
                "outputvalue_recordtype": "Email Campaign",
                "startdate": "2017-05-19T00:00:00+00:00",
                "outputvalue_startdate": "2017-05-19T00:00:00+00:00",
                "updatedate": "2017-05-11T16:15:53+00:00",
                "outputvalue_updatedate": "2017-05-11T16:15:53+00:00",
                "updatedby": "Josephine Smith",
                "outputvalue_updatedby": "Josephine Smith"
        "totalCount": "1"

PUT (Full) JSON Body

    "emailcampaigns": [
            "active": "True",
            "actualcosts": "£0.00",
            "budgetedcosts": "£0.00",
            "campaignname": "Darren Smith",
            "description": "This is very long text which can go over multiple lines",
            "enddate": "22/10/2013",
            "expectedresponse": "100%",
            "expectedrevenue": "£0.00",
            "startdate": "22/10/2013"
Field Type Size Description
active boolean
actualcosts decimal
budgetedcosts decimal
campaignname string 255
campaignid int Reference to the Email Campaign
createdby string 255 fullname from User
creationdate date
description string 32768
expectedresponse percent
expectedrevenue decimal
recordtype int recordtypeid from Record Type

Email Group


curl \
 -H 'Authorization: Bearer gAA...X-w'
    "response": {
        "id": "0441f40b-e585-49ca-b451-5786e7855efe",
        "status": "OK",
        "providername": "Operate API",
        "datetimeutc": "27/07/2017 10:02:47",
        "emailgroups": [
                "row_num": "1",
                "accountname": "83",
                "outputvalue_accountname": "Test Limited",
                "companyname": "Test Limited",
                "outputvalue_companyname": "Test Limited",
                "createdby": "live",
                "outputvalue_createdby": "live",
                "creationdate": "2017-05-11T11:28:56+00:00",
                "outputvalue_creationdate": "2017-05-11T11:28:56+00:00",
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                "outputvalue_email": null,
                "emailmembername": "Test ",
                "outputvalue_emailmembername": "Test ",
                "emailmemberid": "2",
                "outputvalue_emailmemberid": "2",
                "firstname": "Test",
                "outputvalue_firstname": "Test",
                "lastname": null,
                "outputvalue_lastname": null,
                "mailinglistid": "1",
                "outputvalue_mailinglistid": "1",
                "campaignemailmailinglistid": "1",
                "outputvalue_campaignemailmailinglistid": "Name",
                "updatedate": "2017-05-11T11:28:56+00:00",
                "outputvalue_updatedate": "2017-05-11T11:28:56+00:00",
                "updatedby": "live",
                "outputvalue_updatedby": "live"
        "totalCount": "1"

PUT (Minimum) JSON Body

    "emailgroups": [
            "emailmembername": "Name"

PUT (Full) JSON Body

    "emailgroups": [
            "accountname": "Item from list",
            "companyname": "",
            "email": "",
            "emailmembername": "Darren Smith",
            "firstname": "Darren ",
            "lastname": "Smith",
            "leadname": "Item from list",
            "mailinglistid": "Item from list",
            "campaignemailmailinglistid": "Item from list",
            "title": ""
Field Type Size Description
accountname int accountid from Account
campaignemailmailinglistid int
companyname string 255
createdby string 255 fullname from User
creationdate date
email string
emailmembername string 255
emailmemberid int Reference to the Email Group
firstname string 255
lastname string 255
mailinglistid int mailinglistid from Mailing List
updatedate date
updatedby string 255 fullname from User

Emails Sent


curl \
 -H 'Authorization: Bearer gAA...X-w'
    "response": {
        "id": "9f552ddf-8e36-4a5a-b4be-7027c1c255d7",
        "status": "OK",
        "providername": "Operate API",
        "datetimeutc": "27/07/2017 10:39:57",
        "emailssents": [
                "row_num": "1",
                "body": "<strong>From: </strong><br /><strong>To: </strong><br /><strong>CC: </strong><br /><strong>BCC: </strong><br /><strong>Subject: </strong>You have a new follower on essensys Portal!<br /><br />",
                "outputvalue_body": "<strong>From: </strong><br /><strong>To: </strong><br /><strong>CC: </strong><br /><strong>BCC: </strong><br /><strong>Subject: </strong>You have a new follower on essensys Portal!<br /><br /><font face=\"Verdana\">Mari-Elena Smith is now following you on the Member Portal!<br />\n<br />",
                "createdby": "Mari-Elena Smith",
                "outputvalue_createdby": "Mari-Elena Smith",
                "creationdate": "2016-09-07T12:34:13+00:00",
                "outputvalue_creationdate": "2016-09-07T12:34:13+00:00",
                "emailfrom": "",
                "outputvalue_emailfrom": "",
                "emailto": "",
                "outputvalue_emailto": "",
                "emailssentid": "137",
                "outputvalue_emailssentid": "137",
                "datesent": "2016-09-07T12:34:13+00:00",
                "outputvalue_datesent": "2016-09-07T12:34:13+00:00",
                "subject": "You have a new follower on essensys Portal!",
                "outputvalue_subject": "You have a new follower on essensys Portal!",
                "updatedate": "2016-09-07T12:34:13+00:00",
                "outputvalue_updatedate": "2016-09-07T12:34:13+00:00",
                "updatedby": "Mari-Elena Smith",
                "outputvalue_updatedby": "Mari-Elena Smith"
        "totalCount": "1"

PUT (Minimum) JSON Body

    "emailssents": [
            "emailfrom": "",
            "emailssentid": ""

PUT (Full) JSON Body

    "emailssents": [
            "body": {
                "strong": "html"
            "emailfrom": "",
            "emailto": "",
            "emailssentid": "",
            "datesent": "22/10/2013 12:23",
            "subject": ""
Field Type Size Description
body string
createdby string 255 fullname from User
creationdate date
emailfrom string 255
emailto string 4000
emailssentid int Reference to the Emails Sent
subject string 4000
datesent date
updatedate date
updatedby string 255 fullname from User

Exchange Rate


    "response": {
        "id": "1f04b58d-1403-4e37-8d03-2c2e8ca4e6d6",
        "status": "OK",
        "providername": "Operate API",
        "datetimeutc": "31/08/2017 13:59:46",
        "exchangerates": [
                "row_num": "1",
                "createdby": "sa",
                "outputvalue_createdby": "sa",
                "creationdate": "2014-04-30T08:12:04+00:00",
                "outputvalue_creationdate": "2014-04-30T08:12:04+00:00",
                "currencycode": "GBP",
                "outputvalue_currencycode": "GBP",
                "currencyname": "Pounds Sterling",
                "outputvalue_currencyname": "Pounds Sterling",
                "exchangerate": "1",
                "outputvalue_exchangerate": "1",
                "exchangerateid": "1",
                "outputvalue_exchangerateid": "1",
                "updatedate": "2014-04-30T08:12:04+00:00",
                "outputvalue_updatedate": "2014-04-30T08:12:04+00:00",
                "updatedby": "sa",
                "outputvalue_updatedby": "sa"
        "totalCount": "1"
Field Type Size Description
createdby string 255
creationdate date
currencycode string 3
currencyname string 255
exchangerate decimal
exchangerateid int Reference to the Exchange Rate.
updatedate date
updatedby string 255

Financial Export Entry


curl \
 -H 'Authorization: Bearer gAA...X-w'

PUT (Minimum and Full) JSON Body

    "financialexportentrys": [
            "exported": "True",
            "financialexport": "Item from list",
            "financialexportentryid": "",
            "entryname": "",
            "resulttext": "",
            "transactionid": "1,2345",
            "transactionvalue": "£0.00"
Field Type Size Description
exported boolean
transactionvalue currency

Financial Export Log


curl \
 -H 'Authorization: Bearer gAA...X-w'
    "response": {
        "id": "13f61937-3a07-4c45-a4f6-f9a9384fdbd3",
        "status": "OK",
        "providername": "Operate API",
        "datetimeutc": "27/07/2017 11:08:15",
        "financialexportlogs": [
                "row_num": "1",
                "appname": "",
                "outputvalue_appname": "",
                "createdby": "Ben Smith",
                "outputvalue_createdby": "Ben Smith",
                "creationdate": "2017-02-15T11:00:46+00:00",
                "outputvalue_creationdate": "2017-02-15T11:00:46+00:00",
                "financialexportid": "1",
                "outputvalue_financialexportid": "1",
                "financialexportname": "Financial Export for booked transactions dated between 01/02/2017 and 28/02/2017",
                "outputvalue_financialexportname": "Financial Export for booked transactions dated between 01/02/2017 and 28/02/2017",
                "organization": "1",
                "outputvalue_organization": "essensys Ltd",
                "updatedate": "2017-02-15T11:00:46+00:00",
                "outputvalue_updatedate": "2017-02-15T11:00:46+00:00",
                "updatedby": "Ben Smith",
                "outputvalue_updatedby": "Ben Smith"
        "totalCount": "1"
Field Type Size Description
appname string
createdby string 255 fullname from User
creationdate date
financialexportid int Reference to the Financial Export Log
financialexportname string
organization int organizationid from Organization
updatedate date
updatedby string 255 fullname from User

Guest Access History

A list of all access information associated to a guest Contact.

Access History also uses a contactvisitid but are different records. contactvisitid is not referenced by any other Items.


    "response": {
        "id": "043660f5-d42e-43e5-90e6-f4507277eeeb",
        "status": "OK",
        "providername": "Operate API",
        "datetimeutc": "27/07/2017 11:13:41",
        "guestvisitss": [
                "row_num": "1",
                "checkintype": "hubVisitor - Aldgate Tower",
                "outputvalue_checkintype": "hubVisitor - Aldgate Tower",
                "contactvisitid": "1",
                "outputvalue_contactvisitid": "1",
                "createdby": "admin",
                "outputvalue_createdby": "admin",
                "creationdate": "2015-08-06T06:30:32+00:00",
                "outputvalue_creationdate": "2015-08-06T06:30:32+00:00",
                "duration": "11h56m",
                "outputvalue_duration": "11h56m",
                "guestname": "Mari-Elena Smith",
                "outputvalue_guestname": "Mari-Elena Smith",
                "timecheckedin": "2015-07-27T12:04:25+00:00",
                "outputvalue_timecheckedin": "2015-07-27T12:04:25+00:00",
                "timecheckedout": "2015-07-28T00:00:00+00:00",
                "outputvalue_timecheckedout": "2015-07-28T00:00:00+00:00",
                "trackingdate": "2015-07-27T00:00:00+00:00",
                "outputvalue_trackingdate": "2015-07-27T00:00:00+00:00",
                "updatedate": "2015-08-06T06:30:32+00:00",
                "outputvalue_updatedate": "2015-08-06T06:30:32+00:00",
                "updatedby": "admin",
                "outputvalue_updatedby": "admin"
        "totalCount": "1"
Field Type Size Description
checkintype string
contactvisitid int Reference to Guest Access History
createdby string 255 fullname from User
creationdate date
duration string NNhNNm
guestname string
timecheckedin date
timecheckedout date
trackingdate date
updatedate date
updatedby string 255 fullname from User



    "response": {
        "id": "925808b8-ffe4-4544-9fa6-77dc91f9e189",
        "status": "OK",
        "providername": "Operate API",
        "datetimeutc": "15/07/2017 10:27:51",
        "industrys": [
                "row_num": "1",
                "creationdate": "2009-02-04T16:26:28+00:00",
                "outputvalue_creationdate": "2009-02-04T16:26:28+00:00",
                "industry": "Accounting",
                "outputvalue_industry": "Accounting",
                "industryid": "45",
                "outputvalue_industryid": "45",
                "updatedate": "2009-02-04T16:26:28+00:00",
                "outputvalue_updatedate": "2009-02-04T16:26:28+00:00"
        "totalCount": "1"

PUT (minimum) JSON Body

    "industrys": [
            "industry": "",

PUT (full) JSON Body

    "industrys": [
            "industry": "",
            "industryid": ""
Field Type Size Description
creationdate date
industry string
industryid int Reference to the Industry
updatedate date

Location Brand


PUT (Minimum) JSON Body

    "onlineplanssites": [
            "locationbrandname": "",
            "locationbrandid": "",
            "locationtextid": ""

PUT (Full) JSON Body

    "onlineplanssites": [
            "locationbrandname": "",
            "locationtext": {
                "strong": "html"
            "locationbrandid": "",
            "locationtextid": "",
            "region": ""
Field Type Size Description
createdby string 255 fullname from User
creationdate date
locationbrandname string 255
region string 255
updatedate date
updatedby string 255 fullname from User


Allows adding more information on records when there is no dedicated field.


    "response": {
        "id": "74eb1646-d84d-484e-9bc5-616bddf3dec5",
        "status": "OK",
        "providername": "Operate API",
        "datetimeutc": "15/07/2017 10:11:30",
        "notes": [
                "row_num": "1",
                "accountid": "7",
                "outputvalue_accountid": "UK Sales Team",
                "comments": null,
                "outputvalue_comments": null,
                "contactid": "0",
                "createdby": "Administrator",
                "outputvalue_createdby": "Administrator",
                "creationdate": "2016-07-12T15:54:06+00:00",
                "outputvalue_creationdate": "2016-07-12T15:54:06+00:00",
                "filename": null,
                "outputvalue_filename": null,
                "leadid": "7",
                "outputvalue_leadid": "UK Sales Team",
                "noteid": "105",
                "outputvalue_noteid": "105",
                "opportunityid": "13",
                "outputvalue_opportunityid": "UK Sales Team",
                "subject": "Stage changed to Checked In by Administrator",
                "outputvalue_subject": "Stage changed to Checked In by Administrator",
                "updatedate": "2016-07-12T15:54:06+00:00",
                "outputvalue_updatedate": "2016-07-12T15:54:06+00:00",
                "updatedby": "Administrator",
                "outputvalue_updatedby": "Administrator"
        "totalCount": "1"

PUT (minimum) JSON Body

    "notes": [
            "comments": {
                "strong": "html"
            "subject": ""

PUT (full) JSON Body

    "notes": [
            "accountid": "Item from list",
            "comments": {
                "strong": "html"
            "contactid": "Item from list",
            "filename": "",
            "leadid": "Item from list",
            "licenceid": "Item from list",
            "opportunityid": "Item from list",
            "quoteid": "Item from list",
            "subject": ""
Field Type Size Description
accountid int accountid from Account
comments object
contactid int
createdby string 255 fullname from User
creationdate date
leadid int leadid from Lead

Online Plan

Provides pricing plans for products and services sold via Operate.


    "response": {
        "id": "43dcaa62-a1b8-4d31-b178-534f23e2432b",
        "status": "OK",
        "providername": "Operate API",
        "datetimeutc": "27/07/2017 14:06:23",
        "onlineplans": [
                "row_num": "1",
                "createdby": "Paul Smith",
                "outputvalue_createdby": "Paul Smith",
                "creationdate": "2017-07-27T14:06:18+00:00",
                "outputvalue_creationdate": "2017-07-27T14:06:18+00:00",
                "onlineplanlink": "<a href='{portalurl}/portal/onlineplans/onlineplans.aspx?onlineplan=1' target='new'>Preview Plan</a>",
                "outputvalue_onlineplanlink": "<a href='{portalurl}/portal/onlineplans/onlineplans.aspx?onlineplan=1' target='new'>Preview Plan</a>",
                "onlineplanname": "New Plan 27",
                "outputvalue_onlineplanname": "New Plan 27",
                "onlineplanid": "1",
                "outputvalue_onlineplanid": "1",
                "plantype": "General",
                "outputvalue_plantype": "General",
                "updatedate": "2017-07-27T14:06:18+00:00",
                "outputvalue_updatedate": "2017-07-27T14:06:18+00:00",
                "updatedby": "Paul Smith",
                "outputvalue_updatedby": "Paul Smith"
        "totalCount": "1"

PUT (Minimum) JSON Body

    "onlineplans": [
            "onlineplanname": "Darren"

PUT (Full) JSON Body

    "onlineplans": [
            "choosepackagetext": {
                "strong": "html"
            "choosepackagetitle": "",
            "description": "This is very long text which can go over multiple lines",
            "onlineplanname": "",
            "plantype": "Selected item",
            "selectlocationtext": {
                "strong": "html"
            "selectalocationtitle": ""
Field Type Size Description
choosepackagetext string
choosepackagetitle string 255
createdby string 255 fullname from User
description string 32767
onlineplanlink string 255
onlineplanname string 255
onlineplanid int Reference to the Online Plan
plantype string “General”, “Membership”
updatedate date
updatedby string 255 fullname from User

Online Transaction

An Online Transaction is referenced by paymenttransactionid.

PUT (Minimum) JSON Body

    "portaltransactionss": [
            "paymenttransactionname": "",
            "paymenttransactionid": ""

PUT (Full) JSON Body

    "portaltransactionss": [
            "amount": "£0.00",
            "description": "",
            "email": "",
            "firstname": "Darren",
            "lastname": "Smith",
            "paymenttransactionname": "",
            "paymenttransactionid": "",
            "status": "Selected item",
            "telephone": "+44 845 303 1000",
            "title": "",
            "transactiondate": "22/10/2013 12:23"
Field Type Size Description
amount currency
description string 255
email string
firstname string 255
lastname string 255
paymenttransactionname string 255
paymenttransactionid int Reference to the Online Transaction
status int 0 Success, 1 Incomplete, 2 Completed, 3 Failed, 4 Cancelled, 5 Declined, 6 Unknown Error, 7 Under Review.
telephone string
title string 255
transactiondate date

Promo Code

Allows adding discounts to a specific Product and applying them by using the Promo Code.


    "response": {
        "id": "65bdfc11-1107-4b1a-b074-1a226a4efc87",
        "status": "OK",
        "providername": "Operate API",
        "datetimeutc": "27/07/2017 15:34:42",
        "promocodes": [
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                "promocodename": "10%OFF",
                "outputvalue_promocodename": "10%OFF",
                "createdby": "Mari-Elena Smith",
                "outputvalue_createdby": "Mari-Elena Smith",
                "creationdate": "2016-09-07T12:08:17+00:00",
                "outputvalue_creationdate": "2016-09-07T12:08:17+00:00",
                "description": "10% off for September  ",
                "outputvalue_description": "10% off for September",
                "discountamt": "10",
                "outputvalue_discountamt": "10",
                "discountpercent": "0",
                "outputvalue_discountpercent": "0",
                "issued": "100",
                "outputvalue_issued": "100",
                "promocodeid": "1",
                "outputvalue_promocodeid": "1",
                "updatedate": "2016-09-07T12:08:17+00:00",
                "outputvalue_updatedate": "2016-09-07T12:08:17+00:00",
                "updatedby": "admin",
                "outputvalue_updatedby": "admin",
                "startdate": "2016-09-01T00:00:00+00:00",
                "outputvalue_startdate": "2016-09-01T00:00:00+00:00",
                "expirydate": "2016-09-30T00:00:00+00:00",
                "outputvalue_expirydate": "2016-09-30T00:00:00+00:00"
        "totalCount": "1"
Field Type Size Description
createdby string 255 fullname from User
creationdate date
description string
expirydate date
promocodeid int Reference to the Promo Code
promocodename string
startdate date
updatedate date
updatedby string 255 fullname from User

Property Types


    "response": {
        "id": "1baabc5a-6a85-42ba-99d0-bb7a922cfdf0",
        "status": "OK",
        "providername": "Operate API",
        "datetimeutc": "27/07/2017 16:47:43",
        "lookuppropertytypess": [
                "row_num": "1",
                "creationdate": "2011-01-15T17:34:42+00:00",
                "outputvalue_creationdate": "2011-01-15T17:34:42+00:00",
                "propertytype": "Leased",
                "outputvalue_propertytype": "Leased",
                "propertytypesid": "606",
                "outputvalue_propertytypesid": "606",
                "updatedate": "2011-01-15T17:34:42+00:00",
                "outputvalue_updatedate": "2011-01-15T17:34:42+00:00"
        "totalCount": "1"
Field Type Size Description
creationdate date
propertytype string
propertytypesid int Reference to the Property Type
updatedate date

Quality Of Space

PUT (minimum & full) JSON Body

    "qualityofspaces": [
            "qualityofspaceid": "",
            "qualityofspacename": "Darren Smith"
Field Type Size Description
qualityofspaceid int Reference to the Quality of Space
qualityofspacename string

Record Type

Definitions for types of records stored in the system, such as [Account, Lead, Contact, Email Campaign, Note, Location etc.


    "response": {
        "id": "968439b0-f0bb-4048-88d6-390169f54efc",
        "status": "OK",
        "providername": "Operate API",
        "datetimeutc": "13/07/2017 14:06:06",
        "recordtypes": [
                "row_num": "1",
                "createdby": "sa",
                "outputvalue_createdby": "sa",
                "creationdate": "2014-02-19T09:12:24+00:00",
                "outputvalue_creationdate": "2014-02-19T09:12:24+00:00",
                "recordtypename": "Account",
                "outputvalue_recordtypename": "Account",
                "recordtypeid": "1",
                "outputvalue_recordtypeid": "1",
                "updatedate": "2014-02-19T09:12:24+00:00",
                "outputvalue_updatedate": "2014-02-19T09:12:24+00:00",
                "updatedby": "sa",
                "outputvalue_updatedby": "sa"
        "totalCount": "1"
Field Type Size Description
createdby string 255 fullname from User
creationdate date
recordtypeid int reference to the Record Type
recordtypename string
updatedate date
updatedby string 255 fullname from User

Schedule Type


    "response": {
        "id": "f265d74f-e190-49b8-bb7a-b51899655099",
        "status": "OK",
        "providername": "Operate API",
        "datetimeutc": "20/07/2017 16:53:24",
        "scheduletypes": [
                "row_num": "1",
                "createdby": "admin",
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Security Groups set access permissions to Operate Users. All users within the group will have the same permissions unless otherwise set on their individual Profiles.


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Setup Checklist


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Space Promoter

This feature allows to publish meeting rooms to online meeting room aggregator websites.


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        "status": "OK",
        "providername": "Operate API",
        "datetimeutc": "20/07/2017 16:20:55",
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                "updatedate": "2017-05-31T09:37:15+00:00",
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Field Type Size Description
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updatedate date

Space Promoter Location

A location that is made available to online Meeting Room Aggregators via the Space Promoter feature.


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        "status": "OK",
        "providername": "Operate API",
        "datetimeutc": "20/07/2017 16:27:11",
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                "outputvalue_creationdate": "2017-03-07T18:07:01+00:00",
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                "outputvalue_updatedate": "2017-03-10T13:36:05+00:00",
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Field Type Size Description
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updatedby string 255 fullname from User
updatedate date

Tax Summary


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        "status": "OK",
        "providername": "Operate API",
        "datetimeutc": "27/07/2017 16:07:37",
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Details for all timezones.

Location references a timezoneid.


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        "providername": "Operate API",
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Field Type Size Description
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updatedate date
updatedby string 255 fullname from User


Allows users to manage the tours they organize at their Location. Reminders can be set and the tour status can be updated to track progress.


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                "uid": "c28720d2-a11e-4753-bd11-df3ae5e6d13e",
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Field Type Size Description
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startdatetime date
starttime date
subject string
taskid int Reference to the Tour
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updatedby string 255 fullname from User



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        "providername": "Operate API",
        "datetimeutc": "25/07/2017 14:03:44",
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Field Type Size Description
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Tracking Device


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Field Type Size Description
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updatedby string 255 fullname from User

Tracking Entries


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        "providername": "Operate API",
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PUT (Minimum) JSON Body

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PUT (Full) JSON Body

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Users are your staff - they have their own login credentials, profiles and email signatures. Users have different permission levels which an Administrator can set.

Account, Activity History, Audit, Dashboard, Dashboard Stat, Licence, Organization, Setting, Task, Tour, User View and Workflow can reference a userid.


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usergroup string 255
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userid int reference to the User


Vendors sell products to your Organization so you can then provide them to your own customers.


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        "datetimeutc": "13/07/2017 12:39:15",
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Field Type Size Description
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creationdate date
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vendor string
vendorsid int Reference to the Vendor


Error Code Meaning
400 Bad Request
401 Unauthorized
404 Not Found
500 Internal Server Error
503 Service Unavailable

2017-09-14 15:06